yes!!! i finally cold approached


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2009
Reaction score
if any of u remember from my very 1st post i mentioned that i had no skills for cold approaching, in fact no chick i have ever gotten in the bed have i met through a cold approach. so my whole goal right now is to get over this hump and i finally took the first step today.

i was at school at 630am sittin in the student center waiting for my 7am accounting class to start. its ironic cuz im listening to tyler durdens "real social dynamics blueprint decoded" in my zune. this nice looking girl walks past me and after bootcamp week 1 ive gotten used to eye contact so we meet eyes and thats it. now my 1st mistake was not smilling and saying hi and trying to stop and talk to her but i get another opportunity cuz she sits in the couch down from mine and stretches out to take a nap. i was about 2 chicken out but tyler durden was in my ear talkin sh!t to me (seriously) so i said what the hell.

me: u need a blanket over ther
her: (looks up @ me smiles) no thank you
me: u know college is for studying not sleeping, if u wanna sleep u need to go back home
her: (laughs)
me: did u go 2 bed late
(cant remeber the dialouge at this point but i was being c&f)
me:whats ur name
her: *****
me: (i then get up to walk over to her couch, stretch my hand out and intro myself)
me:i gotta get outta here and go 2 class (which was true) can i call u sometime?
her: (smiles) how old are you
me: whats your age limit
me: (i really didnt care or get disappointed cuz i was tellin myself that i didnt give a fvuk what her limit was so i confidently say) well im 27
her: well im 17 but ill be 18 on nov 17
me: (in my head im like damn but since i started imma finish) well give me your number and ill just call u on nov 18th
her: ok ###-###-####
me: & how do u spell ur name (cuz i really 4got it)
her: & whats ur name again
me: king_supreme
her:nice meeting you
me: you too

now i deleated her number instantly, im not messin wit no 17 year old and although she will be 18 next month i still dont go that young. what the hell are 17 year olds doin on college campuses anyway? although she wasnt what i was looking 4 im glad i took control of my fear and approached or i wouldve went through the whole day wonderin what if.