Yeah do i still have a chance?


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
there this girl.. she full christian she knows i liked her, ima skip to the part lol.. i got a reply from her saying . she doesn't understand how i could like her soo much when i barely know her.. (i screwed up i no..). she told me shes just looking for friends now.. cuz there is to much pain jumping from relationship to relationship.... she said we could be friends even gave me her number for texting.

Well i talked to her like 2 times after that (small convo..) and she doesn't ignore me or anything. Well I need help with conversing with her. Like wut to say, the right questions? get her comfortable around me. NO FLIRTING , cuz she knows I'm over her. i wanna get to know her better. So yeah and how do i touch her, lol in a friendly way.I heard it helps her get comfortable. Ty for reading this. and NO IM NOT TRYING TO GET IN HER PANTS, abstinence, try it =p
oh and shes not in any of my classes i see her in the halls once or twice a day!

where do i stand?lol
Thank you..:)

EDIT:eek:k....i still have feelings for her.... i forgot to add that...

EDIT: just to stop people to keep saying that i wanna bang her..... I WANNA BANG HER..... now help with conversing and Idk making her laugh....
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Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
You just said that you stand in the Friendzone, don't know why you are asking this question on a forum about how to actually get chicks and not be "friends with them"

Nothing is actually gonna happen between you guys but friends, become friends with her if you want but just be yourself, your not trying to game her afterall


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
The only way out of the friend zone is by fcuking her.

And go away if you're "abstinent" - come back when you can think for yourself.

And FFS - get some coherence in your writing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
1. She friendzoned you

2. She's a Christian

Not much more to say other than move on to the NEXT one.

Oh but also remember in the future to only hook up with and date chicks that have the same views or lack there of on religion as you do.

You set yourself up for tremendous future problems if you are an atheist or agnostic and then try and get a relationship going with a religious chick.

If you are just about fvcking chicks though any is good be it religious or otherwise.

Religious chicks are either true believers which means you will be blue balled until you put the ring on their finger or they are insatiable nymphos due to the repressive nature of their religion.

If they are not the second type you always next as a matter of DJ principle not to mention common sense.

Only an AFC allows himself to be blue balled and manipulated with a girl's "lets wait until marriage con" as its like Rollo always says "true desire is not negotiated" which means even a religious chick that is hardcore in her beliefs will not be able to resist fvcking and sucking a man that really presses her buttons and who she becomes head over heels for and is truly into.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Well.....religious girls build relationship on strong friendships.... Am I right ?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
chiraag2000 said:
Well.....religious girls build relationship on strong friendships.... Am I right ?
Friendship is not the way into a girl's pants or heart.

You need to read and really study over the DJ Bible but for now I will tell you that with any girl you need to build in her anxiety which she eventually interprets as love for you and how you do that is by expressing your sexuality as a man and how you do that is by letting her know that you are a sexual being and interested in her in a sexual way.

Thats not to say you go all pervy or weird or some sh!t but rather you ask whatever girl you are interested in to come hang out with you sometime preferably where you and she are alone together it can be a date request or just a come hang out type of request and as you get to know her and talk with her your body language eye contact and the way you show her that you are not afraid to lightly touch her now and again give off a non verbal signal that what you want from her is not friendship but something much more.

Then if she likes you back things can quickly escalate from there but you have to be a man about it and make your moves and read her body language and reactions to you well so as to make sure she is indeed into you and you are not creeping her out but rather charming her and making her have a good time and maybe even challenging her a bit to prove herself to you in various ways.

So again friendship is not the way to a woman's heart, your manly desire is.

If you are a guy that women find attractive you showing desire for them and going after them in such a way that you want to have them or make them your girl gives them the feeling of being wanted and desired which makes them both feel sexy but puts anxiety pressure on them too that makes them ask themselves the question will I go for this guy or not and if they find you attractive enough they then give themselves to you and could eventually once again interpret their natural anxiety over someone expressing an interest in them as love for you.

If on the other hand you go the f@gg0tty AFC friend's route you know what emotion you inspire in women with that bullsh!t?

Thats right you are placed in the friend box.

They take your overtures into being their friend at face value and this then becomes the worst kind of being stuck in the friendzone in that through your own naivety you placed yourself in that horrible place to be that no guy ever wants to be in when it comes to a girl he's interested in.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Not trying to get in her pants ...... And she's not like other girls ..I'm pretty sure if I be friends with her first I'll have a chance ...I need help on what to say And how to say it ..
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Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
chiraag2000 said:
there this girl.. she full christian she knows i liked her, ima skip to the part lol.. i got a reply from her saying . she doesn't understand how i could like her soo much when i barely know her.. (i screwed up i no..). she told me shes just looking for friends now.. cuz there is to much pain jumping from relationship to relationship.... she said we could be friends even gave me her number for texting.

Well i talked to her like 2 times after that (small convo..) and she doesn't ignore me or anything. Well I need help with conversing with her. Like wut to say, the right questions? get her comfortable around me. NO FLIRTING , cuz she knows I'm over her. i wanna get to know her better. So yeah and how do i touch her, lol in a friendly way.I heard it helps her get comfortable. Ty for reading this. and NO IM NOT TRYING TO GET IN HER PANTS, abstinence, try it =p
oh and shes not in any of my classes i see her in the halls once or twice a day!

where do i stand?lol
Thank you..:)

EDIT:eek:k....i still have feelings for her.... i forgot to add that...
If you're not trying to bang her, how can you say you have feelings for her? That makes no sense to me.

I think you "want to be her friend", because in your mind, that is eventually going to lead to something physical between you two. It doesn't work that way, though.

Basically dude, you're making a nice guy mistake. The friend route is not going to lead to a close relationship between you two. It's going to lead to a dead end friendship. If you tell her you like her, you never flirt, you never tease her, and you completely desexualize yourself like you're doing, than you will have absolutely NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER at ever being someone she is attracted to, let alone someone she'll sleep with.


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
chiraag2000 said:
Not trying to get in her pants ...... And she's not like other girls ..I'm pretty sure if I be friends with her first I'll have a chance ...I need help on way to say .hj a. And how to say it ..
Believe me, she is like the other girls. No matter how "good" you think a girl is, they all have basic human desires. You'd be surprised at how quick a "good girl" will throw herself on you when she knows you won't judge her.


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
chiraag2000 said:
there this girl.. she full christian she knows i liked her, ima skip to the part lol.. i got a reply from her saying . she doesn't understand how i could like her soo much when i barely know her.. (i screwed up i no..). she told me shes just looking for friends now.. cuz there is to much pain jumping from relationship to relationship.... she said we could be friends even gave me her number for texting.

Well i talked to her like 2 times after that (small convo..) and she doesn't ignore me or anything. Well I need help with conversing with her. Like wut to say, the right questions? get her comfortable around me. NO FLIRTING , cuz she knows I'm over her. i wanna get to know her better. So yeah and how do i touch her, lol in a friendly way.I heard it helps her get comfortable. Ty for reading this. and NO IM NOT TRYING TO GET IN HER PANTS, abstinence, try it =p
oh and shes not in any of my classes i see her in the halls once or twice a day!

where do i stand?lol
Thank you..:)

EDIT:eek:k....i still have feelings for her.... i forgot to add that...
Lol you got A LOT of work to do my friend (in dj terms). And im sorry, but FUK ABSTINENCE haha


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah I no I screwed up.but I won't give up I'll keep ya updated on what goes on tomorrow
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Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Not trying to get in her pants"


Don't bullsh!t a bullsh!tter.

If you are not a gay male you are trying to get in her pants.

No need to lie to any of us about that.

The fact that you are even here on this forum shows us all what your intentions are with her and that is to get up to your nuts in her guts.

"And she's not like other girls"

Sure she isn't.

Thats what all guys say about their oneitis until they catch their fantasy girl with another guy's tongue down her throat who stepped up to her like a man and let her know that he desired her.

"..I'm pretty sure if I be friends with her first I'll have a chance"

Well you're dead wrong but have it your way.

When you fall flat on your face and she permaneantly friendzones you, you'll come back here with new eyes where you'll be ready to listen and learn.

Hey though good luck with that friendship first plan anyway. :crackup:


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah I'm not here to argue with anyone.......I've never dated/kissed Hdh a girl before, not gay LOL wat y'all are saying is right bout me being a nice guy..and I really don't know what I'm doing LOL ...Iih don't even know what I'm doing ..I'll be back touujh I mean5; though ...typos LOL ..yeah but I'll keep y'all updated ....I really need help withnconversing ....tyu


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
chiraag2000 said:
Yeah I no I screwed up.but I won't give up I'll keep ya updated on war goes on tomorrow
Dude,I can tell you're new here. And like some of the other members have already said,you've got a lot to learn. You just don't get it,but this is the high school forum afterall,so it's no surprise. You say that you won't give up and that the "war" goes on. LOL:crackup: ,the war is already over with. You've already lost,you just don't know it yet because you're still young and inexperienced. The second she told you that she was just "looking for friends",your fate was sealed. TRANSLATION TIME!---When she told you that she wasn't looking for a relationship,what she actually meant was she wasn't looking for a relationship......with YOU.

Don't believe me? Just wait and see. When she comes up to you within the next couple of weeks talking about some new guy who she's been dating,don't be surprised because we're telling you this all right now.
You're going to end up all shocked and confused scratching your head trying to figure out why she's in a relationship all of the sudden when she told you that she wasn't looking for one. In fact,maybe this is what needs to happen.
The important thing is that you learn. You can listen to the forum,or you can just go out and get burned a couple of times with women. Either way,learning is learning.


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2009
Reaction score
LOL bout "war" I'm on the iPhonet every time I type wat it says war.....LOL armored ...


Don Juan
Aug 9, 2008
Reaction score
New York, NY / Chapel Hill, NC

there was no facepalm smiley, so that will have to do (they should make one though)

dude. NEVER try to become friends with a chick to get with her, women see throught hat instantly. and then they know you're trying to do them, they think its creepy, and you lose.

youve already lost this one. next her. youve got a lot to the DJ bible. subscribe to the email **** on this site. read. read some more. go out and buy some dating books if you need to.

best of luck,

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
If you want to be her friend you have to give up on wanting a relationship with her. If you don't you'll be miserable and no man or woman is worth misery.