****y Funny Is Awesome!


Don Juan
Jul 21, 2006
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I would like your thoughts on my story.

I'm a 26 year old man that went out bar hopping alone this past weekend. At the first bar I chatted up this older women (late 30's) who after a minute of talking told me "sit next to me, I wont' bite". We talked about how it was bad for me to generalize people. My C&F routine was working nice because she keep talking to me every time I told an offensive joke with my TOPGUN SMILE. I finished up my beer and politly thanked her for a good conversation.

Next club blew major chunks because it was all dancing but with lots of groups that I didn't find attractive.

Next I hit a Euro type bar/lounge that was more up my alley. I sat near the corner to get a better view of the bar when Mrs. Robinson (late 40's) stood next to me. We chatted about a story I made on the fly about my friend cheating on his girl. She gave advice and admitted to cheating on her ex-husband. As the drinks keep coming we laughed until I dropped the BOMB!. She brought up an interesting fact about the bartender. He was clearly being more attentive towards a pair of blonde HB8. I noticed them early on but ignored them when they were getting hit on by 2 guys, which got me a 'stare' from one of them.

After 4 beers I got a little loud and told my Mrs. Robinson that the bartender obviously hasn't had a hot women because he'd know that a womens beauty pales in comparison with what she can do in bed. I went on about how I had hot girls who "SUCKED IN BED" and that I don't fall for false advertisements.

At that moment when the last words spilled out of my ass (that's where I was getting them from) I immediatley felt shame and regret especially when the couple next to us stared at me just like the two HB8 blondes were doing. But as soon as that happened my worries changed into a huge excitement in my pants and I was horny as a toad.


My companion, who was still there, continued to talk and laugh with me, while one of the HB8's started to stare at me hard with those "I can't believe you said that and I can't believe I find you interesting" looks.

It was nuts. I thought I would seriouly get crap from someone but nobody said anything negative. My companion eventually left after I failed to make a move and I was to timid to talk to the girls so I left to the last bar.

The last bar was absolutely crazy. It was a college bar with hot drunk college chicks dancing around. I was not even 5 minutes in da club when a girl said I was cute and grabed me to dance. I kissed her neck and grabbed her ass. I did this with another chick and she loved it. As I made another trip to the bathroom I met this hot asian target that was sexy as hell. I pointed to her male companion in the distance and asked her if that was her boyfriend she said no and that's when I went in for the kill. I curled up my index finger and told her to come here. She got scared until I told her "COME HERE, I WON'T BITE" SHE CAME and I asked her what type of guy she goes out with. blah blah I cut her loose because I got scarred and then left.

I guess I'm still a newbie at this because I'm still in awe that C&F really works.:rock:


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2003
Reaction score
David D said C&F isn't a routine, it's just a tool you use. Doing C&F a time or two will make her interested. "Wow, I can't believe he'd say that" but if you keep doing it, they will get tired of it.