"****y and Funny:" A Myth Destroyed

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Yes... you read right. Now I know what you are thinking... "Are you kidding me Reloaded... you are trying to dispel one of the most coveted tools in a Don Juan's arsenal?" That would be correct. I think the whole "****y and funny" idea as gotten way out of hand and I will explain what it really is. It's not that I am saying that it is a bad thing to use... it's just that I am almost certain that 95% of you guys are using it wrong and are probably wondering what the heck is going on. I have seen guys use this technique more and more incorrectly ever since I have been in the field trying to complete those missions you guys have been sending me on.

First realize this: "****y and Funny" is not a technique... it is an attitude. If you are not a "****y" person (like me) or a "funny" person (also like me) then this technique will only come off as mechanical and very fake. Understand that although women are not very logical creatures... they are better bull**** spotters than we could ever be... and believe me, if you are not any of those two things naturally or have become them over time... they will know it. For example: everyone that knows me, knows that I am a very arrogant individual (sue me) it is a point that I do not attempt to hide... realize that arrogance and bragging are two very different things. I am extremely (and most people think overly so) confident in my ability however I do not feel the need to reinforce to people how great I am every five minutes. People just know that I am a ****y guy when they first meet me. Notice the difference? Girls can notice my ****iness before I even speak a word... now here's the kicker: Many people are put off by ****iness, however because I am a funny guy and I do not take myself seriously people accept my arrogance.

Bottom line is this: This technique is pretty much useless you are a ****y person and a funny person. I never even knew that "****y and funny" was a Don Juan technique because it has come so natural to me now for about a year and a half. I never say to myself, "I wonder if I should say something ****y yet funny to this girl?" That is just the way I am as a person ever since I stopped being such a chump. A true seducer has to make his seduction seem natural... not mechanical. That "fake it, until you make it" crap may work in HS... but past that people can smell a phony miles away. Whenever I see guys try to be "****y yet funny" I just have to laugh... especially when I know these people personally... it looks so fake and I know girls can tell if I can. So remember guys: either become an arrogant, yet witty person... or learn different techniques to get women.

Second realize this: If you have this attitude naturally... understand that it cannot work effectively if done over and over and over... etc. Girls will think that you are some kind of joke (I have learned this the hard way... believe me) Unfortunately at some point you have to give people some kind of substance. In order to compensate for my arrogant, brash, crazy exterior... when people get to know me a little better, they see someone who is a little sensitive and is actually a very deep thinker. When people get to know me better... especially girls, I always throw them bits and pieces of someone who just isn't completely arrogant. You have to learn to vary your rountine a little... because let's face it... even someone who always makes you laugh... gets boring after awhile.

It's back to the field my friends... I shall return.

The Matrix: Reloaded
Apr 18, 2003
Reaction score
Fayetteville, Arkansas
DAMMIT!!! You beat me to writing this post! It's so very true sadly. Being ****y and funny is something that is a mindset or an attitude as stated previously. I always see people at school trying to be funny and ****, but the matter of the fact is.....they look like jackasses more than anything else. Want a good example? Watch those dating shows like Dismissed or Blind Date. The dude tries to use C+F, but makes himself look like an idiot both in my eyes, and in the chick on the show. If you aren't "naturally" funny or ****y, then develop it rather than fake it. How do you do this? By watching a lot of comedy, preferably stand-up comedy.. Watch a lot of it. Or hang out with funny people a lot, That's what I did before when I was lil Ded.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 26, 2003
Reaction score
Posted by Matrix:

Second realize this: If you have this attitude naturally... understand that it cannot work effectively if done over and over and over... etc. Girls will think that you are some kind of joke (I have learned this the hard way... believe me) Unfortunately at some point you have to give people some kind of substance. In order to compensate for my arrogant, brash, crazy exterior... when people get to know me a little better, they see someone who is a little sensitive and is actually a very deep thinker. When people get to know me better... especially girls, I always throw them bits and pieces of someone who just isn't completely arrogant. You have to learn to vary your rountine a little... because let's face it... even someone who always makes you laugh... gets boring after awhile.

My god, you are the chosen one...sorry, just saw Reloaded yesterday (best f*cking movie of this year). Its like you just read my mind.

I was just going to wright up a post asking why my C&F isn't working. I think that I am successful at C&F, I sometimes get them laughing so hard they have tears in their eyes (no joke). But the next time I see them its a different story. Now I realize its because I do the C&F thing way toooo much.

Some girls (especailly the academic types) don't really take me seriously, they think I just joke and have fun all the time. This doesn't sound bad, but to some of these girls, it will seem that I am irresponsible and immature even though I make them laugh. Cause I am never serious around them.

So I'm gonna do what you suggest, throw in some deep and insightful convo once in a while, just to keep them on thier feet. Thanx Matrix.

There is no spoon...or is there? We'll see in NOV :eek:



Don Juan
May 8, 2003
Reaction score
Can someone become C+F by changing their attitude, or is it a lost cause?


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
matrix, its a shame i only know you over the internet :(. this post was fantastically amazing.

theres only one thing i'm not tooooo sure about, how would you explain people's success with NLP? It seems to me that hearing "imagine your licking the big tasty ice cream and you feel it go to the back of your throat" etc would sound like a big metaphor to the girl telling her what you want, but easy to catch.

i love the last paragraph. a friend of mine has mastered that (or i believe it comes naturally). people love to be around him.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
First realize this: "****y and Funny" is not a technique... it is an attitude. If you are not a "****y" person (like me) or a "funny" person (also like me) then this technique will only come off as mechanical and very fake. Understand that although women are not very logical creatures... they are better bull**** spotters than we could ever be... and believe me, if you are not any of those two things naturally or have become them over time... they will know it. For example: everyone that knows me, knows that I am a very arrogant individual (sue me) it is a point that I do not attempt to hide... realize that arrogance and bragging are two very different things. I am extremely (and most people think overly so) confident in my ability however I do not feel the need to reinforce to people how great I am every five minutes. People just know that I am a ****y guy when they first meet me. Notice the difference? Girls can notice my ****iness before I even speak a word... now here's the kicker: Many people are put off by ****iness, however because I am a funny guy and I do not take myself seriously people accept my arrogance.

The Matrix: Reloaded
Heh I really thought you gone wrong on this one, untill I saw the first lines of this paragraph.
Exactly so !

I have this attitude as well, and sometimes I go overboard, but fvck, at least I'm learning from my mistakes.

And Zoso yes, you can change your attitude and become anything.
Cos only not so long ago I wasn't so C+F, but I watched a lot of comedy, and also made a few very funny friends with different stiles of humor.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Zoso
Can someone become C+F by changing their attitude, or is it a lost cause?
Of course you can become this way because I was not naturally a funny person. You are going to need two things to develop such an attitude however... a lot of confidence, and a sense of humor. There are plenty of links of both of these topics, so I would recommend that you check them out and they will help you a lot.

theres only one thing i'm not tooooo sure about, how would you explain people's success with NLP?
That's actually a good question. I think people are successful with Neuro-Linguistic Programming simply because it is just that... programming. All NLP is, is taking advantage how people are and think instinctively. That's the difference between technique and attitude. A technique can be mechanical somewhat (although you should make your techniques... like kino... seem as natural as possible) An attitude can not seem mechanical, because women can see right through that.

The Matrix... Reloading


Senior Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
I somehow see this site as a kind of NLP as well.
When you read something enough times you become to think it is true, and it becomes ingrained in your head.
Not that it is bad though.

Oh yeah and I don't consider kino a technique. It was at firs, and at that time I was bad at it, but the more I did it, the less I thought abouth doing it.
Now the word kino comes to my mind only when I read it on this forum.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
Reworded: C&F is (or should be) apart of your personality, not just another 'technique'. Very true M.

However, on the 'fake it until you make it' thing, I disagree. C&F has become a part of who I am because I went out there and 'faked' it, you need the practice. After that you just keep doing it until it's natural.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by fragmentor
Reworded: C&F is (or should be) apart of your personality, not just another 'technique'. Very true M.

However, on the 'fake it until you make it' thing, I disagree. C&F has become a part of who I am because I went out there and 'faked' it, you need the practice. After that you just keep doing it until it's natural.
But alas, Fragmentor... you did not "fake it until you make it" you practiced until it became apart of your personality... there is a difference. For example: If you never learned how to ride a bike... would you go out a join a motorcross team? Of course not. You would toil, sweat, and train first... then think about joining the team. A lot of guys go out and act like they have the ****y yet funny persona down to intrinsic knowledge and they end up trying too hard... I don't believe this was the case with yourself.

Also... take into consideration what BBB was talking about in his post in response to mine. You have to have the passion to make it apart of your personality. A lot of guys don't really want to be ****y... but are only so because it is considered a good technique to use... women can see right through that. However if you are really passionate about making this apart of your personality... even when you are just starting to do it, it will seem very natural to women.

The Matrix... Reloading


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Brilliant. I agree on the part where you can smell a bull****ter a mile away. One of my friends tried to act funny today and came back with a line to a girl in our class...well, he won't be walking normally for a while. Oh yeah, when are we going to see the debut of "The Matrix: Revolutions" on this forum?

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by crazykid
Oh yeah, when are we going to see the debut of "The Matrix: Revolutions" on this forum?
Soon... very soon


Warner Bros. and the Wachowski brothers should start paying me for promotion or something.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!

I'd like to put some emphASSis on two points:

1) If your a DJ, you SHOULD be arrogant. Once your Arrogant, you just need to tweak your general perspective and BOOM C+F.

2) I forget what the 2nd point was, lol, I left to eat dinner while I Was writing this, sorry guys.

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Good post. Like with the economy, the law of supply and demand also go for things like c + f. Don't supply it all the time. If used sparingly, it will generate higher demand.


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
But alas, Fragmentor... you did not "fake it until you make it" you practiced until it became apart of your personality... there is a difference. For example: If you never learned how to ride a bike... would you go out a join a motorcross team? Of course not. You would toil, sweat, and train first... then think about joining the team. A lot of guys go out and act like they have the ****y yet funny persona down to intrinsic knowledge and they end up trying too hard...
Ah very good point. I stand corrected.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Hey Guys,

People are not naturally born ****y or funny. It's a skillset. Understanding the uses of callback humor, funny facial expressions, and body language add to your flirting, negging, and teasing to make any kind of disses attractive, playful, and fun.

Chemistry makes some great points about C&F. If you wish to learn more about comedy, read "Secrets of Comedy Writing", watch comedians (live and on tv or via audios), and practice your delivery. It's all about delivery in both Standup Acts and your PUA Sarges.

You will gain attraction will good-ball-bustin, but you'll always need to phase shift to QUALIFY after you bust-balls. After dissing/negging/flirting/push-pull, I'll always calibrate when to compliment. Then phase-shift into rapport. By ball-bustin the entire night without noticing something about her that's cool/unique and/or demonstrating that you find there is something about her that you like (ie her sense of humor, personality, etc.) then it makes it a lot more difficult to build RAPPORT.

Here's some examples of how I've done ball-busting mixed with qualifying from the field (this can be particularly useful if you have a ball-busting wing and he goes too far also...for example, you wing negs her harshly and you retort, "Hey, she's A-crowd...cummon" or something similar:

[Start with Ball-busting]
HB: Yeah. I just got back from the library...I've been studying all day for my exams.
Papa: Ahhhh. I see. You are a scholar...dork!
HB: Hahaha. Yeah. I know...I spend waaay too much time there. I am an overachiever.

[Continue C&F with role-playing]
Papa: Yeah. I know...I am your number one fan. You should go on tour and start a library fan club. Over-achievers are really hard to find nowadays.
HB: Hahaaha.

[More patronizing and C&F role-playing]
Papa: Sweet! You laugh at my jokes. You are my new girlfriend.
HB: Hahaha. Wait, what if I don't want to be your girlfriend.
Papa: We're broken up.
HB: Hey, you can't break up with me.
Papa: That's ok. You can still be my homegirl. In fact, if you can sing, you can be my backup singer when I start a boy band.
HB: Hahahaaha.

[Time to throw in compliment and qualifying cuz I've demonstrated higher value with a good sense of humor and ball-busting; however, continue light C&F]
Papa: Holy ****! You are still laughing at my jokes. I...love...you...unconditionally.
HB: Hahahahhaa.
Papa: You know, when I first starting talking to you, I thought that you were just another boring library chick, but now that I've gotten to talk to you, I think that you're pretty cool...and you laugh at my jokes. High five, homegirl. [high five]
HB: Cool. Hahaha. Thanks.

[Now that I've qualified, I calibrate whether to go into RAPPORT mode or back to ATTRACT and repeat the process; for the purposes of demonstrating 101, I go to ATTRACT...the C&F role-playing continues]
Papa: Now that we're homies, you should know that this is...is...[putting cool big red sunglasses on face]...the...mother****ing...A...Crowd (sp).
HB: Hahahha.
Papa: Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tiger. Let's stick together kid [wrapping arm around HB], we'll go along way.
HB: Hahahaha.
Papa: Wait up. Wait up. Do you have cable?
HB: Yeah.

[Time to QUALIFY her in a C&F way]
Papa: Sweet. You...[slowly take off sunglasses]...are...[move sunglasses towards HB]...in...[place sunglasses on HB]...A...Crowd.
HB: Hahaha.
Papa: You're awesome. You are one of us.
[HB smiles and poses]

[Papa decides to regress again to ATTRACT mode and takes his sunglasses back...and continues with C&F callback humor to demonstrate more value]
Papa: Wait up. I don't know if we can hang with each other.
HB: What?
Papa: I don't think we can hang with each other...[pause]...we are too similar...we are both A-crowd over-achivevers.
HB: Hahhaaha.

[Once again, Papa progresses to QUALIFY mode]
Papa: No, kiddo. I'm just kidding. God, you great stuff...you are still laughing at my jokes.
HB: You have a good sense of humor. You are cool. So, what do you study?

[Papa notices that he has enough attraction because of the compliment and the IOI of a question for more info about Papa...so Papa decides to switch to RAPPORT mode]
Papa: Business. [Papa begins general rapport]

I'll continue the conversation now with conversational threads and jokes here and there...I may regress back to ball-busting if I haven't yet escalated the convo into deep rapport; however, once I establish deep rapport, I most likely transition to SEDUCE mode if I am in a sex location or I'll move locations and repeat the process of ATTRACT to QUALIFY to RAPPORT until I calibrate the chick is ready for me to amplify the rapport deeper and sexually, and if I am in a hookup location.




Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Girls will think that you are some kind of joke
Yeah, I hear that. I've been going very C&F lately, and girls respond pretty damn well to it. Matter of fact, most of the time I just all-out insult them and they respond well to that too. The problem is, when I try to close or go for kino, they think I'm joking or trying to play a trick on them or something.

It's a good tool, but it shouldn't be the only element in your game.

Btw, Pap, are you the same Pap from ASF?


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pap
You will gain attraction will good-ball-bustin, but you'll always need to phase shift to QUALIFY after you bust-balls. After dissing/negging/flirting/push-pull, I'll always calibrate when to compliment. Then phase-shift into rapport. By ball-bustin the entire night without noticing something about her that's cool/unique and/or demonstrating that you find there is something about her that you like (ie her sense of humor, personality, etc.) then it makes it a lot more difficult to build RAPPORT.
I heard that. However some of your material in that particular convo didn't seem to make sense/got repetitive/just wasn't funny.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
Yes, I am the same Pap from mASF. And yes, much of the C&F didn't make sense and it doesn't have to be funny to everyone...the point is just to use the humor to knock the girl off her pedestal. As long as the girl is laughing, whether cuz it's funny, or cuz you are bustin on her and she likes it, it's all good.

Yeah...here's another field report to show C&F usage to ATTRACT...nowadays, I walk into a bar...or a party...and, like Craig, I think the place is my ****in house!!! Cuz it is! I RULE!!! Well, some alpha male other guys invited my roommate, Tom, and I to a house party.

We roll over to the party...and talk about how we will compete for points for high-fives and kisses. I start it off and roll around the house party...giving high fives, glib comments, and spins. After getting some social proof, I run my usual Game on a HB in the corner.

Well, I roll up to a HB sitting on a couch...[the room is all foggy cuz of some fog machine]...and after amassing massive social proof, I'm ready to play with her.

ME: Yo. What's up?!?
HB: Hey.
ME: So the party's over here.
HB: I dunno.
ME: No, no, no. I mean, the PARTY is OVER HERE (sp).
HB: Haahhahahahaa. Yes. It looks like it is over here.
ME: Hey there, champ. This is the ****in A-crowd. A-crowd. [I take off my red sunglasses and put them on my face and then snub my nose in the air]
HB: Hahahahaa.
ME: Aww. You are sweet, kid. You laugh at my jokes. I...love...you......unconditionally.
HB: Hahahaahaaha.
ME: You know what...I am going to adopt you. No. Whoa, whoa, whoa. That doesn't sound right. I am going to marry you...then...I am going to divorce you...and take half of your money.
HB: Well, hopefully you are very rich...cuz I'll take half of your money too.
ME: Well, on second thought...I think we should stick together. Kiddo, you stick with me...and we'll go a long way.
HB: Hey, what's your name? Who do you know here?
ME: I'm Papa. Well, my roommate went to high school with a guy here named Christian.
HB: Cooool. I know Christian.
ME: Wow, you are tooooo cool, rocky.
HB: Hahahaaha.
ME: My God, I am getting soooooo hot (sp).
HB: Yeah.
ME: Yeah...I mean look at all the steam coming off me. [I am referring to the fog].
HB: It's probably me...my body just gets so cold and the heat in this house is so hot that it causes all this fog.
ME: I don't think we'll get along...we are too similar.
HB: Hahahahahaha.
ME: You know what, my friend, Craig, he was just on Elimidate.
HB: Oh...my...god...I love Elimidate. Was he the contestant or the guy the girls were chasing after?
ME: He was a contestant...in fact, it's the funniest thing...he sent me the show in an email. Here [taking out my clie] write down you email address and phone number and I'll send it to you.
HB: Sure. [she writes the info down].

RING RING [my cell phone rings]...It's my roommate and he's calling me away from the chick. I decide to eject and head across the street.

Tom's talking up the party across the street...saying it's ALL young, hot, horny FRESHMAN and SOPHOMORE girls. He was RIGHT!!! Kick-ass!

After rolling around the party and doing standard short-set theory for amassing social proof...I walk outside with some beers and start chatting up girls. Tom runs into a chick that he has been making-out with so I find a hottie 2-set of my own.

ME: Hey, what's up, homegirls. [I open with high fives]
HB1: Hey, buddy.
HB2: What's up.
ME: [spin HB2] So it looks like the party has just arrived (sp).
HBs: Hahahaha.
ME: Hey there, kiddos...of course it has...we're ****in champs (sp).
HBs: Yeah.
ME: Yeah. [then I run the A-crowd routine] Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can only stay and talk for 30 seconds, but I want to get a female opinion on something. I'm thinking about living with girls next year.
HB1: Oh. You should be very careful. Are these girls going to be jealous if you bring girls home with you?
HB2: Girls can be very problematic to live with you know.
ME: Yeah, I am not sure. I met these girls from the Badger Herald newspaper and I'm not sure if it's a good idea cuz I don't know them.
HB2: You better be careful...you are meeting girls you don't know.
ME: Well, hey there, Rocky...you know I am a shy guy.
HB2: No you're not
ME: You're right. [high five] You are my new ****in homegirl. [I wrap my arm around her]
HBs: Hahahahaha.
ME: Yeah. You know what. I...LOVE...YOU...unconditionally. I am going to adopt you...know I can't do that...I am going to marry you...but then I'll divorce you...and take half your money.
HBs: Hahahahaa.
ME: No, we should stick together, kid. We'll go a long way.
HB1: I am HB1.
HB2: I am HB2.
ME: I am Papa.
HB1: So what's you major?
ME: Guess.
HB1: I dunno, business.
ME: Close.
HB1: Economics.
ME: Yes.
HB1: Cool.
HB2: How did you get the name Papa?
ME: Well, have you ever seen the movie, Chevy Chase's Las Vegas Vacation?
HBs: Yes.
ME: Well, in the movie, there is this 18 year old guy, Nick Papageorgio, who wins $1 million in the lottery...and he spends his money on an entreage...and large parties...so my friends named me after him...cuz when I was a Freshman Geek...that's what I used to do.
HB1: Hey, I am a freshman.
HB2: Yeah.
ME: Oh, you guys are cool. [me looking away and coughing] DORKS!
HBs: Hahahahahaa.
HB2: So what year are you?
ME: Senior.
HB1: So what are you going to do for work.
ME: Well, I will have 2 jobs, a fun one, and one for money.
HB1: What are they?
ME: Which one do you want to know, the fun one or the business one?
HB1: Both. You are marrying my girlfriend so I have to know.
ME: Hey, **** this [back turn with a glance behind my shoulder]. I am going to go pickup guys now.
HBs: Well, that's cool...we love each other.
ME: [turning around] Whoa, whoa, whoa. Careful there, champs. This Rocky might get aroused.
HB1: Ok. So what's your job?
ME: Well, I am an ass model.
HB1: Really?
ME: No...DORK!
HB1: Hahahaha. Well, I am sooo gullible.
ME: Well, I don't think we'll get along. We are too similar. We're both champs.
HBs: Hahahaha.
ME: Yeah. You ever see that movie Pearl Harbor...you know that scene where Ben Affleck is looking at the airplane. Well, that's my ass. [props to Craig for this]
HBs: Hahahahah.
HB1: Oh, baby! Well, let's get a feel to see it. Come on, HB2, let's check this ass out.
ME: [turning around while HBs feel my ass]
HB1: Oooooo. It's nice and tight.
HB2: I like it very much.
ME: Mmmmmm.
HBs: Hahahaah.

[some guy pulls HB1 away so I'm left isolated with HB2]

ME: You ****in rock, kid. You really are my ****in homegirl.
HB2: Yeah. Coool.
ME: Yeah...you know my friend Craig was just on Elimidate...he sent it to me in email...it's the funniest thing.
HB2: Really? That's soooo cool!
ME: Yeah...here [take out my Clie] write down your phone number and email address...I'll send it to you.
HB2: Cool. I'd like that.
ME: You know what...I want to see you again, do you want to see me.
HB2: Yeah. Here I'll give you my cell phone and home phone. Call me multiple times and leave lots of message for me cuz if I am out then I'll have my cell phone so you'll want to contact me at both phone numbers.
ME: Hmmm. Ok. We'll see about that. Yeah, well, you know, I am going to Toronto in a few hours.
HB2: Cool. I love Toronto so much.
ME: Yeah...I am visiting my friend 26...he's called 26 cuz he is 26 years old...he's a funny guy. In fact, he is in the Guinness Book of World Records for giving the most high fives in 4 hours...we went to this notorious club called Guvernment....and he had a guy follow him around to tally it all.
HB2: That's so cool. I have fun friends like that too..
ME: Yeah...the coolest part is that he met his new girlfriend there...and now he sends me emails asking for dating advice.
HB2: Sweet!

[my roommate calls me again on his cell phone and he wants to go back to the other party...so I get ready to eject]

ME: Well, I gotta go back to the party across the street. That was my roommate.
HB2: Cool. Call me when you get back into town.
ME: I will, kid. [transition to 100 Percent Handshake Spin Makeout Move...and then eject to the other party]

I stay at the party and work short-set method some more...the coolest part of the end of the night was there was this one HB9 who Tom and I were working...remember, we are competing for high fives and kisses...and it's almost the end of the night.

ME: [high five]
HB: What's up?
Tom: [high five...and reciprocal kisses on the cheek]
ME: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Come here homegirl. [100 Percent Handshake Spin Makeout]
HB: Ooooo.
ME: Yeah. You are my ****in homegirl.
HB: Hahaha. Cool.
ME: Yeah. But you know what, I'm not sure if I can hang with you...we are too similar. Wait up, do you have cable?
HB: Yeah.
ME: Sweet!!! [High five] I love you!
HB: Hahahah.
ME: Yeah...I am marrying you...and then divorcing you and then taking half your money.
HB: Hey there.
ME: Look champ. You know what, **** that. Stick with me kid and we'll go a long way.

[An UG comes by with some guy]

UG: Hey, what's going on here.
HB: We are talking about relationships.
ME: Yeah. That's right, you are my ****ing homegirl. [I give the girl another kiss and we start tonguing each other down]
UG: Hey. Get off my girlfriend. Her boyfriend is standing right behind her. [apparently the guy the UG was with was her boyfriend]
ME: Sweet! High five, bro. [the chump gives me a high five]

I eject from the set and the AFC drags the GF and UG outside of the house party. Hahaha. It was a pretty sweet night...house parties are sooo easy to hookup. And nobody wants to get in fights cuz everyone thinks that you are friends with others' friends...so you can makeout with a guy's GF right in front of him. However, I guess this works outside of house parties too...and even if things went down, I have wings to back me up. Oh, I LOVE the GAME!


Don Juan
May 8, 2003
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wondeful post reloaded...
thats the way im am more funny than ****y but is not hard being ****y if you know how to do it...
and thats why probably a lot girls in my school like me... i don't tell lies when im saying that im capable of whooping somebodys ass if im mad at them, i never have a bigger mouth than the capacity that i can handle...
thats another good advice... i think at least =D