I've posted on this before and I'll post again. The guy is in no way at all qualified on the subject, and is a crackpot.
1. Virtually everything the average male does (eg masturbation, sex) causes penis problems "for no sexual orgasm". Regardless of what all medical science and personal experience tell us
2. Every problem is magically treatable with products, which he just so conveniently sells.
If that doesn't set off alarms, you must be pretty new to the internet. But if that's not bad enough, actually look around. Saying his theories are a bit extreme is an understatement.
Check these out:
Apparently anal sex causes HIV because it weakens the immune system (not becuase the rectum tears much easier, go figure..)
Ah the good old masturbation makes you blind arguement..
Apparently exercise will shrink the penis and screw up the chemistry of your blood for days if you have sex after heavy exercise.
And what I find most amazing.. I CANNOT believe people take him seriously when he says stuff like this:
Apparently ****ing the family dog will give women awesome orgasms because their seman is 3 degrees warmer.
This guy is either seriously disturbed or more likely, playing a huge practical joke while making some money in the process. Please don't take him seriously for a second.