WTF? i don't get it


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2008
Reaction score
So today i went out with one of my friends who smokes and drinks and his friends who smoke and drink. I dont drink and smoke. We go to this courtyard that right next to the beach and hang out. my friend starts meeting some new people, they also smoke, they all start smoking. Most of the time im kind of hovering around, just smiling and laughing to keep the vibe while they talk about drugs,there trips, guitars, random band memebers ive never heard of etc.

so i look around the courtyard and see like 200~ high school students smoking drinking and talking and im like WTF, i don't get it. these people spend 4-7 hrs just doing stupid ****, talking smoking and drinking, things i could do anywhere else while i do something else, something more creative and amusing than just smoking and drinking. I would have much rather have stayed home and played video games/watched a movie/ read a book/ invite a friend over, than go smoke drink and talk for hrs while do absolutley nothing. Now, dont get me wrong, im not anti social, i love talking and laughing with people, but while im doing some creative, entertaining, or really anythng as long as it requires some attention.

I feel like all these "popular" guys are not really popular, there just people with nothing else better to do than better other people who have nothing else better to do than drink and smoke. my friends aren't the most alpha, and most of them have never kissed a girl, but they are random, fun, admirable. Everyone in school thinks half of them are a bit a weird (one of the guys in my grade (which only has 50 people) says im the link between my group of friends and the rest of the grade cause i talk to everyone) but they're funny and chillin'.

i have a question to, for those than dont smoke or drink (or dont drink too much) how do u deal with the people who do, espcially the girls that smoke (i dont mind drinking too much since i cant smell it and it feels more acceptable). the smell of ciggaretes is such an annoying thing to me, i really really really hate it, which is another reason why i dont like to go out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
A great deal can be told about a man simply through the company he keeps.

It's true.

They may not be bad people, but they aren't the type of people i would spend my free time with. Every moment of life is valuable; why waste time with people who have other interests and do things that you don't like?

Simply because they're "popular" ???


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
^excellent advice

Id also like to point out a few things tho.

1. I can understand how your against smoking. Not alot of people do it as compared to drinking, and some are okay with it while others despise it. No problem there.

2. That being said, I think you need to kinda expand your horizons a bit. Look at it this way: Your in highschool. A good amount of people drink, and an average amount of people smoke. Now think of what college is going to be like. Almost everyone is going to be drinking, and a good amount of people are going to be smoking.

Reason why Im saying #2 is because you cant just avoid people and stay at home to hang out with your weird friends just because you hate drinking. Smoking is understandable; thats something that can be avoided cuz theres always a bunch of people that drink but dont smoke. At one point or another, your gonna have to get used to the fact that drinking is a big social part of the lives of highschoolers and college kids. Im not saying you have to go out and get drunk with them, im not even saying you have to drink a sip of beer, im just saying that you shouldnt let drinking affect your attitude and the way you act around people/the people you hang out with. Its just a part of life at this age; and whether you drink or not, its something that imo you'll have to just get used to eventually.

Hope that helps.

Don Zorro

Don Juan
Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Drinking (and less so smoking, depending on the culture) are social things to do. You have to understand that they're a part of society and you'll have to be around them most of your life. It's a way to bring people together and gets people to loosen up, more so than just the inherent effects of the drugs. When it comes to drinking, just accept that people will be doing it and that it's normal. Learn not to look down your nose at them. Can't give much advice on girls who smoke besides if you don't like it then don't get involved. I've avoided many a girl who was a heavy smoker and regret nothing.