WR Publication #0002: Dance Classes

White Rose

New Member
Jul 19, 2006
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White Rose Publication #0002
Dance Classes
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White Rose chooses to publish it's articles in the first person. All articles are written to be one person's experiences; when in fact, they may be the experiences and opinions of many people.

I'll give everyone here a little tip that is almost guaranteed to help you meet plenty of women: take dance lessons. Im talking about ballroom style dances (swing, tango, salsa, waltz, etc). I just started a few weeks ago...and its phenomenal.

There are several reasons why its great. Firstly, women will almost always outnumber men. Secondly, you NEED a dance partner to learn...and so the women always pair off with the men. Your approach is essentially done for you. If you like the girl you are dancing with, you can start conversation EASILY, and move from there. You'll often dance with more than half of the women there as you switch partners, giving you an oppurtunity to meet many of them. Thirdly, the intructors are often attractive women themselves (at least where I am they are).

And finally...you will have fun. It gets you off your ass, you meet many beautifull women and its actually quite fun once you get good. I was skeptical myself at first...but I believe I may look into pursuing this even in college once I get back. And who knows, you may find yourself in a situation sometime when dance skills would benefit you greatly. Just think about it.

Brando SC

Don Juan
Jul 28, 2006
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I totally agree with you. I joined the ballroom dance team at my college, and it was super fun, and a way to meet girls. Although, things got complicated, and i ended up quiting, and i wasn't the best dancer, i can totally see where you're coming from with this. It honestly is a good tip, i'm thinking about getting back into a class and giving it another go. Another thing that one of my friend's does all the time is country swing dancing. At least where i'm from it's a pretty big thing, and there's a place where a lot of people, including girls, go every week and dance. I'm still trying to learn, i've been a few times, but there are tons of girls there more than willing to dance with you. So once i learn some more moves and am able to do them, then i will let you guys know what happens, but dancing is a great way to meet girls.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2006
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A Word to the Wise

I agree with the meeting the girls part, but it should be understood that taking dance lessons is no guarantee to getting laid. This was the issue I took up with Guiseppe Notte's Article on "Where Girls Go To Get Laid." Also it is hard work, I've been taking Salsa lessons for over a year and am still not where I'd like to be as a Salsa dancer. I don't believe I have the skill to dance with any woman and give her a great dance experience. It takes time and patience to develop the skills of a good dancer. On any random night I can walk into a night club and only single out a handful of good male dancers, by good I mean above average.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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I too will vouch for ballroom dance class.

In fact I took it 3 times just because meeting women was so easy.

Oh and don't be shy, depending on the dance, you can hold them kind of close. Free kino.