Wow- You Are A Sharp Dresser!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
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This is going to be my first post ever on the DJ forum so I'd like to say wassup to all the people whose posts I'd been reading over the last few weeks, though im sure I would have eventually learned most of the info on this site, but you guys have saved me a few years of trial and error-- and I am gratefull for that. (ilya bows in gratitude)

Moving along here is something interesting that I have noticed. I am an average looking yet 99.9% of the time I have to initiate conversation before girls notice me. I am also a shyty dresser. I wear clean clothes, but my closet mainly consists of baggy wrinkled/torn jeans/khakis/sweatpants and alright fleeces/sweatshirts/tshirts. my shoes are nightmarishly ruined sketchers and vans. Heres the thing:

I just recently got a job at a men's suit store at our local mall). The lady that works at my store picked out all of my work suits for me(as I said I have no fashion sense nor do I care to... until recently), I paid and left the store. When I dressed up for work the next day I felt kind of weird wearing a suit but when I started working almost all the customers were asking for fashion advice(which I had no clue about :)). And when I went out on my first smoke break, a girl that was maybe 20-25(I'm 16) came up to me and started talking to me about how sharp I looked in my suit and how she really liked my shoes. Now I thought she was just sort of complementing me as a kid who got dressed up at the time, but about 20 sec after she left I realized she was interested(WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAPPEN THAT WAY). Anyways, I came back to work kicking myself in the balls thinking that that was a one time chance opportunity that I missed. Well I was wrong... Ive been noticing eye contact from many many late teen/early 20 yr old girls that walk by me when I'm running errands or taking my break in my suits. So far I've been approached by three 6-7s and one 9 on smoke breaks alone and I only take maybe 2 at most for every day I'm at work. I haven't gotten any of their numbers yet cuz they all work close by to my store and I want to seem like a challenge(wink, wink). The point is I've only been working there for 2 weeks and it didn't take long at all for me to notice that chicks dig sharp dressers!!!! Also shows further proof that it helps guys when girls pick out clothing for them.

go out with your girlfriend/sister/blowup-doll and have her help you pick out some nice preppy looking clothes, you may think your 2 year old naturally faded jeans with torn bottoms and reebok classics with toe holes and permanent stains are comfortable but girls see that kind of stuff all the time. Get some nice dockers and a pair of nice shoes(no, not tims!!). Maybe even some (gasp!) buttoned down shirts or semi-casual wool knits. You may feel akward at first but I can tell you from personal experience that it will work wonders.

Thats it for my first post. Peace Out
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livin large

Master Don Juan
Dec 29, 2002
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The Great USA!
What are you doing smoking? You're only 16 damnit - quit before it's too late. Give up the smoking addiction for the posting on the DJ forum addiction.

I agree with the dressing nice thing. I just wish I had the money to do it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
Once you post once, you will never leave...

Nah I doubt I'll ever even break 100 posts. I don't have the attention span to hang around that long


Senior Don Juan
Jan 2, 2001
Reaction score
totally agree. But thing is girls of different ages like different clothes.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2001
Reaction score
my question is..

how are you working in a men's suit store and have no sense of fashion?

how are you going to help customers?

LOL @ the suit store hiring eye candy...

just playin with ya

seriously though...dressin nice not only improves your image, it boosts your self confidence cuz ya know you look good...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
The 9 that approached me is working her cart tonight.

Hows this for a pickup line:
"Hey baby, I Mack like Fleetwood, let me get your digits."


"Hey baby, I Jack like Nicholson."
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by Piece_Maker
my question is..

how are you working in a men's suit store and have no sense of fashion?

how are you going to help customers?

LOL @ the suit store hiring eye candy...

just playin with ya

seriously though...dressin nice not only improves your image, it boosts your self confidence cuz ya know you look good...
Btw, I went to a Men's store nearby and they had a lot of CUTE women working there. They really DO hire the eye candy. Lol. :D

As for suggesting fashions, you can go with what you like, though it helps to learn about this sort of thing before you get the job. Treat stuff like it's something challenging to tackle. For women, try to get to know them if possible before you spend too much time with them.

I am trying to attack the job market. I looked at all the companies websites that I am applying to, trying to get a better idea of who they are. you come across as informed if you do things like that.

Plus, if anyone does you wrong, :mad: you can always us your knowledge to improve your standing or get revenge. :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
No when I said I didn't have fashion sense, it doesn't mean I'm ignorant, I have learned a lot in the past few weeks and have closed plenty a sale. I was just saying that I had never really had to need to be a sharp dresser, but now that I do--- I see how it can help with the ladies.

And as for hot chicks working in my store: none, I'm the only person in there under 30 but I'm right smack in the middle of the clothing dept so theres hotties all around :) :)

Btw Trickster:
If you have been looking in the job market for any period of time (I'd been looking for over a year before I founed my niche in today's job market) you should know that the most important thing is not how well you know the trade, but how well of an impression you can make on the manager. Once your hired they pretty much gotta teach you what you don't know, otherwise they'll look stupid to the local company manager when they see that a person was hired and fired in the same month. So study up on ways to make the charismatic and suave approach, and instead of using that on the ladies, use it on your prospective maneger. And be aggresive as hell too, don't even leave an interview with an "I'll call you" resonse from the maneger. You gotta say "SO I GOT THE JOB, RIGHT?!" at the end.

And another thing websites are no good, too many people use websites for you to make a lasting impression. Walkins are the best, but you can't walk into every type of business. The way to do it is to get the phone number and the manager's name. Then call them up and simply say, "Is Bill there?" Then you let the guy know that you are gonna be the best thing that ever happened to the company."

I should have started a new topic for this but oh well, fvck it.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by payaya
totally agree. But thing is girls of different ages like different clothes.
and different girls like different clothes. just be yourself but try to keep it clean. not everyone has the same style as the guy who made this post.
Sep 28, 2001
Reaction score
My point was that being informed can help you to look better in the interview. The better you look in an interview, the more likely they are to think you are going to be a great addition to the company.

We're basically in agreement.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2003
Reaction score
don't you love it when posts start out on one idea and transform into sumthin totally diiferent