wow caught me off guard.... i liked it!


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
ok So some background, dont mind the spelling it 4:30 in the morning.

I run a hookah bar and i always have girls to flirt tease ans make fun of. But i got caught off guard tonight.

met her like a week ago, she came in to the hookah bar and flirted, and i teased the hell out of her. She liked it. So they left for the night, and the nice thing about the hookah bar(and also bad thing) They know where to find you if they want to flirt. so waited about 3 days and she texted me and asked if i was working. told her duh! they came in hella early, like why the hell would u be here right now early.

Her friend was drunk, and wanted to go to the titie bar, but she did not want to, but they ran off for an hour(time to flirt with other chicas) she text me and said she was headed back to see me. they show up and we talked off and on, had work to do. I told her i was ganna steal her tonight for a movie. she agreed, blew her friends off, and came back to my house.

Well luck of the whitish, my tv stopped work, and idea popped in my head, lets just use my laptop in my laided on my bed for 2 hours, watching a movie, and play fighted for almost all of it. well she kept the kino up, and kept pulling me close to her face, well the 20th time, i figured hmmm, this feels like right timing now.

went in for the kiss and she brushed it off and was like ha ha what a burn, SHE SAID THAT! AWESOME! lol well it got me off my guard. But she gave me a kiss of the cheek. I know she is interested, but i want some advice for next time i experiance this.Ha ah i laughed so hard to my self. but learning is my first priority on thanks


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
oh and she is a handful with comebacks, but i can keep her at bay.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
ok also with this girl, i feel like i need to regain control, i told her tomarrow i was ganna go get pita pit and she is coming with, she said she wanted to go. My normal way of regaining control is to cancel the pita pit and make my self univalible tomarrow. usally always works , but any ideas?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
New York City
lambo_cst said:
ok also with this girl, i feel like i need to regain control, i told her tomarrow i was ganna go get pita pit and she is coming with, she said she wanted to go. My normal way of regaining control is to cancel the pita pit and make my self univalible tomarrow. usally always works , but any ideas?
Faking a cancellation? Are you sure you really want to live that fake life? Regaining control should be natural because your life is busy enough to where you don't always have time for a woman. Rebuild your life and then worry about women.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Faking a cancellation? Are you sure you really want to live that fake life? Regaining control should be natural because your life is busy enough to where you don't always have time for a woman. Rebuild your life and then worry about women.
No, i really am bizy, i have an army job from 6am to 4 pm then run the hookah bar from 7 to 2am. So im kinda just fitting her into my schld. thanks for the non helpful advice.


Don Juan
Jun 17, 2008
Reaction score
DonS said:
yeah, forget the pretending to be anything you're not cause the chicks **** tests will crack your lies like a coconut. Just have a busy life of work and hobbies and you'll have all the control you need. She is playing this game to keep you on your toes and give her a taste of power. Just live your life and flirt and date other women and she'll take notice and give in. Don't get oneitis.
See thats what i was thinking, thanks you, ha ha she seriously caught me off guard. Kinda a thing that does not happen to much. thanx