Would you move in with a Female? Why or why Not?


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Would you move in with a Female Friend? Why or why Not?

Good morning to all my fellow brethren of the DJ discussion forum. The question I have for you guys today is this: Is it a good idea to move in with a female friend? Why or not? Does it have to be under certain circumstances?

The reason why I'm asking this because recently I have encountered this question myself...One day as we were walking to our classes the conversation about moving out our parents houses came up. I was telling her how I was thinking about moving out with a buddy if mine in the summer. I told her how messy he was and how, sometimes he would smell-she ewww.. why would move in with someone like that...we laughed and as we were going our separate ways she makes a comment that she was also thinking about moving out around June and asked me if I wanted to "hook up". I didn't really give a response to it and been thinking about it every since. Now I present to you gentlemen: What would you guys do if you were in my situation? Move out with the stinky, sometimes annoying male friend, or move in with the mysterious, beautiful, partying female friend?

"All I have in this world is my balls and my word-and I break them for nobody.." Al Pacino--Scarface
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The Rake

Don Juan
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
Let's assume your female friend is an HB8 or higher and that's why you're intrigued with her moving into your pad. OK, so you kick your male friend out and she moves in. For about two months or so, it's all exciting and exhillarating. The sex is terrific and you're smiling. After a while, daily predictabilty sets in. She starts to pick faults with you. Her bad habits begin to irritate you. You're no longer a mystery and a challenge to her. You see her in the morning without makeup. She farts in bed. She becomes slothful and unkept.

It's like a common law relationship short of marriage. You two see the old face every day. Like the furniture, you will take each other for granted. Arguments will ensue as a result of chores, late night music blaring away, etc.

And suppose you want to kick her to the curb because she has become boring and you want to date other girls. How do you give her the heave ho? Very messy situation especially if she's paying 1/2 of the rent.

For a DJ (and even other male types), it's not advisable to move in with a girl until after the marriage.
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Donald Kaufman

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe the Rake understood right but ...

If you have already placed her firmly in the friend category she could be a great room mate. In college I lived with a female friend. It worked out great. She continues to be one of the most stable people I have ever known. To really make it work you have to both know you only want to be friends. If you are hoping to weasel in somewhere, even if you intend to make it casual. Even if you end up talking about it ahead of time and both agree it's something to explore, it is dumb.

We both dated while living there and I know I had no problem with it. She ended up marrying the guy she was dating the last year. Still married 10 years later. I subtly pursued a couple of her friends. She subtly persued a couple of mine. No hard feelings only fun.

If a spark happens, great, as long as no one poured gasoline around. Feeling manipulated leads to bad, spiteful, deposit losing pain.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score

Originally posted by Donald Kaufman
Maybe the Rake understood right but ...

If you have already placed her firmly in the friend category she could be a great room mate. In college I lived with a female friend. It worked out great. She continues to be one of the most stable people I have ever known. To really make it work you have to both know you only want to be friends. If you are hoping to weasel in somewhere, even if you intend to make it casual. Even if you end up talking about it ahead of time and both agree it's something to explore, it is dumb.

We both dated while living there and I know I had no problem with it. She ended up marrying the guy she was dating the last year. Still married 10 years later. I subtly pursued a couple of her friends. She subtly persued a couple of mine. No hard feelings only fun.

If a spark happens, great, as long as no one poured gasoline around. Feeling manipulated leads to bad, spiteful, deposit losing pain.

LOl--hoping to weasel in? Don't think so--I got a little more respect than that brother. I like that though--that was funny..
But anyway I like your post-very informative yet interesting. One more thing too Donny--What if your female friend has a boyfriend? Do you think that will be wierd like one day hearing them two screw in the other room?


Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2002
Reaction score
St. Louis Area
You could just keep things simple and live by yourself.

I don't know how the rent goes around there but here you can get a quite nice two bedroom for about $550-$750/mo.

If you have less stuff you could use a one-bedroom, which here would probably run about $450-$600/mo.

Just an idea.



Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Yes. If I had an interest with the woman, we had been dating over 8 months, more likely a year, and was debating proposal. They could be really weird. You gotta test drive that Ferrari before you buy it.


fukk. I thought you meant a woman you were dating.

Well if shes a really hot friend, yes. Because then I would seduce her.

If she's not hot, but not fat, yes, because odds are you'll probly end up seeing titty. And I like titty.

If shes fat, fukk no.

Donald Kaufman

Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Re: true

Originally posted by Freeman
LOl--hoping to weasel in? Don't think so--I got a little more respect than that brother. I like that though--that was funny..
But anyway I like your post-very informative yet interesting. One more thing too Donny--What if your female friend has a boyfriend? Do you think that will be wierd like one day hearing them two screw in the other room?
For the last few months she had a BF. It wasn't a problem. If people are respectful you can get around those things. As to noises, I don't think it's any different then living with a guy who has girl over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Re: true

Originally posted by Freeman
LOl--hoping to weasel in? Don't think so--I got a little more respect than that brother. I like that though--that was funny..
But anyway I like your post-very informative yet interesting. One more thing too Donny--What if your female friend has a boyfriend? Do you think that will be wierd like one day hearing them two screw in the other room?
What if your MALE friend were to have a girlfriend and you were to hear them screwing in the next room?

Same situation. :p

As long as you aren't interested in her romantically, then I'd say it's an option worth considering.

Besides, she might have some hot friends. :D


Senior Don Juan
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
Charleston, SC
There are only two ways I would move in with a girl

A) we've been dating a long time
B) she is a friend that I have NO interest in

If she's a girl that you like but you aren't dating at all, then I wouldn't find it to be a good idea.

What if she doesn't want to hook up with you? You start digging her and she brings guys over and they have loud sex? That probably wouln't make you feel good.

I'm sure there are more suitable roommates. But that's just me. Maybe you're different


Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: true

Originally posted by squirrels
What if your MALE friend were to have a girlfriend and you were to hear them screwing in the next room?

Same situation. :p

As long as you aren't interested in her romantically, then I'd say it's an option worth considering.

Besides, she might have some hot friends. :D
Good counterargument! But I think it would bother me a lot more hearing a female friend of mine screw going at it with some guy then if my male buddy was screwing some chick. I would be lying to myself if I said that I wasn't in the least bit attracted to her-and I do realize since that is true then I shouldn't move in with her..But then I figure to myself "I'm only going to live once-I'm tired of being so cautious all of the time-I want to experience something different and new to me-How often will i get the chance to live under the same roof as a hot European chick?" These are my reasons for CONSIDERING to move in with her. If she was just some normal chick I would n't think twice about turning down her offer-But she's different... And fellas-I'm not marrying the girl I just might move in with her thats all-If nothing more than just for the experience..