I don't get this. this is the one thing that I find wrong/the one issue i have with the mansphere culture.
guys will, without hesitation, tell you that all the feminist who went to college and are now in their 30's and can't find a man feel bad and they did it wrong and men don't care about eduction. yet, when qualifying a woman, on every fvcking list you see "went to college/ has a college degree"
you can't fvcking have it both ways. you can't tell a woman she is wrong to further he career yet at the same time, only date women whoa re furthering their careers. either it's an issue or it isn't. it can't be an issue when it's convenient for it to be an issue for you. You can't look at that HB8.5 and try to make her feel inferior beucase she has no college education, yet come online and harp about how women who went to college enad blew men off have it bad and did it the wrong way.
pick a side and stick with it. i don't even care which side you pick but it has to be consistent. either you care or you don't.
my wife has about the most BS degree one can possibly have lol. honestly could care less. I didn't marry her because she's my mental equal. though he's no dummie by any stretch.