Would a training timetable like this be detrimental?


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
I recently started Closs Quarter Combat Training - it's a 'mixed' martial art system which is specifically targeted at practical street self defence.

I'll be doing this 3 times a week.

This centre also has a gym which I signed up for as the payment includes membership for both.

Im a skinny guy with a fast metabolism and plan on starting a bulking program and will be hitting the gym 3 times a week as well.

The only problem is that I have a really hectic timetable - this place is apprx a 45min drive from my place which means that the only time I can actually hit the gym is right before or straight after the Closs Quarter Combat Class.

I know its not ideal - but will the obvious slight fatigue that I will have if I do the CQCC first greatly affect the affectiveness of the workout?

Any suggestions, ideas or advice on anything I could do in this situation?

Who else has to balance a sport/athletic/martial art program with the gym? What do you do?

Thanks in advance.

Create Reality

Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2002
Reaction score
It all depends on how long the class is. I'm gonna assume it's over an hour and most of that time is spent active and not watching. Warmng up before a lifting session is important but for that long of course your stamina will take a hit. Look on bodybuilding.com for stuff about doing cardio and lifting in the same day.

It doesn't sound like a good deal having to drive 45 minutes to use a gym but whatever lol.


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Thanks for the feedback and the link. That place has so much useful info which is a great help.

The thing is, or from what I have read off of there, it is all about how to go about things in an optimal way, and my timetable obviously isnt.

The main question which I still have is whether having a 1 hour martial arts session before the workout would be detrimental enough to my aim of mass gain that it would justify a restructure to my whole timetable.

As it is now it is pretty full on and would require a lot of (maybe unecessary) effort and sacrifice to do so. I would only do it if responeses show me that doing these prior sessions will really affect my aim of mass gain for a hardgainer.

It doesn't sound like a good deal having to drive 45 minutes to use a gym but whatever lol.
The gym is part of the martial arts centre, which is the main reason Im going there.