World of Hot Girls


New Member
Aug 20, 2004
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My friend is a true Don Juan girls are at his feet trying to hook up with him. Even if he is a **** to the girl the girl plays into his mind game of "stop grabbing me" etc.. I am surrounded by hot women I can even talk to hot women but I have an inherent fear of making a move...getting close... or even touching without worrying. I know this is a problem but I cant seem to get past it. any suggestions on my delliema. Imagine it hot girls all around you at parties but you just cant move in for the kill. What should I be doing or am doing wrong!? please advise. Should I be more touchy feel or try to compliment more and hope it leads further... HELP


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Let them know

I am considered to be very good looking, I know I am but it is embarrassing to say it. I don't go for the hottest looking guys, I go for the ones who are strong and confident. There were many guys who I knew were interested in me and I waited for them to make a move, but they never did. Even when I hinted.

I am not going to see any men for another 11 months but when I do, I am hoping that my friend gets the nerve to ask me out because he is wonderful. I just know he won't do it and it is frustrating. I have done so many things I am ashamed of, I just don't want to pursue, I want to be pursued.

Does that help at all for you. You might be surprised at their reaction.

I am friends with one of the men who writes stuff in here, very good friends and we had something going for a while. He is the one who said I should take time out to learn more about myself, and many of you wonderful guys said the same thing when you read my first post.

Hopefully I am returning the favour now with good advice for you.