Working Your Way Into Dating Her


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
ok so theres this girl i can potentially see a relationship with. Shes shy and quite but once you start talking to her she is fun talks alot.
-i dont have a problem talking to her and am not intimidated by her
-i know i need to use more kino and eye contact (but that shouldnt be a problem)
-shes in a class of mine, we got a big test coming up thursday, im gonna ask her to study with me tommorow (tuesday) i was thinking about saying we should get ice cream after we study.

what are you guys tips, should i take is slow cause shes shy?
how would u guys go about handling this girl?


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Mavrick said:
The best thing for you to do now is not give her anymore attention until she has earned that reward. She's not doing anything that shows that you should be interested, so leave her alone and let her be the one to make the next move.

If you make any moves now, she'll walk all over you. Be strong!
That's what I already told you on you your other post.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
gomariners51 said:
-shes in a class of mine, we got a big test coming up thursday, im gonna ask her to study with me tommorow (tuesday) i was thinking about saying we should get ice cream after we study.
how would u guys go about handling this girl?
Shy girls have another shield called (in my book) the "Inhibition Shield". You have to do all the normal stuff but slow it down... but don't hold anything back (such as a KISS close).. going too slow can be worse than going a little fast.

Ask her out man... u got nothing to lose. Ask with an air of disinterest... like "my mouth is really dry.. i really feel like having an ice cream..." then just offer her your hand... don't ASK her.. ASSUME that she HAS to follow you. Girls tend to say maybe or NO when you ask them.