Work relationships


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
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Is it a good idea to mess around, have a relationship, anything with someone you work with. I mean it's inevitable you see eachother all the time and are always around eachother but is it worth it. I need some advice from people who have had good and bad experiences with this. I am an assistant manager and I have hooked up with women I've worked with but they are no longer working there bc they got other jobs not bc of me. haha We still talk all the time, but is it really worth it. There's a girl I need to make a decision on if I wanna just be friends or take it a step up. Let me know what you guys think about mixing work and play.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
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doesn't seem right if you're the boss, and don't if you care for the job.

Personally, I've had a quite a few coworker hookups, but I wasn't their boss and I didn't give a **** about the job.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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I was going to create a new thread about my current expirience dating a girl at my job but since this thread has already been created I'll just post it here.

I started dating one of the girls from the pool department (I'm one of the pool/spa managers at the one of the major las vegas resorts) about a month or so ago. Now by vegas supeficiality standards, I'd say this girl rates no higher then a 7 which is satisfactory but not really good or smokin hot in the least. Anyway i've been on a few dates with this girl, who is very inexprienced, and had sex with her a few times.

The trouble really started when I told someone the details of our relationship at the bar afterwork. I told this one guy how she was kind of innocent and cute but she's a tiger in the bed room (she's only had sex with two people according to her, but she LOVES sex and is up for anything). So I tell the guy, over shots of whiskey, one of the wild stories then he goes and tells like the entire male staff at the pool. All of a sudden like three other guys find her VERY attractive and are now actively persuing her. I have no problem with that fact, however all this attention has gone right to her head and she's starting to think she's some fantastic dime peace when honestly, that's far from reality. She's gotten very quick witted, more demanding, contacts me far less, expects much more from me, and in her own little ways likes to remind me that she has "other options":rolleyes:

I'm pretty much done with her and am currently sizing up a cabana hostess who'll be moving to another department of the hotel after the season is done. She's hotter, alot more fun, and has more exprience in the dating game. She isn't the "nice girl" that the other one is but she's a little bit older and mature so the same thing is less likely of happening.

Be careful while dating at your job if you do decide to do it. It can get sticky and bad very quickly and the type of person you're persuing might end up being a factor for both of you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
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If your the boss Idontknow be VERY careful who you go out with. Sometimes relationships can end well but other times it can get pretty nasty.
The last thing you want is some crazy women pressing sexual harrassment charges against you. It does happen sometimes. You dont want to end up in jail for something like that even though it might not have happen and your innocent. The courts can screw you badly sometimes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I've got a slight update to my workplace situation. I've almost completely shut out the girl I was seeing at work and am talking with the new one. She hugs me everytime I come to work tells me she misses me and keeps it real for the most part. Today she felt me up because I wouldnt' give John Mayer an intertube even though he had one due to him (he had a cabana rental). I have no idea what songs Mayer (sp) writes and never heard his songs so I'm like "so what? who's that?" and she starts hitting me on my chest playfully and going on about how cute he is. THe look she got after feeling the layout was priceless. I'm reeling her in on monday.

Meanwhile the one who I dropped I don't talk to that much at all and no physical contact of anykind. He looks visibly upset but that could be caused by many things and I don't think i'm the root of it. Anyway I think she pretty much realized I have a thing for the other girl I'm trying to court but hasn't said anything to me about it. I can't speak for her other suiters but maybe she's found someone else outisde of work anyway. I mean no ill will towards her but everyone has their way of playing the game. She chose hers and I'm always in mine.