Word for female ejaculate

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
Whenever i'm talking about the clear fluid that's occassionally ejected from a woman's uretha during orgasm (it does exist), I never know what to call it, and have to give a 2 word minimum of a description instead.

It needs a name. Something I can put on urban dictionary.

So far I've come up with "femaculate" but that's still a bit of a mouthful,

whadda ya think guys? any suggestions?

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
yeah, they work but it's ambiguous. Saying "when you c um" to a woman merely implies an orgasm, and p ussy juice could mean the natural lubricant they produce.

certainly no good for the high standards of urban dictionary.
Nov 8, 2005
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***** palace
The Juan and only said:
yeah, they work but it's ambiguous. Saying "when you c um" to a woman merely implies an orgasm, and p ussy juice could mean the natural lubricant they produce.

certainly no good for the high standards of urban dictionary.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
It's vaginal secretions and it doesn't come out of the urethra. The bladder is connected to the urethra and the stuff that comes out of there is typically called pee.


New Member
Oct 27, 2007
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Has anyone seen the thick pure white ejaculate? Looks like semen only thicker and has a lot less volume. I've seen it at the base of a vagina about the size of a quarter after orgasm. And no it wasn't my ***.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2007
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A boy walks up to his father and asks,

"dad, what does a vagina look like?".

"Well, it depends, son... do you mean before or after sex?

"Why, what does look like before sex?"

"Well, Billy, it looks like a perfect little flower..."

"And afterwards?"

"Well, son... have you ever seen a bulldog eat mayonnaise?..."


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
It's vaginal secretions and it doesn't come out of the urethra. The bladder is connected to the urethra and the stuff that comes out of there is typically called pee.
Yes it does (come out of their urethra). And it isn't urine either. The only thing they have down there capable of projecting a squirt stream like that IS their urethra, anyway.

"Squirters" are pretty rare, but I've read that some are capable of it and don't know it. Supposedly, to get one to do it, you have to give them a G-spot orgasm. In fact, if you want to try to train your woman how to do it, you have to tell her to wait through a phase where she "feels" like she's about to pee as you give her a g-spot orgasm. If she can just trust you and wait that part out, then she might squirt when she orgasms. "They" have collected it before, and there was no urine content.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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RemixViking said:
Has anyone seen the thick pure white ejaculate? Looks like semen only thicker and has a lot less volume. I've seen it at the base of a vagina about the size of a quarter after orgasm.
Yeah.... i usually see that about 5 seconds after I pull out of her. Its my c*m though.:p


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
RemixViking said:
Has anyone seen the thick pure white ejaculate? Looks like semen only thicker and has a lot less volume. I've seen it at the base of a vagina about the size of a quarter after orgasm. And no it wasn't my ***.
Yes! Sometimes there can be A LOT tho...one time with my gf she leaked a sh*t load of it all over the mattress cover. Like I'm talking probably a shot-glass worth. It stained the dark green mattress cover and wouldn't come off til she did laundry again. It definitely wasn't my stuff cuz I hadn't even finished at that point. There was also a splatter pattern of that stuff from her getting pounded (you'll never see that on CSI!). Her parents were visiting and she told them that she had just spilt water on her bed! :D


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Fuglydude said:
Yes! Sometimes there can be A LOT tho...one time with my gf she leaked a sh*t load of it all over the mattress cover. Like I'm talking probably a shot-glass worth. It stained the dark green mattress cover and wouldn't come off til she did laundry again. There was also a splatter pattern of that stuff from her getting pounded (you'll never see that on CSI!). Her parents were visiting and she told them that she had just spilt water on her bed! :D
OK time for a serious answer. If this ain't your c*m, what you have there is a girl/woman with a UTI. ewww!

Don't forget guys, you can c*m some before you actually orgasm, so its possible that it was you that leaked in her... again if we're talking about thick white discharge (aka semen).

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
azanon said:
Yes it does (come out of their urethra). And it isn't urine either. The only thing they have down there capable of projecting a squirt stream like that IS their urethra, anyway.

"Squirters" are pretty rare, but I've read that some are capable of it and don't know it. Supposedly, to get one to do it, you have to give them a G-spot orgasm. In fact, if you want to try to train your woman how to do it, you have to tell her to wait through a phase where she "feels" like she's about to pee as you give her a g-spot orgasm. If she can just trust you and wait that part out, then she might squirt when she orgasms. "They" have collected it before, and there was no urine content.
Yeah you're right, ejaculation comes from the paraurethral gland which is near the opening of the urethra.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
azanon said:
OK time for a serious answer. If this ain't your c*m, what you have there is a girl/woman with a UTI. ewww!

Don't forget guys, you can c*m some before you actually orgasm, so its possible that it was you that leaked in her... again if we're talking about thick white discharge (aka semen).
Not exactly an UTI because there were no other associate S/S of an UTI or an STI for that matter (yes, we both got tested). It was also from the vaginal opening. I pulled out and she tried to push out what she thought was trapped air, and all this stuff came out. I should have totally taken a picture of the splatter pattern.

Urethral discharge could be from cystitis or maybe urethritis/UTI, but it was from the vaginal opening. If I remember correctly I don't think it was as thick as semen, but milky for sure. I ejaculate pretty frequently so my jizz isn't super thick so I don't have anything to compare it to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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one time i was banging this chic. and i had talked to her about how some women can squirt. and i said that she should try.

anyway, some liquid came out but it was yellowish. it wasn't pee, because it was thicker than that.

anyway, when i saw it i was grossed out. guys, piece of advice, try not to have a grossed out reaction when wierd things come out of your girl. it really hurts their feelings.

she was so embarassed afterwards. i felt bad that i reacted like i did. my reaction was "What the f*ck? It's yellow. what the f*ck is that stuff?!"

i mean, she damn near cried. who knows, maybe she was crying, but i was too busy washing my d*ck to notice.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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btw, i haven't encountered that thick white stuff yet, but i've seen it in pornos.

if someone knows for sure what it is i'd love to know.

im just crossing my fingers that i never encournter it in real life.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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heres an answer from the web... apperently creamy white fluid is normal (not sure why i've never encountered it then).

Elisabeth asks:

I was wondering what is it called when a white creamy colored liquid comes out of the female during sex. My boyfriend stopped having sex with me because that color of liquid came out and he also said it was smelly, like bad.

Heather replies:

It really depends, because there are a few possibilities, and it could be any one or all of them.

Most commonly, that'd just be a woman's usual vaginal discharges.

At nearly any given time, we have vaginal discharges and cervical mucus which are part of our monthly fertility cycle, and also the way the vagina cleans itself. Discharges during phases of the fertility cycle vary, based on the phase that we're in. During one part, they may be thicker, creamier and white, while during others, that mucus is thinner, more clear and more fluid. because the vagina is a self-cleaning organ -- neat, huh? -- we also have discharges which keep everything in balance so that we don't wind up with an infection.

Too, when women become sexually aroused, the vagina often self-lubricates. That fluids tends to be thin and watery, but it also gets mixed with whatever our discharge at a given time is. So, if for instance, you were in the phase of your cycle where your discharge was whiter or creamier, when that got mixed with your self-lubrication, it can appear as a more fluid, whitish discharge.

None of those fluids should smell bad. They have a scent, sure, just like male ejaculate has a scent or sweat has a scent, and that scent can be a little musty, as body fluids tend to be, but not bad.

On the other hand, some vaginal or sexually transmitted infections can also create different discharges which really can smell pretty funky. The discharge due to a yeast infection -- which tends to be white and thick, but also a bit curdly -- for instance, will often smell like yeasty, baking bread. Discharge from a bacterial infection -- which is also whitish and runny, but sometimes is a bit more grey -- tends to smell fishy or metallic. Discharge from certain STIs can also smell different than your normal discharges. So, if you're not up-to-date with your yearly (or more often) pelvic/GYN exams, pap smears and STI tests, you always want to get current with those, even if your discharges look otherwise normal. If you do find, for yourself, that your vaginal discharge starts to smell or look very different than what you're used to, it's always smart to check in with your sexual healthcare provider, even if you HAVE recently had an exam and STI testing.

More possibilities are obviously semen running out of your vagina, if your partner was not wearing a condom, or lubricant mixed in with your vaginal discharges. As well, some women do ejaculate, but that fluid tends to be very clear and very thin, not whitish.

I'm willing to bet that what was most likely was just that your partner was a bit ignorant when it came to women's bodies and vaginal fluids. If that's the case, that obviously is HIS problem, and it's pretty unfortunate he made it about you, or made you feel bad because of it.

But all male partners aren't that ignorant, and now that you know the scoop, should you wind up with one who is, you can fill him in!

here's an additional page for you with more about vaginal discharges: Honorably Discharged: A Guide to Vaginal Secretion