women who show intrest but dont really mean it


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
im a newbie to this forum so let me welcome myself this story i have for you in my point of view is so mind blowing and stupid at the same time im starting to feel like maybe im crazy or females are just to hard to understand okay im walking down the east village a women asks me wheres east 3rd street its one block up i tell her while she walks away she says im very cute i tell her to hold on i begin a conversation with her regular routine you have a boyfriend blah blah you know regular things at this point she starts looking at my arm tattoos and start feeling them i have a distinct tattoo that few people have and she was intrested by it so in my mind im like bam maybe lady luck is on my side today i say okay let me get your number she tells me it and i switch the last two numbers she told me just to see if she was lieing then she said no and told me the first number she said so no she wasnt lieing then i proceed to call her right there guess what she dosent have her phone on her but this is what i usally do to know if a female is just trying to curb me so two days later i text her she replies fast i dont know you goodbye! i then text her where she met me how i look but she still said she dosent know me goodbye lmao :crackup: :crackup: its just a funny situation why do females do things like this it dosent make sense its makes me become into a cold person with a wall up all the time and i dont wanna be that way but i still approach females on the street alot but im gonna think about stop doing that for a while i live in newyork its very hard to stop cause females are not gonna approach you unless you have a lamborghini and i dont have one of those yet what should i do? let me know sorry for the long essay:yawn:


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
Periods, capital letters, and paragraph breaks are your friend, especially if you want people to wade through your run-on stream of consciousness rambling and reply to it with anything helpful.

Welcome aboard but help yourself by making your posts decipherable.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Yeah, if you speak the way you write/type, then that would seem to be your number one problem. Feel free to mix in a period and a comma, now and then.

From what I gathered in my one attempt at understanding what you typed, it is very possible that they interested, initially, be it due to your looks, or friendliness, vibe, yet very quickly lose interest once they interact with you for a few minutes.

Perhaps you have above average looks, enough to interest them, but not enough to where they will put up with anything that comes out of your mouth. This is where game comes into play; at least enough to not blow it, the way you seemed to communicate it is happening to you now.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
I wrote this again with paragraph breaks no peroids lmao this shouldnt be english class


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
newboy718 said:
I wrote this again with paragraph breaks no peroids lmao this shouldnt be english class
All we are saying dude is, "help us help you."

If you write in hieroglyphics, people are not going to take the time to read it.

There's a reason the English language uses commas, periods, capital letters, and so on... that stuff is not an arbitrary invention to frustrate impatient high schoolers.


May 17, 2013
Reaction score
America is best
some women are just fvcked up and like to play mind games. if you let it affect you then they feel validated and important. Just don't even care, you have better things to do with your time. learn to treat women, especially younger ones, like children.

Pretend for a moment if instead of some girl in your story, its a 10 yearold. Would it bother you that she does this? Nope, its only a 10 yearold, who cares

Basically females naturally play mind games, just to get a reaction. Attention is attention, good or bad. If you give them any reaction, then you show that they have some importance, even though they really don't.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
thanks for the advice i will try to write in proper english. Looking at women as children i never thought about that.!!!!!!


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2013
Reaction score
newboy718 said:
I'm a newbie to this forum so let me welcome myself.

This story I have for you, in my point of view, is so mind blowing and stupid at the same time I'm starting to feel like maybe I'm crazy...or females are just to hard to understand. Okay I'm walking down the east village, when a women asks me "Where's east 3rd street?". "It's one block up" I tell her. While she walks away she says I'm very cute I tell her to hold on.

I begin a conversation with her. Regular routine; you have a boyfriend blah blah...you know, regular things. At this point she starts looking at my arm tattoos and starts feeling them. I have a distinct tattoo that few people have and she was interested by it, so in my mind I'm like bam; maybe lady luck is on my side today. I say "Okay let me get your number" she tells me it and I switch the last two numbers she told me just to see if she was lying. She said no and told me the first number she said, so no she wasnt lying.

Then I proceed to call her right there guess what she dosen't have her phone on her, but this is what I usually do to know if a female is just trying to curb me. So two days later I text her, she replies fast "I dont know you goodbye!" I then text her where she met me how I look but she still said she doesn't know me "goodbye" lmao :crackup: :crackup:

It's just a funny situation. Why do females do things like this? It doesn't make sense. It makes me become a cold person with a wall up all the time and I don't wanna be that way. But I still approach females on the street a lot. I'm gonna think about not doing that for a while. I live in New York. It's very hard to stop, because females are not gonna approach you unless you have a Lamborghini, and I don't have one of those yet. What should I do? Let me know. Sorry for the long essay. :yawn:
^Original post, the way it's supposed to look...for anyone who's interested in reading.

you're welcome.


Don Juan
Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
Lol you don't need a Lamborghini or high class car in New York, you can't bring it inside the clubs, and there's mercs, Lexus and bmws every where in New York leasing prices are cheap now. A girl will only be fascinated at the car you drive for the first 10 seconds then it fades away and becomes a box with four wheels.

Don't ever overcomplicate woman and try to understand them. Like noob said treat them like children when need be and don't care. Not everyone has to like you remember that.


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2013
Reaction score
Thats very true I think trying to figure them out is impossible. Its better off to have I dont five a F attitude and keep going. Then they wonder why sucessful men have so many women.

Its sorta like a payback thing to the bull**** he had to deal with