Women Who Move Too Fast

Old Buck

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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I have been seeing this girl for about a month and a half now. She is 34, attractive, good personality, good career.....pretty much the whole nine yards. The only problem is she is beginning to get a little too clingy. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming when she told me on the first date that she wasn't into dating men who would also date other women while they were seeing her. I thought someone with her attributes couldn't possibly be serious and shouldn't be afraid of competition. We went out several times before we slept together and then it happened that we were both without our children (my 2 and her 1) for a whole week. We spent a couple of nights together and then I left to go hunting for three days. She told me later she was really hurt that I had decided to go hunting instead of spending the whole week with her. Then last weekend, when the NFL playoffs began, she called and wanted me to come over to her place and watch a movie. I told her no thanks, that I wanted to watch the playoffs and that she was welcome to come over, but that I wasn't coming over there. Now she tells me that I have hurt her feelings again and she thinks I am losing interest because I am not constantly wanting her to be the center of my universe. Ordinarily, I would tell a chick like this to hit the road and put her in the "been there, done that" category. This girl, however, has a lot of qualities that I like in a woman and when I am with her I always enjoy myself. If she would just not rush things and give me a chance to fall for her on my own schedule, this might develop into something special. Is there a way to tell her to chill out, give me space, and not be so needy without ruining the relationship altogether?


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Red flags man. Let her know it bothers you that she won't let you have your freedom. If she buys your contract she'll get with your program. Otherwise, enjoy the sex until you can't stand her anymore and bail.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
They can be high maintenance but you could work it into a FB relationship.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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We spent a couple of nights together and then I left to go hunting for three days. She told me later she was really hurt that I had decided to go hunting instead of spending the whole week with her.
MAJOR RED FLAGS! A woman who wants you to put your life on hold for her is a manipulative controlling b1tch. These are extremely bad women to get involved with. If you get too involved (sometimes even remotely involved) and decide to break it off, she's going to try and make you pay for "hurting her feelings". I dated a woman like this for less than a week, and it took about a year to shake her off me.

Women who are this needy have big issues. I'd say run like hell. You're never going to make this woman happy because she can't accept who you are and what you enjoy doing.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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Im a little bit younger, but I can still smell a needy woman a mile away.

If you've only seen her for a little over a month and she is getting upset over you going hunting...watch the f*ck out. That is not going to improve, Im afraid.

Old Buck

Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
My hunting trip came up again in conversation the other night and now she says it wasn't the fact that I went hunting that upset her but that I didn't TELL her in advance that I had plans for later in the week. Then she asked how I felt about her and I replied honestly "I enjoy spending time with you". According to her, this is a generic reply and I am showing all the signs of some character in a book she is reading called "He's Just Not That Into You". I am not familiar with this book but it sounds suspiciously like some male-bashing bull$hit. It kind of irritated me that I am being compared to something out of a book and I told her she was being ridiculous, equating real life with fiction. So I guess we'll see what happens.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Go out, buy the book, and read it (don't tell her you bought it). Find out what the hell is being fed to this chick. It may also help you down the road should you encounter another chick who's read this crap.

My hunting trip came up again in conversation the other night and now she says it wasn't the fact that I went hunting that upset her but that I didn't TELL her in advance that I had plans for later in the week.
I smell bull5hit. Her first attack didn't work, so she's using a more subtle one.

You can try informing her in advance about your plans, but there's a good chance she's never going to be happy if she's making a huge deal out of it.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 1, 2006
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Everyone except for that Francisco guy is right on the money. However, I wouldn't dump her. Try first. Try to set boundaries/rules and if she doesn't seem to accept them, then dump.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
A LITTLE clingy????

This woman is already checking out bands for your wedding reception! She's VERY clingy and already playing THE VICTIM!

"Oh you went off and left me! You didn't tell me every little thing you'd be doing for the next 10 years! You don't love me! It says so right here in this book! Boo-hoo, boo-hoo! I need you grafted to my hip to be happy"

Sound familiar? If you keep seeing this woman it will be!

(The "He's just not that into you" book is basically this: If the guy doesn't act like a royal AFC, hang on your every word and cover you in flowers and candy, then he doesn't like you. See? Saved you $9.95 and a trip to the bookstore)