Check out this article-Women's libido just as strong as men's
I have followed several heated discussions recently that centered around a woman's level of sexual activity, and how men relate to it. I have noticed a few guys with their heads buried in the sand who think that most women are worthless ho's because they have chosen to lose their virginity to someone other than THEM. They take for granted that women are truthful when questioned about past sexual activity.
An even larger group of guys realize that most women DO have sex and that doesn't necessarily make them bad people. Unfortunately many of these guys are also clueless. They are on a search for a woman who hasn't been around the block and back, who will be faithful to them until death-do-us-part. The problem is too many of them believe they have a sixth sense for picking a girl who has only had sex with one or two guys she has been in LTR's with, and who would be faithful to them for all eternity.
Exactly. She wouldn't.
If you read the article with the same interest that I did, you might have noticed that when they were assured anonymity, women admitted to having had 4.4 sex partners, whereas men only reported having had 4.
So much for the idea that women are more "innocent" than men.
Just goes to confirm what I have been trying to explain to everyone here for the last few weeks.In fact, most accounts about women's attitudes on sex should be viewed with skepticism, writes researcher Terri Fisher, PhD, a psychology professor at Ohio State University in Mansfield, Ohio. "Women are sensitive to social expectations for their sexual behavior and may be less than totally honest when asked about their behavior in some survey conditions," she says in a news release.
I have followed several heated discussions recently that centered around a woman's level of sexual activity, and how men relate to it. I have noticed a few guys with their heads buried in the sand who think that most women are worthless ho's because they have chosen to lose their virginity to someone other than THEM. They take for granted that women are truthful when questioned about past sexual activity.
An even larger group of guys realize that most women DO have sex and that doesn't necessarily make them bad people. Unfortunately many of these guys are also clueless. They are on a search for a woman who hasn't been around the block and back, who will be faithful to them until death-do-us-part. The problem is too many of them believe they have a sixth sense for picking a girl who has only had sex with one or two guys she has been in LTR's with, and who would be faithful to them for all eternity.
So, if a woman would lie to a researcher about the number of sex partners she has had during her lifetime, what makes you think that she is going to tell YOU (a person whose opinion on the subject actually has an impact on her reproductive value) the truth? Same goes with infidelity. If, due to social pressures, she feels compelled to lie about the number of sex partners she has had, why would she tell the truth about how faithful she is?When the answers were tabulated, it was clear -- social pressures won out. When women thought others might see their answers, they gave answers that were more socially acceptable. Women hooked up to the lie detector gave the most honest answers, reports Fisher.
Exactly. She wouldn't.
Another interesting point.However, only the women's attitudes were different from men's -- not their actual sexual behavior or libido.
If you read the article with the same interest that I did, you might have noticed that when they were assured anonymity, women admitted to having had 4.4 sex partners, whereas men only reported having had 4.
So much for the idea that women are more "innocent" than men.