Women learn to be trained


New Member
May 27, 2015
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Putting this up because I would be interested in feedback and thoughts of others.

So we seem to live in a culture where women are taught to be trained and controlled - but also to be controlling and rewarded. From my experience roughly 10% of males have the ability to truly control women - though some choose not to (alphas) and the rest do not have this control within them(beta).

So here are some of my conclusions:
1) Humans are a mix of both polygamous and polyamory genes. Male monkeys create harems if able, and those unable to get a harem will use gifts, affection, or bribes to get a quick one nighter with one of the ignored female monkeys. On the other hand, the female monkeys stay loyal to the alpha, unless he doesn't give them enough attention (in this case control).
2) Being so readily adept to both polygamous and polyamory lifestyles, women seem to crave both triggers.
3) You can control a woman and still give her the polygamy triggers through dis-interest and rewards intermixed.
4) You can not do either alone. Example, reward a girl to often and she gets bored and looks for the one night monkey. Control a girl to often and she starts looking for someone who will reward her.
5) Men are built to be either the one in control (alpha) or the one nighter(beta) monkey. We are not built to be both. Some beta's may act "Alpha", but it's rooted in insecurity. These are the guys who say, "I am not the commitment type". Just as some alpha's may act "Beta", again it's rooted in insecurity. These are the guys who say, "I don't want to control you like I do everyone else, to me your special". Either way, you fail. If you manage to live with that girl until death, you probably just got lucky. If the right monkey came along with the right tune, she would have strayed for at least a little to fill what ever part your missing.

So my final thoughts on this, for a LTR you need to be both. Besides the occasional threesome, is it worth it though?
One of my most enjoyable things is when a girl still thinks she is innocent and sometimes acts like a child. Most girls learn they are not innocent eventually, they end up straying because very few men have learned to be both.
Every love book in the world says trust is the basis for real love. But you can never trust someone you have to control, and you wont stay in a relationship long if you don't learn to control a woman at least on key things.

For most Alpha's and Beta's this drives them crazy. Men seem capable of falling in true love, which is the most horrendous thing nature ever did. Women may fall in love, but they are hardly ever in "true love" as every love is always missing one aspect they need(minus the few guys who have taught themselves to cater to this).
To paraphrase something else I read. PUA's don't take women off the pedestal, they just put them on a different one. You are still changing your entire self to cater to women.

I always had it easy with women, but never respected any of them. Until one day I met a girl that wasn't all over me in 5 seconds. Eventually I got her to chase me, then tied her down. I let myself fall into the "I don't want to control you like I do everyone else, to me your special" group. In the end, she still wanted me to control her. The same way I control random women with a look. Honestly, it drives me ****ing crazy how every single woman can be won over via muted control. I wanted the one that wasn't that way.

I wonder if it would help the next generation if we were to sit female daughters down at the age 10 and say "Look, your mother is ****ing crazy. You don't want to be like her. You will want a man that ..... In the end, a man like that will make you happier and less crazy.". Or would they still be just as silly as every other girl?

I use to think I wanted to find "the One". Now I think, I want to find the one that will sniff out women for threesomes. But I realize, I will still be catering to her needs before mine - even if the illusion is that it's the other way around.

Any rate, I'd love to hear the thoughts of others. Am I looking at this the right way, or is there something I have missed?


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
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Thinking about stuff like this is depressing..... I'd prefer not to be with anyone that I have to control all the time and is too much work. That just gets boring quickly. I dont think its really this black and white. For some women it may....but I'd prefer to just be a lover not a father figure. I tend to get a soft **** over a girl who wants me to tell her everything to do and act.