Women don't know what is "true value"


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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Taking quotes from a blog

the classic piece of advice in this respect being to never engage a girl logically in the initial stages of an interaction, or go into great depth in any discussion subject, because this will kill her attraction for you, but to talk to her in a childish manner mostly about childish and frivolous matters—which pretty much condemns all philosophers and geniuses ever into celibacy unless they are willing to become clowns and deceive the girls as to their true nature by dumbing themselves down for them.
Well, did you have that very intelligent guy that speak logically with women too?

And how many things become immediately clear once we adopt this simple definition! For example the neg, the trick that launched pick-up: can anyone think of a more devious deception than this? To pretend you are not interested in precisely the person you are most interested in; to ignore her. Even worse: to search for faults and insecurities in her, or to even invent some, if you can't find any, and to attack them in the subtlest way possible so that the attack will not be recognized as such and the poor girl will be forced to misjudge her own value, and as a consequence become vulnerable to the PUA's advances; will ideally even be tricked into making herself an advance on the PUA: we are talking about a truly devilish level of deception here. No greater deception than this will ever be devised, and it's easy to see now why it's precisely this trick and this theory that launched pick-up, and turned it into a science. A science precisely because Mystery arrived at it by observation and experiment: the observation that the entire game of naturals hinged around feigning indifference. Mystery's first rule of pick-up thus became: to never approach the girl directly, but to approach her group and befriend everyone except the target. This is already a major neg, a neg which all naturals unconsciously employ; but precisely because Mystery was not a natural but a scientist—which is to say a supernatural—he carried much much further than any natural ever had with the whole business of actively attacking, and even inventing, faults and insecurities.
We can see this working in relationship and I have real life example of this, or basically saying that in a given group, the woman that you don't fall in love with, will fall in love with you.
So this could be the reason also why "deception" is a powerful tool. Not only with women.
and there is more below

About status

So the PUAs' equation of status=leadership=masculinity is correct, but FOR MEN. For women, it's bull****, it simply doesn't work with them, especially in contemporary society where masculinity has been marginalized and the highest status is bestowed on the kinds of males that, in earlier times, were treated with barely disguised contempt: artists and businessmen.

Nietzsche: "In declining cultures, wherever the decision comes to rest with the masses, genuineness becomes superfluous, disadvantageous, an encumbrance. Only the actor still arouses great enthusiasm."

That's why Nietzsche described women as "born slaves"; you set them free and they still look for someone to enslave themselves to, and moreover the most powerful person they can find, so they can be enslaved by him more totally. And, being women, they confuse status with power for the reason I have explained at length in the Defining Game
This is also the case why people like the friend we mentioned above, who are very humble, logic and do reach high levels of intelligence, usually is seens as a low quality male, and actually "strange" in the social context.
But a businessman, which manipulate others and it's good at telling lies, will caught people hearts.
It also says that a man can self improve himself and be 10 in a scale of "true value", but what is "true value" for a woman, it's also how this man is perceived by her friends and family, and also other factors which contribute instead to a "Perceived value". This is the idealization and where women fall in love.

Here he talks about how we can "maximize" our exposure to other people and women.
I think it's a good example. What also comes to your mind, in order to gain exp with social skills and women, in a short time? Also, shall you do this where no one knows you, or in your city?