Master Don Juan
Bit of field report / example
Basically a couple of weeks ago i was out with a freind in a bar we ran into some girls he knew ( my mate has a GF so was just playing wing )
One HB5 one Hb7.5 .....he kept the 5 talking an i focused on the 7.5 we chatted for maybe two hours a little bit of flirting but to be honest i was really feeling her she was quite boring ( tax accountant ) and also not really my type she was blonde........ i like brunettes
Jokingly before i left i said i'll have to add you on linkedin so you can help me with my capital gains tax
I never actually bothered too though .....
Flash forward to last night there is a big social event in my city everyone who's anyone is out
I am talking to an old female freind in a bar , next thing a girl grabs me a HB7.5 i don't recognise her at all
HB 7.5 - i know you !!!
Bingo - uh do you !?! ( very confused and my face wasn't lying either )
Hb 7.5 - yea remember from the bar XYZ a few weeks ago
Bingo - (still a bit confused) look her up and down ohh yea the tax accountant right ?
HB 7.5 - smiles yes yes thats it how come you didnt get in touch with me !?!
it turns out HB7.5 is actually somewhat a well known socialite in my city with lots of high profile connections and a string of local celebrity ex's i'm told many value her as a 9 ...... ( to be honest for a guy that doesnt have an instagram page in that area she's way out of my league)
Basically HB 7.5 has got plenty of options but because i was genuinely so unbothered with her and hadn't followed her up from the first encounter her hamster wheel was doing overdrive
its funny because even today i'm still not interested in pursuing this girl as she just doesnt do much for me
Moral of the story guys and i suppose this comes back too not being afraid to lose and abundance but if you can get over how pretty she is and objectively value her personality / job / character instead of simping on her , it will drive her wheel crazy
"Why isn't he chasing me" , "why is he talking to that girl and not me", "why does he not want to sleep with me"
its a bit cliche'd but If you can get her asking these questions she will fall right into the palm of your hand
with this girl in the example above it was easy for me because although she was hot she just wasn't my type
Basically a couple of weeks ago i was out with a freind in a bar we ran into some girls he knew ( my mate has a GF so was just playing wing )
One HB5 one Hb7.5 .....he kept the 5 talking an i focused on the 7.5 we chatted for maybe two hours a little bit of flirting but to be honest i was really feeling her she was quite boring ( tax accountant ) and also not really my type she was blonde........ i like brunettes
Jokingly before i left i said i'll have to add you on linkedin so you can help me with my capital gains tax
I never actually bothered too though .....
Flash forward to last night there is a big social event in my city everyone who's anyone is out
I am talking to an old female freind in a bar , next thing a girl grabs me a HB7.5 i don't recognise her at all
HB 7.5 - i know you !!!
Bingo - uh do you !?! ( very confused and my face wasn't lying either )
Hb 7.5 - yea remember from the bar XYZ a few weeks ago
Bingo - (still a bit confused) look her up and down ohh yea the tax accountant right ?
HB 7.5 - smiles yes yes thats it how come you didnt get in touch with me !?!
it turns out HB7.5 is actually somewhat a well known socialite in my city with lots of high profile connections and a string of local celebrity ex's i'm told many value her as a 9 ...... ( to be honest for a guy that doesnt have an instagram page in that area she's way out of my league)
Basically HB 7.5 has got plenty of options but because i was genuinely so unbothered with her and hadn't followed her up from the first encounter her hamster wheel was doing overdrive
its funny because even today i'm still not interested in pursuing this girl as she just doesnt do much for me
Moral of the story guys and i suppose this comes back too not being afraid to lose and abundance but if you can get over how pretty she is and objectively value her personality / job / character instead of simping on her , it will drive her wheel crazy
"Why isn't he chasing me" , "why is he talking to that girl and not me", "why does he not want to sleep with me"
its a bit cliche'd but If you can get her asking these questions she will fall right into the palm of your hand
with this girl in the example above it was easy for me because although she was hot she just wasn't my type