Lo Hung Wang
Don Juan
Ok, heres my situation : I have a f u c k buddy girl on the side - but she suddenly wants a relationship now and is always trying to get me to go on a date with her. ( I keep rejecting her). I also have a temporary non-serious girlfriend - i.e. I've told her that im moving soon and it's going to be on a "fun" basis. She knows about the f u c k buddy, but because of the "fun, no-strings" relationship we agreed to; she has no reason to get angry. However, her jealousy has kicked in. Now she's competing with my FB and constantly giving it up in an attempt to snag me. While the FB wants to get her out of the picture so she can get a real "meaningful" relationship out of me. She even hinted that I not move. Riiiight. Sex is good but not that good.
So as it stands now - these 2 girls are competing for me, essentially prostituting themselves. But heres the funny part:
Theres a third girl who's been watching all this from the sidelines and keeps trying to get with me! She's constantly calling my house and dropping hints and mimicking me - And its a HUGE turn off!!!
Just looking at the situation, I now realise why women are so turned off by AFC's. I was looking through what must have been a womans perspective of her dating life. A bunch of low-self esteem AFC's tripping over each others shoes destroying each other for me - all the while I was getting hot sex as the byproduct. (its really a bribe though)
I'm only 20, and i've just learned what feels like one of the greatest lessons ever - Women are just as insecure, if not more than men. Sure, I've read the bible and its wisdom on AFC'ism. But it wasn't until I experienced those reprehensible GIRL AFC's that I truly realised what the authors were saying in the bible. (and how truly non-man I used to be)
You can read about AFC's - but you have to witness the female AFC phenomena to truly understand and better yourself. There is no alternative to experience.
Just further reason not to be afraid.
So as it stands now - these 2 girls are competing for me, essentially prostituting themselves. But heres the funny part:
Theres a third girl who's been watching all this from the sidelines and keeps trying to get with me! She's constantly calling my house and dropping hints and mimicking me - And its a HUGE turn off!!!
Just looking at the situation, I now realise why women are so turned off by AFC's. I was looking through what must have been a womans perspective of her dating life. A bunch of low-self esteem AFC's tripping over each others shoes destroying each other for me - all the while I was getting hot sex as the byproduct. (its really a bribe though)
I'm only 20, and i've just learned what feels like one of the greatest lessons ever - Women are just as insecure, if not more than men. Sure, I've read the bible and its wisdom on AFC'ism. But it wasn't until I experienced those reprehensible GIRL AFC's that I truly realised what the authors were saying in the bible. (and how truly non-man I used to be)
You can read about AFC's - but you have to witness the female AFC phenomena to truly understand and better yourself. There is no alternative to experience.
Just further reason not to be afraid.