Woman Questions


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
I have some questions about a couple different woman I am trying to date.

1. I go to this resturant bar all the time and alot of people mention to me at work. Well this 1 woman I dig at work has been around several times when people mention this place to me and she always pops in saying "I have never been there." Is this a hint that she wants to go there?

2. Another woman at work who is quiet and seems to have self esteem issues. I will be around some people and I will say something funny and I will always hear this woman giggle. Sometimes it seems like she is listening to what I am talking about with other people.

3. A third woman who I eat with always wants me to take bites of her food. I KNOW for sure she gets something out of me sharing food with her. I think I read something like this here before.

I don't want to be known at work as the guy who is hitting on ALL the woman. We already have one and he is married. So I am trying to figure out which I should try to bang plus see if these things are signs of interest.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
Don't take this the wrong way, but it sounds to me like the problem is that you are really stumped on basic communication skills, and arn't able to respond to these women appropiatelly.

Man, you remind me of how I use to be, just less ... can't think of a good word to use.

The first thing you need to do is to stop trying to analyze everything women are saying and doing and actually start dating them, then worry about how to react when you find out the girl actually likes you. If you screw up on a couple of dates or with women in general, just keep correcting your mistakes each time you mess up. Everything you need is already in side of you, you just need to nurture the dj like traits that will make you successful.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Man, my advice is never mix work with pleasure. If you crash and burn with one of the chicks then word will get around quick and then your chances with the other girls will go down the tubes. Lets say you start banging one of these girls and she turns all psycho on you, what are you gonna do pack up and find a new job? Anyway its your life.

"I have never been there." Is this a hint that she wants to go there?
Maybe, maybe not. You have to ask her before you know.

Sometimes it seems like she is listening to what I am talking about with other people.
Again maybe, maybe not. Follow up and talk to her a bit more. Don't overanalyze things like this either. All you have is a possible good first sign, you have to step it up before you know for sure.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
Woman Answers:

1-Yes, she wants you to take her there! She's dropping BIG hints! Does he have to tattoo it on her forehead?:p

2-Yep! She's listening. She's too shy to approach you on her own. But she likes you! ;)

3-It's a caretaker/Mommy thing. By sharing her food with you it "bonds" you to her in her mind. She's feeding you, thus taking care of you. :cool:

I'll let the rest of the guys tell you the dangers of "fishing off the company pier". (Dating at work is a BAAAAAD idea!)