Woman PD's; harsh but a grain of truth


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
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Found this on the net today. A bit cold and harsh but there seems to me to be a kernal of truth in the analysis.


9 out of 10 sluts suffer from a Cluster B Personality Disorder.

If you can learn to recognize Cluster B traits, you can avoid them (suggested) or, if you're disciplined enough, use them for sex.

Here's how to identify certain types of these sluts:

The Borderline Personality Disorder slut will have lots of male friends, a few (3 or 4 ) male friends she considers to be close friends, but these "close" friends will be friendzoned co-dependent types. The Borderline slut will have a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend she considers the primary relationship in her life, but it will always be a rocky relationship. He will most likely be depressed. She will make you feel like you're the king of the world when she first meets you, but this will only last a short period of time before she begins to devalue you. You have a month or 2 to **** her good until this happens. DO NOT become one of her few male friends waiting for her to fall in love with you, that will NEVER happen because she hates herself too much to allow real intimacy in her life.

The Histrionic Personality Disorder slut will be lively and charismatic, and like the Borderline slut, she will have lots of mostly male friends. But unlike the Borderline slut, she may have a few lesser attractive female friends. She will flirt, touch, and make you feel like you're the hottest thing around. She is after your attention, and only your attention. The trick to ****ing her is to not seem as if you have surrendered to her charms. The more apathetic you are towards her, the more she wants you. The minute she thinks she's won you over, she will consider you less than dirt. Never tell her you love her unless you want the relationship (I use that term loosely, they will never have a real relationship) to be over.

The Narcissist slut will seem interested in you, mirror all of your interests, and paint herself out to be everything you want in a woman. For example, if you tell her you're into a certain genre of music, she will quickly study that genre and become master at it in her own mind. Narcissist sluts love becoming getting interested in specific genres because it makes them feel superior. They need to feel better than you at knowing certain things. The minute you claim to know more, she begins resenting you and pushing you away. Like the Histrionic and Borderline sluts, the Narcissist slut wants your attention and will inevitably devalue you and cut you off for no reason. But unlike the Borderline and Histrionic sluts, they don't care if you leave first. They're narcissist and will not usually fault themselves in any way.

Don't try to figure out whether a slut is Borderline, Histrionic, or Narcissistic. The truth is these disorders often intertwine and it becomes difficult to know which disorder dominates. If you do come across these women, and you will, the best course of action is to run like hell. But if you want to use them for sex, the best way to go about this is hit-and-run. Be perfect when you talk to them, and then disappear for a few days. If you can do this a few time, she will almost always throw the ***** at you. But if you start developing feelings and start figuring out her motives, you're ****ed and have months of heartache coming your way. The Cluster B has zero empathy (they fake it well) and are master manipulators. Don't play their game, you will always lose.

Men are capable of true love. Women aren't. Women fall in and out of love all the time. A man will rarely fall in love with a women, but if he does, it's permanent. He'll do anything to make things work, but a relationship is two sided, and doomed if she doesn't hold her end up. So, he may have to leave her, but he'll always love her.

I didn't fall in love for the first time until I was 30. She lied, cheated, abused, and betrayed me, so I couldn't be with her. I can't be with her, I know better than to give it yet another try. It's been years since I've seen her, and plenty of other women have come & gone, but I still think of her every day, and will probably do so until the day I die. I've just accepted it as a burden that I have to live with, like an amputee, something is just missing.

Women are incapable of love on such a scale. Women can get hurt, yes, but they don't love as deeply as men, and therefore heal.

Luckily, most women are vapid two dimensional ****s who are unworthy of a man's love, otherwise these ****s would lay waste to men left & right.

Men, trust me, it's must better just to treat women as some combination of sex toy and pet, because that's what the vast majority of them are. On the odd chance that you find one who has that spark and is capable of inspiring love, beware, because she is still a woman at heart, and betrayal and destruction is in her nature.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Great post.

However I will never play with fire again and I will stay away from these creatures, even for 1 time fvcking, because you won't know what you've got untill it's too late.

My BPD-ex called me today after I cut off all contact 7 says ago, full of anger and basicly blaming me for a suicide attempt and how selfish I was for telling her to get admitted in a mental health facility.
Oh and she couldn't resist telling me that she was with another guy, who 'fortunately' DID talk her back on track, not before he fvcked her like an animal of course.

Won't we ever get rid of these monsters?


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
It has been tongue-in-cheek suggested that BPD and her sisters are Satan's spawn unleashed upon the world to entrapp males abandonned to carnal lust.

The life you save may be your own - NC.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2016
Reaction score
9 out of 10 sluts suffer from a Cluster B Personality Disorder.

The Histrionic Personality Disorder slut will be lively and charismatic, and like the Borderline slut, she will have lots of mostly male friends. But unlike the Borderline slut, she may have a few lesser attractive female friends. She will flirt, touch, and make you feel like you're the hottest thing around. She is after your attention, and only your attention. The trick to ****ing her is to not seem as if you have surrendered to her charms. The more apathetic you are towards her, the more she wants you. The minute she thinks she's won you over, she will consider you less than dirt. Never tell her you love her unless you want the relationship (I use that term loosely, they will never have a real relationship) to be over.

Don't try to figure out whether a slut is Borderline, Histrionic, or Narcissistic. The truth is these disorders often intertwine and it becomes difficult to know which disorder dominates. If you do come across these women, and you will, the best course of action is to run like hell. But if you want to use them for sex, the best way to go about this is hit-and-run. Be perfect when you talk to them, and then disappear for a few days. If you can do this a few time, she will almost always throw the ***** at you. But if you start developing feelings and start figuring out her motives, you're ****ed and have months of heartache coming your way. The Cluster B has zero empathy (they fake it well) and are master manipulators. Don't play their game, you will always lose.

Men are capable of true love. Women aren't. Women fall in and out of love all the time. A man will rarely fall in love with a women, but if he does, it's permanent. He'll do anything to make things work, but a relationship is two sided, and doomed if she doesn't hold her end up. So, he may have to leave her, but he'll always love her.

I didn't fall in love for the first time until I was 30. She lied, cheated, abused, and betrayed me, so I couldn't be with her. I can't be with her, I know better than to give it yet another try.

Women are incapable of love on such a scale. Women can get hurt, yes, but they don't love as deeply as men, and therefore heal.

Men, trust me, it's must better just to treat women as some combination of sex toy and pet, because that's what the vast majority of them are.
Well said