Woman Cheats on BF, Calls Him and LIES About It (A Real-Life Story)

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
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Hey guys:

Sooo... yeah, the title probably isn't all that shocking, but this story just happened this morning and I felt the need to share it here...

When I'm not on these boards I do a lot of other jobs, one of which is being a ride-share driver. This morning I got a beep on my phone to go pick someone up from this guy's house (whose face, btw, showed up on my app 'cause the order for the ride was from his account). When I get there, I see the guy... but instead of him, this woman emerges from his house, gives him a hug, then gets into my car. So, clearly, he had ordered the ride for her.

First thing she says when she gets into my car is: "Oh man, I was soooo bad last night. My boyfriend is going to be soooo mad..." Already, I can tell where this story is probably gonna go...

Next, she asks me if she can use my phone to make a phone call because her phone had died. I handed her my phone and she directed me what direction to head in. Then, she makes her phone call, and it went a lil' something like this:

"Hello... hey baby, how are you? I'm soooooo sorry I didn't come home last night, are you mad?.... Oh, I'm sorry - I went to my girlfriend Nicole's house after we went out for drinks last night and I ended up passing out. She ordered me a ride home so I should be there in 5 minutes, okay?... Again, I'm soooo sorry, babe, I'll be home soon - bye!"

After she handed me my phone, she said, once again, "Ugh, I was sooooo bad last night... I knew he'd be mad at me for not coming home."

At this point, I had to ask: "Yeah, so... not to pry or get in your business, but what DID you do last night?" Her response:

"I had sex with my co-worker..."

As the story goes: she and this co-worker got off work and went to go get some drinks with other co-workers; after they all left, they went to ANOTHER place to get MORE drinks. After leaving this place, SHE - with no persuasion from him, mind you - invited herself over to his place, where they proceeded to have sex. Afterward, she was going to head home but got too tired and passed out until this morning. And now, she was heading home to her boyfriend that she blatantly LIED to, and who has NO idea about what transpired between her and the co-worker, and whom - based on her description of him - is a "nice, warm, caring guy who loves me so much and gives me the world."

I couldn't help but feel... well, two ways: one, I felt BAD for the guy because he's been dating this girl for 6 years and thinks he has her on lock but doesn't, and will continue to bang her and go down on her, unaware that she's getting sexed up by other men at her discretion; and two, I felt BAD that this guy probably isn't aware that he's probably doing (or not doing) things to make this woman consider stepping out on him. As she put it, he doesn't really like going out much, so I can imagine had he agreed to meet up with her for drinks after work this particular scenario wouldn't have occurred...

But that brings me to my point... actually, I don't really have a point, but if I DID have one, it would be that no matter how "Alpha" you think you are, or how much control of the situation you THINK you have, you gotta remember that girls are better at this cheating game than men ever could be. Heck, I asked this chick if she had told her friend Nicole that she was used in her alibi and you know what her response was? "Oh please, I told her about that BEFORE the scenario went down!" That means if her BF asks Nicole about it, she's WILLING to LIE and tell him that her friend was with her!!!

Ugh... no words, really, just wanted to share that. Feel free to analyze and critique this event!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
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Great story man! I have seen these types of scenarios happen quite often.
In fact I banged a chick last week I met at the club, her boyfriend called in the morning, and she lied to him by saying that she is at her parents' house.
As she told me, her boyfriend was out of town for work related stuff.

I don't know how Alpha or Beta her boyfriend was, but I could definitely tell that I'm not the first one she cheated on him with.

I think it's just some women have no integrity and it has nothing to do with you being Alpha. You can be all the Alpha you want, but she will still cheat if she is a slut


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
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New York
You are right my man.

My ex found herself a new guy after we broke up , she came over to chill I ****ed her the whole day and night but an emergency came up and I had to go somewhere. She called her boyfriend to come pick her up & that she was at her girlfriends house and she has to do something.
I was looking out the window as this poor bastard came to pick her up at 1 am at night.

I was thinking about getting her back but after that night , I was so happy I dodged a bullet. Now she is in my friend zone , I pick up her calls and msgs when I WANT to.
Learn to treat low quality women for who they are , either get rid of them or keep then interested enough for last minute sex calls. Believe it or not that's what women do to men.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
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If your girl works in an office with a lot of people her age there's a pretty high chance she is going to cheat on you in some capacity over the course of your relationship. Whether that's just a kiss or rough sex doesn't really matter, cheating is cheating.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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Great story Harry. Unfortunately, I'm not shocked.

Like many bros here, I've been the "other guy" with married, engaged and coupled women.
The lies they told their other halves were outrageous and I shudder to think how these chicks went home and kissed them with their mouths that had only hours before been doing some sick shyt.
You can't keep your girl on a leash 24-7, but you have to set boundaries.
If she doesn't come home from a night out, that should be putting you on DEFCON 1 nuke alert and you should dump her arse instantly.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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Women master social strategies before growing t!ts and if you don't know this then you don't know sh!t about woman nature.

everything is allowed when it comes to women to protect their social status. That's all that they care about.

but as long as men value what is without value they will keep getting the same low life scums.

I'm glad that there are some women who are worth to spend time with and who make great companions.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Great story and i have seen many experiences like this. Ive been in many myself as the "other" guy. We dont know if she had given her boyfriend red flags that he has ignored in the past and led to this sh*t going down. Im willing to bet that she gets over on her BF many times and feels no deep respect for him. She's with him yes, however definitely not for love and probably because he kisses her ass and does everything for her.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
This doesn't come as a shock to any sane man. Women are expert manipulators. Consciously or subconsciously. They have become so good at it that it it is second nature to them. Almost as natural as breathing.

Often times a woman has planned her lies well in advance and she will repeat her story to herself several times in her head that she will even believe it to be the truth. It's amazing really.

Fortunately, there are a few tips on how to spot a lying woman. Simply throw a curve ball question at her such as asking what she and her friend did last night. When you ask that, she might simply answer, "We hung out." When pressed for more details, she might repeat your question or pause before answering.

Also, look for inconsistencies in her rate of speech. She might slow down to think of a lie, and then speed up suddenly when she becomes aware of how slowly she is talking.

If she exhibits these signs, it doesn't necessarily mean she's lying. Just make a mental note. Never accuse someone of lying unless you have solid evidence. Try not to get into an argument with her when you present your evidence. Just do it and walk away. Don't let her rationalize it to you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
Greasy Pig said:
Great story Harry. Unfortunately, I'm not shocked.

Like many bros here, I've been the "other guy" with married, engaged and coupled women.
The lies they told their other halves were outrageous and I shudder to think how these chicks went home and kissed them with their mouths that had only hours before been doing some sick shyt.
You can't keep your girl on a leash 24-7, but you have to set boundaries.
If she doesn't come home from a night out, that should be putting you on DEFCON 1 nuke alert and you should dump her arse instantly.

None of this surprises me.... I think it's the norm rather than the exception


May 17, 2013
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America is best
Women have no problem lying. Not all slvts, cheaters and party girls started off that way.

At some point many of them were innocent more or less.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Sometimes I think its a shame Ill likely never be in a relationship again.

Then I read threads like this or hear similar stories when talking to people out in the real world.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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"Hello... hey baby, how are you? I'm soooooo sorry I didn't come home last night, are you mad?.... Oh, I'm sorry - I went to my girlfriend Nicole's house after we went out for drinks last night and I ended up passing out. She ordered me a ride home so I should be there in 5 minutes, okay?... Again, I'm soooo sorry, babe, I'll be home soon - bye!"

Oh sh*t and they live together too! What a sloot and the guy is absolutely oblivious to it all? She must randomly sleep over Nicole's house pretty often then right?!

Oh hey baby I'm sooooo sorry I fell on my co-workers c*ck last night.


Master Don Juan
Feb 22, 2012
Reaction score
El Payaso said:
If she exhibits these signs, it doesn't necessarily mean she's lying. Just make a mental note. Never accuse someone of lying unless you have solid evidence. Try not to get into an argument with her when you present your evidence. Just do it and walk away. Don't let her rationalize it to you.
It's pretty hard to figure out for sure whether she is lying save for looking at her phone (Whatsapp/Facebook). Usually I would say the more guarded she is with her phone and always taking it with her even to the toilet, and not leaving it somewhere around the house is a good sign she's hiding something. I had an ex-girlfriend who would even mute some of her conversations so messages don't show up on the lockscreen and delete messages from certain people as soon as she gets or sends them something. As bad as women are generally with technology, and they are terrible, they sure have found ways of being sneaky with iPhones and other phones.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
LMFAO said:
It's pretty hard to figure out for sure whether she is lying save for looking at her phone (Whatsapp/Facebook). Usually I would say the more guarded she is with her phone and always taking it with her even to the toilet, and not leaving it somewhere around the house is a good sign she's hiding something. I had an ex-girlfriend who would even mute some of her conversations so messages don't show up on the lockscreen and delete messages from certain people as soon as she gets or sends them something. As bad as women are generally with technology, and they are terrible, they sure have found ways of being sneaky with iPhones and other phones.
The general consesus or stereotype is that women are bad with technology. The truth couldn't be further from that perception. Women are not bad with technology. In fact, women are not bad with anything. Women are only bad at the things that are not necessary to survive or secure a mate. They excel in the things that are necessary to survive or secure a mate.

Why should a woman learn to change a flat when the opposite sex (half the world's population) is able and willing to do it for her? However, she is very quick to learn how to secure her phone and hide it from the prying eyes of her male mate because no sane male mate in his right mind would do it for her.


New Member
Jan 27, 2015
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Hey I've had girls blatantly tell their guys they were hanging with me even telling them that I'm like a brother one of the girls was even on the phone with one of em while I was fingering her (I did it on purpose because why was she on the phone with her bf)
Sluts are gonna be sluts