Winning back a girl


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
is it possible to win back a girl who practically thinks ur a freak and borderline stalker for texting her 8 times,lol. Im assuming no, but man i really dug this chick, and eventually dug my own grave. I had like 3 hrs sleep the other day when she told me she wanted to just be friends and i was so cranky and lost my cool and texted her 8 times in 2 days, plus 2 apology emails. basically it was all apologies for the fiorst 2 texts that were mean. She must think im nuts. i never do that, totally afc nutjob moment. i think if i had slept more the other night id have reacted much calmer. Is there any way to make her realize it was a fluke, and mayeb in a few monhts or something she might not think im so nuts anymore? i assume no, but i ask cuz this chick was unique to me, never met a girl like her. or else id drop it alredy.

She hasnt deleted me from her mysapce she just took me out of her top 8, so im thinking if she sees my page and once in a while and seesthat im still a cool normal guy with alot of freidns and female interest she might think, hey he just was being immature, hes not so bad, and will forgive me andnlose her nutjob perception of me?

Any chance in hell? or a pipe dream?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Forget it you're in the friends zone. Chalk it up as a learning expirence and move on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
PRMoon said:
Forget it you're in the friends zone. Chalk it up as a learning expirence and move on.

Well the thing was she was really into me, the reason she said she wanted toi just be friends was cuz of the way i reacted with the emails and texts. She said it made her uneasy about a relationship with me and was a little freaked out, plus the fact that i was a little mean in one of them. I had kinda felt she was leading me on cuz she was seein another guy and admitted it to me, so i was a lil mean about it in 2 of the texts.

but the pt im makgn is that she said to me that she was really ectied bout me and what could happen with us and then she got confused cuz another guy she liked asked her out at the same time. And what made her decisio for her was the way i reacted. She said she wasnt impressed with the way i reacted to it.

So i know shes physicially attracted to me, and she told me many times she fel twe had chemistry and clicked. So i wonder if i can get back to where she respects me again and has that attraction.

No chance?


Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
can we curse on here?
That b**** is jerking you around man...I was about to tell you to let her know you never felt like this before and it's all due to her affect on you...that would melt her...but f*** her man:cuss:

how the hell you 'sposed to react when someone tells you that they're playing your ass...gimme a break...

You take her off your list and forget about her, and if she asks you why tell her you ain't got time for silly ass games...

Play it on your turf instead of hers...spend energy on people who don't piss you off...


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
can we curse on here?
That b**** is jerking you around man...I was about to tell you to let her know you never felt like this before and it's all due to her affect on you...that would melt her...but f*** her man:cuss:

how the hell you 'sposed to react when someone tells you that they're playing your ass...gimme a break...

You take her off your list and forget about her, and if she asks you why tell her you ain't got time for silly ass games...

Play it on your turf instead of hers...spend energy on people who don't piss you off...
thanks man i thoguht i was the only one who thoguht she was playing wit me. She got so mad that i accused her of it, shes like u hardly evne know me im really turned off by the fatc that youd accuse me of playin wit u. Im like wat am i suposed to think, she told me she had a tuff decision and she hadnt made up her mind yet cuz she really likes us both. So im like ok that cool, its up to u, so how bout we go out frid night. and shes like i cant sorry, i sad umm ok we had a 4th date planned for weeks that never happeened cuz u keep putting it off. how bout saturday. no sorry i need time to think. So im like ok but if this is ur way of gettin rid of me just do it, i really like u and i dont wanna be strung along with high hopes for weeks and then eventually u tell me u chose him. We at least gotta hang out a little so u have somethin to base u rdecision on. After all she works with this guy, so i have no chance in hell if she never sees me and sees him everyday. She is used to playin games, and apparently with guys who dont really care. I think my reaction was justified.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Well i gave it one last attempt, i sent her an email and poured my heart out to her, and told her i had little sleep and had a bad day at work and when she broke the news to me about her seeing another guy too i flipped. and im embarassed by my behavior and all this sh*t. I then told her i would never lose my pride over a girl, ever. But she's different cuz i feel an amazing chemistry between us that i havent felt wit a girl in years and that i date alot.

I wonder if that will affect her in any way or just add to her perception of me being a freak since i sent another email. im hoping she is touched by wat i said. I doubt it tho, prob not right? Once a girl loses attraction its almost impossible to get back from wat ive expereinced, i hope she proves me wrong.


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
I had like 3 hrs sleep the other day when she told me she wanted to just be friends and i was so cranky and lost my cool and texted her 8 times in 2 days, plus 2 apology emails. basically it was all apologies for the fiorst 2 texts that were mean. i think if i had slept more the other night id have reacted much calmer.
I get cranky and lost my cool a few times in similar situations and i do believe getting some sleep would help with the self control. Try lifting some weights, do a few heavy set. IT will help put you to sleep. :D It works pretty well.
As for her. I'd say start back in square one like you first met her. Do all the DJ stuff you do and hopefully it can get reset it. Just dont mention about what you did wrong to her anymore.


Don Juan
Sep 25, 2006
Reaction score
Mate move on, seriously! Use this experience to inspire you to improve your game. I swear, within 3 months you'll find a girl that you have an even better chemistry with


Don Juan
Oct 6, 2006
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
Well i gave it one last attempt, i sent her an email and poured my heart out to her, and told her i had little sleep and had a bad day at work and when she broke the news to me about her seeing another guy too i flipped. and im embarassed by my behavior and all this sh*t. I then told her i would never lose my pride over a girl, ever. But she's different cuz i feel an amazing chemistry between us that i havent felt wit a girl in years and that i date alot.

I wonder if that will affect her in any way or just add to her perception of me being a freak since i sent another email. im hoping she is touched by wat i said. I doubt it tho, prob not right? Once a girl loses attraction its almost impossible to get back from wat ive expereinced, i hope she proves me wrong.
o i didnt read this part lol. hmmm do you see her often? like classmate? if thats the case maybe if u act like it didnt affect you or nothing happened at all you'll get her confused. Since you wrote the letter she will think that you will pour your heart out again next time you see her but you wont and you act all cool.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
I then told her i would never lose my pride over a girl, ever. But she's different cuz i feel an amazing chemistry between us that i havent felt wit a girl in years and that i date alot.

You never had any pride to start with. And i'm not even trying to make fun of you. You sit here and say oh i know i look like a freak but you KEEP DOING IT thinking if you just say a little more it'll fix sh1t but all it does is make you look freakier. Just stop and walk away already and stop posting about it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
...she broke the news to me about her seeing another guy too i flipped... But she's different cuz i feel an amazing chemistry between us that i havent felt wit a girl in years and that i date alot...I wonder if that will affect her in any way or just add to her perception of me being a freak since i sent another email...Once a girl loses attraction its almost impossible to get back from wat ive expereinced, i hope she proves me wrong.
What's going on here? I told you to move on! If you date alot then you should have no problem finding another girl. This one is dating some one else and you're semi stalking here. This equates to weak game and little self respect. I'm not going to say you don't have any game because I don't know you and you claim to date alot which is not debateable. I will say you handled this whole thing like a surgon performing an operation with a bloody chain saw as opposed to a scaple...yeah it was that gruesome. You killed and mangled your patient and are now using a difibulator on their left foot trying to revive them. Note: the foot is no long attatched to the body...not like it matters.

There are ways of getting back into a girls graces but the best thing you can do now is aboandon this sinking ship. Your time can be spent in more productive endevors.