Master Don Juan
Right, this is just before I start a "get witty" lessons post, which will keep me occupied on this board for a good while, I want to share with you a discovery I've made.
This isn't really about girls, but more playing the game, and standing up for yourself.
The big thing this site has taught me is that although we may start off different, we can all achieve the same: anything. We all have no boundaries, only the one's we make for ourselves.
But lets think for a second, how many DJ's are there? People who see the social game for what it is? And what's the chance of you being the only one at a party? So what is everyone else thinking?
They're thinking inside the box. Their world is govened by rules and social ladders. And that is their intrinsic flaw. At a risk of sounding like Morpheus from The Matrix, even the greatest guy who is still thinking "in the box" is governed by laws. Laws you can play with.
So, the social ladder that inhibited many of us as AFCs can be used by a DJ. If you couldn't already tell, this is now going into a home story (and a bit of a boast
I've got a bunch of platonic girlfriends, who mean a lot to me. Not much pisses me off, but ****ing around with them is not a good idea. That said, I'm not a violent person. Enter Mr X. X is a pretty popular *******, but by ******* I mean serious *******. He hurt me a lot as an AFC, he is pretty much the reason I became an AFC in the first place. He's also big. Very big.
And drunk. So, my girls are in a room, one of them is chucking cos she's drunk too much (silly *****), and I see a drunken X stagger across to the room. Make no mistake his plan is: he goes in, finds drunken unhappy girls, and goes as far as he can with them. I wouldn't mind, but I like these girls, I dont like him, and no one ever stands up to him. Figured now would be a good time to give him a taste of the new me
A fight with this guy would hurt. Even drunk, not good. But he's thinking inside the box, and I aint. I'm just saying this cos a lot on this board seem to say stand up for yourself- beat the **** out of the guy. Problem is that's not always smart, and kiddies, violence hurts. Besides, your a DJ, if you're doing your rounds right you can make even the most drunk, big, angry mutha****a adhere to his own boundaries. No violence was needed, he shouted at me, I shouted at him, he made a fist, I called his bluff, he gives in. This was possible because I made a good guess at what his boundaries were and showed him the best thing for him to do was back down. In this case, it was that he didn't actually know what he was doing- no one's ever stood up to him before- so I stood up to him with a vengance, ergo the many much shouting.
This is an extreme example. Serious alpha-male staring going on too (cant think what that looked like, I come up to the guy's shoulders...). But its an alterntive to beating the crap out of someone. We all have bastards we know- real utter bastards. But I'm just saying you can play their game and win because they're basicly playing pool with a pencil- its their self imposed limits, values and weaknesses.
I think the best way is just to hit as many buttons as possible. Go for the "never stood up to before" target, as well as using your "social status", what other's will think, making him look stupid, but you have to make him see that him hitting you will be going past his boundaires. Dont lash out if you get pushed, keep your voice loud and affermative. Just like a woman ****ing you if you show her its ok to do so, an ******* will back down if you show him he has no other option.
So, stand up for yourself, keep your cool, and beat those that try to play you at their own game. Out-class them.
This isn't really about girls, but more playing the game, and standing up for yourself.
The big thing this site has taught me is that although we may start off different, we can all achieve the same: anything. We all have no boundaries, only the one's we make for ourselves.
But lets think for a second, how many DJ's are there? People who see the social game for what it is? And what's the chance of you being the only one at a party? So what is everyone else thinking?
They're thinking inside the box. Their world is govened by rules and social ladders. And that is their intrinsic flaw. At a risk of sounding like Morpheus from The Matrix, even the greatest guy who is still thinking "in the box" is governed by laws. Laws you can play with.
So, the social ladder that inhibited many of us as AFCs can be used by a DJ. If you couldn't already tell, this is now going into a home story (and a bit of a boast
I've got a bunch of platonic girlfriends, who mean a lot to me. Not much pisses me off, but ****ing around with them is not a good idea. That said, I'm not a violent person. Enter Mr X. X is a pretty popular *******, but by ******* I mean serious *******. He hurt me a lot as an AFC, he is pretty much the reason I became an AFC in the first place. He's also big. Very big.
And drunk. So, my girls are in a room, one of them is chucking cos she's drunk too much (silly *****), and I see a drunken X stagger across to the room. Make no mistake his plan is: he goes in, finds drunken unhappy girls, and goes as far as he can with them. I wouldn't mind, but I like these girls, I dont like him, and no one ever stands up to him. Figured now would be a good time to give him a taste of the new me
A fight with this guy would hurt. Even drunk, not good. But he's thinking inside the box, and I aint. I'm just saying this cos a lot on this board seem to say stand up for yourself- beat the **** out of the guy. Problem is that's not always smart, and kiddies, violence hurts. Besides, your a DJ, if you're doing your rounds right you can make even the most drunk, big, angry mutha****a adhere to his own boundaries. No violence was needed, he shouted at me, I shouted at him, he made a fist, I called his bluff, he gives in. This was possible because I made a good guess at what his boundaries were and showed him the best thing for him to do was back down. In this case, it was that he didn't actually know what he was doing- no one's ever stood up to him before- so I stood up to him with a vengance, ergo the many much shouting.
This is an extreme example. Serious alpha-male staring going on too (cant think what that looked like, I come up to the guy's shoulders...). But its an alterntive to beating the crap out of someone. We all have bastards we know- real utter bastards. But I'm just saying you can play their game and win because they're basicly playing pool with a pencil- its their self imposed limits, values and weaknesses.
I think the best way is just to hit as many buttons as possible. Go for the "never stood up to before" target, as well as using your "social status", what other's will think, making him look stupid, but you have to make him see that him hitting you will be going past his boundaires. Dont lash out if you get pushed, keep your voice loud and affermative. Just like a woman ****ing you if you show her its ok to do so, an ******* will back down if you show him he has no other option.
So, stand up for yourself, keep your cool, and beat those that try to play you at their own game. Out-class them.