Will Women Halt the Death of Marriage?

Son Goten

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2004
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October 26, 2005

by Marc H. Rudov



Recently, I was dining at the bar of one of my favorite haunts, seated next to a very attractive woman in her mid-40s. After exchanging a few pleasantries, we eventually chatted about the dating scene. I complimented her unusually young appearance, and she admitted to having had some “work done” after her divorce. Not content just with my approval of her stunning looks, she felt compelled also to gloat that her ex-husband’s spousal support had funded her plastic surgery.

When my facial expression quickly turned to glowering disdain and my jaw dropped far enough to allow my digested food, if necessary, to reverse its course, she then bragged that all her girlfriends were likewise using their ex-husbands’ support payments to underwrite their nips & tucks. I wasn’t sure which angered me more: hearing yet another woman describe how she legally fleeced a man or hearing how much she relished doing so.

Upon absorbing my cynical reaction to her idiocy, this entitled divorcee realized that her parasitic/predatory connection to men may be problematic in her quest to find true love—if, in fact, that is what she wants. As I bid her good riddance and exited the restaurant, she apologized profusely for ruining my meal. This vamp, who unfortunately represents too many women in our midst, perceives not that she and those of her ilk are killing marriage—by driving men away from it. In fact, I argue that the future of marriage lies in their hands.

Trust but Verify

As I ruminated this bizarre but predictable tête-à-tête, I felt anguish about the acrimony in our society, to which our children are innocently exposed and doomed to perpetuate. To test my hypothesis that the American institution of marriage is in a shabby state of decline, I decided to poll my readers. So, via NoNonsenseDating.com, I asked never-married and divorced men and women this question: Given the 50% divorce rate AND the high emotional and financial costs of divorce, will you get married if you meet your soulmate? Below are the results of this marriage poll, in which 329 men and women voted.

The main message from the diagram above is that, in general, women favor marriage much more than men do. This matches my anecdotal evidence. It’s not that men are against marriage, per se; it’s that men are against the cauldron of marriage in our American gynocracy. Marriage for men in this country has become a sucker’s deal—financially, legally, and emotionally. Given the 50% rate of divorce and its concomitant ebb of wealth, the prospect of marriage to a man is akin to investing 50% of his wealth in a new stock that has a guaranteed 50% probability of tanking—not to mention the deleterious effects on the relationship he has with his children.

Never-married men voted in favor of getting married by a ratio of only 1.2:1. Compare that with how the never-married women voted: 3.2:1! I’m sure that 20 years ago, most never-married men were wildly in favor of marriage. But, times have changed, and the peer and parental pressures to marry have all but disappeared. So, if never-married men were restricted to marrying never-married women, given the aforementioned ratios, there would be many women mathematically unable to find willing marriage partners.

Now look at the voting of the divorced men and women. This preference gap is much more severe. These people are experienced in marriage and divorce—unlike the never-married folks who have only witnessed their parents and friends enduring the slog and financial ruin of marital dissolution. Divorced women, by a ratio of 3.1:1 (almost equal to the marital fervor of their never-married sisters), want to remarry. But, the divorced men, by a ratio of 2.1:1, do not want to remarry. Why the disparity? The answer is pretty straightforward: women gain from divorce; men lose from divorce.

Human behavior is immutable. People vote with their pocketbooks. GM proved that in the summer of 2005, by extending its employee discount on cars and trucks to the general public. GM’s revenues, moving nowhere before the program, increased 41 percent in the program’s first month—people couldn’t buy fast enough. Once the steep discounts took GM into the red, though, GM again voted with its pocketbook to end the program. With the unbelievable pain and suffering of divorce, how else could one explain the eagerness of women to repeat it and the resolve of men to shun it? It’s not rocket science. It’s money.

The New Landscape

We live in an age where people are connected electronically—e-mails, instant messages, text messages, and ubiquitous cellphones—but disconnected emotionally. It’s common today for men and women break up via e-mail! It’s also common today for men and women to have noncommittal, loveless sex over extended periods. The number of women who’ve told me they are having regular sex with men they never would accept as boyfriends—just until they find Mr. Right—amazes me. People on both sides of this coin are totally desensitized and emotionally disconnected. How can they have meaningful relationships?


In my book and other articles, I’ve written copiously about the imbalance between men and women—favoring women. This imbalance is wrong and destructive and is destroying the incentive for men to get married. If women continue to drive men away from marriage, by leveraging this imbalance, the institution will die. It follows, therefore, that women control the fate of marriage.

Women complain incessantly that they cannot find husband candidates, yet they continue to bash and exploit and destroy men. Accordingly, men now do not trust women and also are in physical jeopardy because VAWA has skewered their civil rights. Ladies, it’s time to wake up, to recognize this reality. It’s time to make wholesale changes to your relationships with men and time to stop using them. It’s time to stop reelecting legislators who abridge men’s civil rights (like the ones who reauthorized VAWA). It’s time to treat men well and to view them as indispensable to the integral family. It’s time to shun the radical feminists. It’s time to sign prenuptial agreements, without accusing men of lacking romance. It’s time to act.

If marriage continues along its path of agonizing death, the out-of-wedlock birthrate—already 30% for whites and 70% for blacks—will skyrocket to unimaginable heights. What kind of society will we have, then? How many more screwed up kids do you want to hear screaming in the supermarket aisles? How many more 15-year-old pregnant girls do you want to see in abortion clinics—or in schools? How many more teenage boys do you want to see lost without their fathers, in gangs and on drugs?

America is an anti-male country—as evidenced in our media, our courts, our legislatures, and our law-enforcement systems—forcing men to flee the marital scene. It didn’t become that way by accident. Women helped make it happen. So, women have the power to change it, to balance it, to make it fair. If women fail to halt the impending death of marriage, it will die. Let’s see if their plaintive cry for more husband candidates is just empty complaining.

Marc H. Rudov

Copyright © 2005 by Marc H. Rudov. All rights reserved.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Oddly right now my reason for not getting married is for personal reasons, not because of women. My lifestyle/career conflicts with any form of long-term committment.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2001
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Long Beach, CA.
A prenup is to marriage what a condom is to sex.

Never forget this.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Page
A prenup is to marriage what a condom is to sex.

Never forget this.
**** it too hard to explain.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
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it's funny haw at the end it asks women to change things.........ya, alright. Like they are gona give up the high life of living of a guys spousal support/child support......


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
believe it or not, both genders choose divorces for whatever reason they feel is necessary.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
believe it or not, both genders choose divorces for whatever reason they feel is necessary.
i thought that over 90% of women iniciated divorce.???

unfortionetly everybody bought into the "fairy tail ending" concept. even tho it does happen from time to time it is reare. Most people stay together past their 10 years together because they are used to each other and the life together. By that time, the couple has kids, gets fat together, and can't even imagine going through the stupid dating scene all over again.

Love is a chemical reaction that last up to 5 years MAX. after that it's different kind of love: it's friendship, comfort and the feeling of being acustomed to each other.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by spider_007
i thought that over 90% of women iniciated divorce.???

Love is a chemical reaction that last up to 5 years MAX. after that it's different kind of love: it's friendship, comfort and the feeling of being acustomed to each other.
inciated meaning left the other or filed for the divorce paperwork?
because no matter who leaves first, or why the marriage ends, whoever ends up with the kids usually ends up having to file all the paperwork so they can tie up the loose ends on property and marriage dissolutions and try to get support for the children going.

i believe that it can last longer than five years and i believe that it can come and go thru out many years of marriage.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by penkitten
inciated meaning left the other or filed for the divorce paperwork?
pick one (usually it's the same person, or so you would think)

from time to time men are forced out of the house "to give her an kids some time". Unforitonetly in courts that is considered abandment and means he just lost his house and kids (or so my divorced friend tells me)


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
Reaction score
at our house
Originally posted by spider_007
pick one (usually it's the same person, or so you would think)

its not always the same person


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
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A wise man once said, "Marriage is grand. Divorce is 100 grand."

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
One thing which never seems to get discussed (much) in these sort of discussions is that divorce is not an equal opportunity wrecking ball. It’s not as if everyone has an equal chance of getting divorced should they get married.

If your parents divorced or if one parent died when you were five, you will most likely get divorced after a few years (unless both of your divorced parents kept an active role in your life). Parents divorced when you were a teenager? You will most likely get divorced after about that long. If you were physically abused as a kid, you will beat the sh*t out of your wife or conversely marry an abusive wife, and thus contribute to an inevitable divorce. Abuse needs and seeks out abuse, abandonment needs and seeks out abandonment. On the other hand if your parents have a healthy relationship and are still married after twenty five years you will, more likely than not, stay married. Simply stated, your childhood programs you as to how you will go about your life.

As I always remember, Benjamin Franklin once advised, “Keep your eyes wide open before marriage, half shut afterwards.”


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
My parents are still married, my ex-inlaws are still married, but I am divorced

Guess I do not fit the model?

It can happen to anyone, and will happen faster if you are stupid.


The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Oddly right now my reason for not getting married is for personal reasons, not because of women. My lifestyle/career conflicts with any form of long-term committment.
Same here...

That and I honestly have absolutely no interest in getting married whatsoever. Though I am willing to concede that the fact that my mother and father never married may (in some subconscious mind sort of way) have something to do with that. :)
