Will caucasion girls go out with asian guys?


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
Reaction score
As a donJuan who's expierenced a lot and know the game (not being a ****y bastard or anything.. but) I've always had this question in my mind. Since I'm korean there is some kind of barrier between me dating HB caucasion girls at school. I just don't think they are open to it.

For example, when I talked to a HB online without revealing my identity, she completely fell for me and wanted to meet me right away, but in real life where I'm face to face with a girl, it takes a longer time for her to accept me. (and btw, I'm pretty sure it isn't because of my looks since, I've experienced the whole dating scene with out a problem and receive good compliments daily throughout the day..)

Now, I don't want people to look at this and just think its ****y but I really want to know your opinions on this.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2003
Reaction score
All signs point to yes. Bruce Lee had a white wife


Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2001
Reaction score
Some girls like white guys, some girls like black guys, some girls like asian guys.

I think maybe height has a little something to do with it. Most asian guys are kinda short and most girls would prefer the guy to be tall but that's about the only thing i can think of.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hermosa Beach, CA
Is it harder? yes. Impossible? hardly.

I posted a previous reply similar to this with regards to AF/WM.

There is a strong predilection amongst Asian girls to go for white guys. Despite what someone posted previously, the outmarriage rates of Asian Females is distinctly skewed to outmarrying specifically to marrying White Males, you can see this in the Census Bureau's statistics.

It's on the order of something like 25% while other outmarriage rates of other races are in the single digits here in the USA. Which still leaves 75% of AFs marrying within race.

There are multiple reasons, but those are neither here nor now, and nor will knowing or discussing the reasons help in PUA. It simply is, accept it and adapt it into your PUA framework whether your white or Asian.
Such predilections do not really exist for an AM/WF dynamic. In social value, AMs are simply not considered sexually desirable as a BM or WM.

The reasons why are rather inconsequential because knowing the reasons will not help you PU. Rather, one must accept it as part of your PUA reality and work to offsetting what WFs perceive as your lower social/sexual value.

To that regard, one must show high attractive values in both body and personality (dress, style, outgoing, ****y) as well as sexuality (smoothness, kino, kissing, hugs). You can be as C&F as you want, but if you don't phase shift into sexuality and seduction, you're just going to be known as that funny, social Asian guy. Not that sexy funny Asian guy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm just being completely honest, and I don't want you to think I'm a @sshole for saying this. But MOST hot white girls just are not attracted to Asian guys. It really has nothing to do with height like Caveman said, its more the initial attraction. I've asked the girl I'm currently dating, my ex and plenty of other girls about what they think of Asian guys and they all say the same thing.

They say that, all Asian guys look really similar and that they just aren't physically attracted to them.

Now is this the rule? Hell no. There are plenty of good looking Asian guys banging hot white girls all over the place. But the chances of that being a regular occurance are pretty slim. I live in one of the most diverse areas of Southern California, we have every race possible out here and I rarely see an Asian guy with a hot white girl.

Its much more common to see a Asian girl with a white guy than the other way around. Like I said before, I'm not saying it can't happen or doesn't happen, I just think its rare.



Don Juan
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
true that most hot white girls dont... and this is coming from an asian/chinese-american guy who is 5'6. i am nothing special. but it is funny... every girl i ever had was white, and were all REALLY hot, like cheerleaders/models. its funny, because when i go out and meet people in public, they are initially like....... ugh... he's not that hot... but the minute they see that my hot girlfriend is over me, they all start beggin me to take them home... and a lot of people say "i'm the only cool chinese guy they know" cuz mostly all of my friends are white, but i am just like every other guy.

its just a shame because most white girls are so concerned about how a man looks, that they dont ever see the good things we do...

there is nothing with white girls that makes them special... just treat them with respect like everyone else and at least they will like you.

But let me tell u a story, when i first came into highschool, nobody knew me. they just thought of me as "typical chinese kid". I wouldnt spit game to any of the girls at school, not even the hot ones, and they probably didnt even give me a second look. typical. BUT outside of school, it was like another life... all of my friends, guys, girls, they were all REALLY REALLY attractive. So one time, my girlfriend came to my school, and every guy started eyeing her... i didnt really care because i was used to it... We dated each other because i thought she was gorgeous and a great person, and she thought i was very nice :D (not afc) lool.

but we'd be seen together kissing, holding hands, and all of a sudden, within a week, i had the girls that wouldnt even give me a second chance, tryin to get closer with me... whenever they came up to me, i would just give them the shoulder, because the way i see it, if they arent even willing to talk to somebody who isn't "fabulous" then why should i talk to someone with such an ****ty personality.

don't get too worked out about it, about caucasian girls, because my gfs had all been caucasian, and i have had so many caucasian girls after me u gotta brush them off wit a stick lol. not tryna be ****y, but u will see after a while that the girls that arent attracted to asian guys, arent really attracted to any guys, they just want a guy who is Popular with the ladies.

but i love the caucasian women, because any asian guy can find a good looking caucasian woman, that's easy... but to find a caucasian woman who's beautiful/sweet/talented/smart/gentle/good in bed.... now that is something u should look out for....


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by PEACEDJ
As a donJuan who's expierenced a lot and know the game (not being a ****y bastard or anything.. but) I've always had this question in my mind. Since I'm korean there is some kind of barrier between me dating HB caucasion girls at school. I just don't think they are open to it.

For example, when I talked to a HB online without revealing my identity, she completely fell for me and wanted to meet me right away, but in real life where I'm face to face with a girl, it takes a longer time for her to accept me. (and btw, I'm pretty sure it isn't because of my looks since, I've experienced the whole dating scene with out a problem and receive good compliments daily throughout the day..)

Now, I don't want people to look at this and just think its ****y but I really want to know your opinions on this.
That's the thing about online dating, you gotta reveal yourself first (the guy) and the girl has to reveal herself within 3-5 messages otherwise you don't want to waste time. I dunno if there's an Online Dating DJ Bible here, but just make sure she is within "normal paramaters" (Ie, non smoking, social drinker, whatever)

But yeah it's true that American society has made Asian dudes very pathetic (See William Hung who is the modern Long Duck Dong) - There's a new comedy movie coming out where it stars an Indian guy and an Asian guy... no stereotyping either. You might want to look at that.

I've spoken to white girls that are in relationships with Asian guys.. most of them tell me this "They've dated white guys and are tired of them" (******** translation: white guys jerk me around so I'm going for asians) , "Asian guys are good with money, good with family, cleaner, considerate, I like that" Note, the only Asian guys the WF most likely go for are usually the Americanized ones.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
I just wanted to comment on a few things.

- Westernized (not necessarily just Asian-American) Asian men generally do better with white women.

- European white women are much more receptive to Asian men than American white women. This is true for almost all men of color, whether they are Ecuadorian, Nigerian, African-American, Korean, Japanese, or Brazilian. The peeps in Europe are a lot less hung up on race than N. Americans are.

- (Tied to above point) White American girls seem to be less receptive to men of color because of this social dynamic of racial paranoia. If the men in charge (usu white men) and society in general did not make such a big deal of race, trust me when I say that lots more white women would openly spread their legs for Asian men, as well as other men of color. But as a DJ, it is upto YOU to try to convince her to overstep that psychological hurdle (that of being labeled the 'n**ger-lover' or 'Ch*nk-lover').

- The above TWO points should probably explain what Pimp-Sicle has described in his post about the AM/WF dynamic (as opposed to the WM/AF dynamic) as it relates to what he sees in So-Cali, i.e. the United States of America. I personally find that I have to work quite a bit harder to get white ***** in America as opposed to Europe (less "social-bytch shields").

- That beings said, I think the situation for Asian men has improve a *lot* in the past 5 years - especially in LA and NYC. It was indeed EXTREMELY rare to see more than one AM/WF in a week in those cities, but these days I see scores of them when I go out. I like it - those guys that are with white girls help other whitegirls see Asian guys in a different light, which in turn translates to more puzzy for us Yello-fellas, in absolute numbers. :)
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
I see cool asian guys with fine and I mean fine assed white gurls all the time!

But I never see nerdy geeky asian guys catch em.

I think what seperates the cool from the geeks are that the cools love being who they are. They don't have any hidden insecurities inside over being asian.

So they stand out! And anyone who stands out like a light will eventually attract the moths.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Will caucasion girls go out with asian guys?

Originally posted by DJ_Dork
That's the thing about online dating, you gotta reveal yourself first (the guy) and the girl has to reveal herself within 3-5 messages otherwise you don't want to waste time. I dunno if there's an Online Dating DJ Bible here, but just make sure she is within "normal paramaters" (Ie, non smoking, social drinker, whatever)

I personally think that online dating is a bad idea - ESPECIALLY FOR ASIAN MEN. It's because online stuff isn't the same as real-life dating, in that one can't see the other intangible qualities, like charisma, pheromone/chemistry, body language, etc. Therefore, one only relies on out-ward apperance, or in this case, a photo. And for Asian men, unless you're a very handsome individual, lots of women (esp. non-Asian ones) are likely to label you with a stereotype. This is an unfortunate reality, but it's true. This is the same reason why chicks with jungle fever scour the net looking for black men to fvck (the more exaggerated his 'negro' features, the better... because it supposedly re-inforces the mandingo stereotype). It's pretty disturbing how utterly *stupid* some people are to rely solely on stereotypes to judge people, but that's how it is sometime.

So therefore, it is *imperative* -- even moreso for Asian men -- that they ask women out in person, rather than online.

Originally posted by DJ_Dork

But yeah it's true that American society has made Asian dudes very pathetic (See William Hung who is the modern Long Duck Dong) - There's a new comedy movie coming out where it stars an Indian guy and an Asian guy... no stereotyping either. You might want to look at that.

That movie stars John Cho, the 'MILF guy' from the America Pie franchise, and Kal Penn, 'the Indian guy' from National Lampoon's Van Wilder. It's called "Harold and Kumar go to White Castle" (as in White Castle Hamburgers). Funny shyt - check it out.

California Love

Master Don Juan
Jan 2, 2004
Reaction score
The Bay Area
White girls care more about looks than asian girls. Most asian males lack the physicality that white females like. Also, asian males are more complacent than white males.

I would definitely say that white girls are harder to get for the asian guy. We talk about completely different things, our values are completely different, and we look pretty fckin different. This is comin from an asian guy who is 6 ft. There's just too huge a culture class.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Re: Will caucasion girls go out with asian guys?

Originally posted by jakethasnake
This is the same reason why chicks with jungle fever scour the net looking for black men to fvck (the more exaggerated his 'negro' features, the better... because it supposedly re-inforces the mandingo stereotype). It's pretty disturbing how utterly *stupid* some people are to rely solely on stereotypes to judge people, but that's how it is sometime.

Hahaha ain't that the truth...I put my profile on Yahoo and nothing but white women and only white women responded to my profile.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 7, 2002
Reaction score
Arizona, AKA redneckville
I live in Orange County too and I'll freakin' tell you that 98% of the time it's a af/wm relationship and not the otherway around. But since OC is the female headcase capitol of the US that doesn't say much.

I tell you what too, there's a vietnamese fellow that lives behind me and he seems like a cool guy but he is average looking at best and I'm being generous by saying that, but he's lives with a pretty damn good looking blonde chick. Hows that? because he's a great guy? Good head on his shoulders? Treats his mom good?

I think because he owns his own company, makes a $hitload of money and owns 3 or 4 exotic cars to boot.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
Im an Asian-Australian and would agree that we get screwed pretty bad, however, it is usually because the average asian tends to be shorter and a smaller build. My height is about 5'10, roughly average to the Aussie white male but taller than the average Asian male and I work out often, so I aint exatly scrawny. I've had a few white-women take interest in me at parties without me uttering a word to them and women commenting on my looks.

So, yes women do care about looks, but if you are scrawny, have bad grooming and generally look geeky, you cant solely blame the 'race card' for your dating troubles.

Though, DJs say personality is the key, dont neglet always looking your best, which means working out, clothes and good grooming.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
toronto, canada
It depends tho...

There are some "asianized" white girls. Examples are those diehard anime fangirls who try to imitate japanese. Those types find asian males, ATTRACTIVE. Cuz they associate asians with those "bishounen" guys seen in their shoujo manga.

But those loud mouthed white girls that dress like sllutts, overly socialize and party... pfft...

They lookin for white d!ck...


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a first generation asian american and I have severe insecurity issues. I don't know how the hell to get over them. Especially since I'm out in hicksville surrounded by hot white chicks. I'm like the only asian guy around. I have hit on some girls here and was able to get some numbers. I think I'm probably average looking and all my friends are white. And some of them are afraid to talk to chicks!

But I still can't shake the insecurity, I don't know wtf it is but I've always hated being asian. And I'm not all that loud, ****y, etc. Most of the white guys here are all loud and ****y. Thing is they are immature and the girls in my college classes rarely laugh at their attempts to be funny.

Anyone else deal with this issue? Unfortunately it's getting really complex in my head and affecting my health. I think need help.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by quakerstate
I'm a first generation asian american and I have severe insecurity issues. I don't know how the hell to get over them. Especially since I'm out in hicksville surrounded by hot white chicks. I'm like the only asian guy around. I have hit on some girls here and was able to get some numbers. I think I'm probably average looking and all my friends are white. And some of them are afraid to talk to chicks!

But I still can't shake the insecurity, I don't know wtf it is but I've always hated being asian. And I'm not all that loud, ****y, etc. Most of the white guys here are all loud and ****y. Thing is they are immature and the girls in my college classes rarely laugh at their attempts to be funny.

Anyone else deal with this issue? Unfortunately it's getting really complex in my head and affecting my health. I think need help.

Get some therapy from a psychiatrist, if you can afford it. Maybe your folks will fork out some money for their baby boy - just tell them that you feel mentally ill, and need some therapy/help. If you'd like, I will point you in the right direction thru PM. Check your mailbox.

- Jake.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Now is this the rule? Hell no. There are plenty of good looking Asian guys banging hot white girls all over the place. But the chances of that being a regular occurance are pretty slim. I live in one of the most diverse areas of Southern California, we have every race possible out here and I rarely see an Asian guy with a hot white girl.
Well part of the reason is that you live in California, one of the most racist places on Earth. I used to live there too, and I noticed that most people there prefer to date within their race and are very cliqueish. It's not the kind of place where people ever like you for you.

Outside of the CA, white girls are more open to interracial dating, and asians look more exotic. The white girls in CA overwhelmingly prefer white men.