Will a Rolex Get You Laid? Will a Rolex Help You Get a Longer Term Girlfriend?


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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No one's pretending dude. I've never had a problem picking up females. A couple of years ago, I posted a picture of me and the females I'm dating. Didn't get them with a flashing car, watch, etc. But if it works for you, go for it.

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I've noticed that everyone ( logically) always responds purely from his own pov and his own history. " I've smashed while being incarcerated, so you can do crime and still.smahs believe me"m or the more common response that " all the glimmer ain't necessary because I yxz."

But ain't we here to become the ultimate don Juan we can be? So although most men( including myself) smashed plenty while being a watered-down version of what we COULD be, ain't it at least intriguing to know how you would've done WITH ( fill in whatever).

I never had and perhaps never will have a Rolex specifically. Yetit would be kinda stupid to disregard the finer things in life just because it's not within my capabilities (yet).

I went from dead broke to having a plus amount. That alone already made all the difference .

Imagine yourself doing you, but now as a plus- plus version..


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
And you were almost certainly conscious of the way you looked while doing so
Nope. I've always been in decent shape. I grew up poor, but I learned to put some basics together to look decent. But I did that for myself, not others. I did what I could to escape poverty and live my life on my terms. What someone does for themselves completely differs from what someone does to impress others.

I give a lot of credit to the armed forces. It really helped me get my sh!t in line.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
I've noticed that everyone ( logically) always responds purely from his own pov and his own history. " I've smashed while being incarcerated, so you can do crime and still.smahs believe me"m or the more common response that " all the glimmer ain't necessary because I yxz."

But ain't we here to become the ultimate don Juan we can be? So although most men( including myself) smashed plenty while being a watered-down version of what we COULD be, ain't it at least intriguing to know how you would've done WITH ( fill in whatever).

I never had and perhaps never will have a Rolex specifically. Yetit would be kinda stupid to disregard the finer things in life just because it's not within my capabilities (yet).

I went from dead broke to having a plus amount. That alone already made all the difference .

Imagine yourself doing you, but now as a plus- plus version..
If one lives for themselves, and does things they want for themselves, then I am all for that. It is when someone says, well, to attract Jenny, I need a Mercedes-Benz, an Armani suit with Gucci shoes w. matching belt. Oh, I also need a blinged-out status watch too. That is when I say, hold up. You doing this to impress others. It's like chasing the dragon; you'll never win.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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If one lives for themselves, and does things they want for themselves, then I am all for that. It is when someone says, well, to attract Jenny, I need a Mercedes-Benz, an Armani suit with Gucci shoes w. matching belt. Oh, I also need a blinged-out status watch too. That is when I say, hold up. You doing this to impress others. It's like chasing the dragon; you'll never win.
I agree and know this from personal experience. If jenny doesn't like you for whatever reason no watch or car will change that . And even with those, after some time she might fancy broke guitar teacher again.

BUT, the road towards the watch and the car Will come with a whole lotta accomplishments and feel good triggers. Like I said perhaps I wont ever wear one and drive a new Benz and thats fine. .

Those attributes also increase the chance to get some new fresh Jenny , a Jenny who might even respect your grind more because she'll only hear about your broke days through stories and perhaps some behavioural traits you kept from being a " hoodlum ".

As always it's a fine line. You hit yhe gym for you or for women? You go out to dance or for women? Women imo are a byproduct BUT it's amazing how this " byproduct " sometimes doesn't stop by when you are far removed from your true potential.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Nope. I've always been in decent shape. I grew up poor, but I learned to put some basics together to look decent. But I did that for myself, not others
Brings us back around to a conversation we were having here

Just as The Woke can interpret lyrics like that as promoting the objectification of women, The Red Pill's True Believers can interpret a guy investing in his own self-care as "Pandering to The Gynocentric Social Order". Trying to have a rational conversation with folks in either of these camps is less gainful than trying to persuade Bombay slum dwellers to defecate in commodes, rather than on the streets


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I learned to put some basics together to look decent.
Looking decent is good. A Rolex isn't necessary to look decent. For a cost of a Rolex (even a steel one), a man can get a number of really good outfits that can put him in better position to get laid than just a Rolex alone.

A Rolex can help, but it's lower priority than one's home, car (in more car oriented areas), and even clothing.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Brings us back around to a conversation we were having here

Just as The Woke can interpret lyrics like that as promoting the objectification of women, The Red Pill's True Believers can interpret a guy investing in his own self-care as "Pandering to The Gynocentric Social Order". Trying to have a rational conversation with folks in either of these camps is less gainful than trying to persuade Bombay slum dwellers to defecate in commodes, rather than on the streets
I am not sure, but I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, once...


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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Just as The Woke can interpret lyrics like that as promoting the objectification of women, The Red Pill's True Believers can interpret a guy investing in his own self-care as "Pandering to The Gynocentric Social Order".
While that is true, there are a lot of guys trying to leverage status symbols to compensate for their lack of personality.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I've glancved at this thread here and there
basically there a lot of guys who have no idea what they talking about when it comes to high end
Yep. Most of the ills which disproportionately affect the male population are really just side effects of so many of us not being firmly in the middle class-all points above. Large segments of The Manosphere have exacerbated this, by actively encouraging men to drop out of so-called "Blue Pill Normie" society, in favor of retreating into fantasy worlds of video games, comic books, and social media, despite the fact that doing so is bound to keep men destitute Similar to Gay Liberation of The 70s bamboozling the very people they claimed to champion into dropping out of so-called straight society, in favor of retreating into lives of disco, poppers, and orgies
Just as the latter laid the groundwork for The AIDs Epidemic of The 80s, the former has set us up for the economic havoc we're heading into now
A lot of guys have naive view of the world especially when it comes to women and money. Usually, it's guys who don't have both or limited experience with one or the other. The truth is a lot of folks will get a harsh wake up call within the next 6 years as inflation, geo political conflicts, famine etc continue to escalate. What's my point? my point is the middle class has been eroding for the last 40 or so years. In my opinon within a decade or so the middle class won't exist. It's going to be the poor, the rich and the ultra rich. The "average manosphere guy" doesn't qualify for the women that they want. You can see this if you go on reddit where guys are obsessed with finding a girl who is a virgin in their 20s etc. Meanwhile, those guys live in their mom's basement working a low-end wage job and play "Fortnite" on the weekends(nothing wrong with that). However don't delude yourself into thinking you're gonna get a "baddie" living that type of lifestyle after 25, cause it's a turn of to women and usually they signal you as a "Loser" unless you're the outlier which let's be quite frank most manosphere guys are not hence I said average.

You will come across three types of women:

A) The ones who don't give a fvck about your watch.
B) Golddiggers who use your watch as an indicator how easy you are to fleece
C) Female watch nerds who understand that Rolex buyers are unimaginative and dull crowd followers. Someone of real substance wears a (Grand) Seiko.
I got the most women when I was broke in my 20s, sleeping on a mattress on the floor in an average apartment living with a roommate. Why? I had more time to chase them. The older you get, the more money you make you realize there is more important things than chasing PUSSI


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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the middle class has been eroding for the last 40 or so years. In my opinon within a decade or so the middle class won't exist. It's going to be the poor, the rich and the ultra rich.
The erosion of the middle class in the United States has been problematic.

Rolex is something for the rich.

The "average manosphere guy" doesn't qualify for the women that they want.
Likely true

those guys live in their mom's basement working a low-end wage job and play "Fortnite" on the weekends(nothing wrong with that). However don't delude yourself into thinking you're gonna get a "baddie" living that type of lifestyle after 25, cause it's a turn of to women and usually they signal you as a "Loser"
Those men are losers and not red pill men.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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Those men are losers and not red pill men.
The most prominent espousers of Red Pill Theology do go out of their way to LOOK like junior high kids who are desperately trying to let everyone in the vicinity how "different" they are. That's a problem, because legions of ordinary guys who aren't YouTube stars with Patreon accounts to live off have fallen for the lie that they to can look, speak, and act like societal dregs, and not suffer catastrophic personal and financial consequences


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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What's my point? my point is the middle class has been eroding for the last 40 or so years
The middle class still makes up the largest income bracket in The US https://www.pewresearch.org/race-an...ricans who,Center analysis of government data and at least some of it's shrinkage is attributable to the fact that more folks are moving upwards than at anytime prior https://money.usnews.com/money/pers...-i-fall-in-the-american-economic-class-system

The challenge today is outfitting more people with the skills necessary for them to do likewise. Currently, very few activists have much enthusiasm for pursuing brass tacks initiatives like this though. Subsequently, fewer men are buying Rolexes


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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To go back to the question: a Rolex might get you laid, but so will waving a thousand dollars. Just who are you going to have sex with? Some woman who is impressed by your watch? :rofl:


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2024
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To go back to the question: a Rolex might get you laid, but so will waving a thousand dollars. Just who are you going to have sex with? Some woman who is impressed by your watch? :rofl:
Goes to a point made here, between 4:37-5:15

The benefits of a Rolex are miniscule-nonexistent, when on the wrist of a fella who otherwise looks like the sort of dweeb who was up on the Gamergate bandwagon