wierd feeling at the end of the night.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
so i took my roomate out for a lunch and movie and icecream. We had a good time atleast i did , we were laughing , the movie was funny she told me some stories about china.. and we got home and yeah , she told me she was tired. the thing is we walked by the place her current boyfriend , who is travelling for 6 months, took her for her first date. now i know she has feelings for him , but i think she could like me aswell.

so yeah i gave her like the ultimate backmassage to help her relax. full back really good touching , she said it was nice and all , then we end the night with us both in the lounge chair , i pulled her into it , but she got up a couple of times but came back again by herself most times. we just sat there my arm around her and watched a few tv shows. till we went to sleep.

now next day , yeah i see her writing a note for her boyfriend she usually does this everyday to give to him when he gets back. i know its wrong i shouldnt be snooping but i cant figure this girl out.

yeah and she wrote :
"i went out for lunch with Dezidarko my roomate , he said he had fun , but it ended very tired for me. he gave me a massage it was nice , but i dont like very long massages. and i guess he wanted to touch my skin alot, it felt wierd. i dotn like other boys touchign me other then my boyfriend. he is so big, so strong so powerful , but it hurts when he tickles me or has his arm around me because its so heavy. he is such a nice guy. oh god i dont want to hurt his feelings. but i definately dont like him.i just liek him as a friend and a roomate. i dont like when other boys then you touch me. bla bla bla love you"

yeah so this morning she was up and about smiling at me all the time. wanted to tell me about her dream.
but she writes that for her boyfriend to read when he gets back.
guess i just need some feedback .

im really close to just nexting this one , but its sad cuz we have like perfect match same core values same type of people. , she just stuck on this weedsmoking 30 year ol midlife crisis having wanna go and save the world travel dude bastard.

now im a goodlooking guy , way better looking then this dude . all of her friends tell her im nice im cool im handsome etc etc. even her bestfriend told her that she should change her boyfriend to me. but still i dont know where i have this girl.

whenever she talks about her boyfriend i dont pay attention i try to change the subject etc etc. but its her first white boyfriend and i think shes just stupid in love with him , but all of her friends and even his friends told her not to go out with him because he will end up cheating on her , and yeah hes probably going around coutnry to country fuc.kin every piece of tail while she wants to believe in their love for each other and wait for him to get back in july.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 5, 2007
Reaction score
I would say not to next her but you need to step up your game and make a move. You had a perfect opportunity. Don't next until you've tried something sexual, she sounds like she might respond despite your ... latency, and her note sounds like she's trying to rationalize her feelings for you. Not good that she describes you as just a friend, but just ignore it for now and go for it. If she rejects you, move on. Whatever you do, don't "tell her how you feel". Speak like you two are only "just friends" but ACT like you are way beyond that point.
Nov 3, 2005
Reaction score
I wouldn't say next her, but I would say that you need to heavily work on other options. She is stuck on this guy, and you will always be this other guy. You shouldn't be the guy that get's all mad and pissed at girls...you should just be the cool guy that doesn't care, simply because he gets other women. A smart man named Mystery once said something like that : )


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
nah im not mad at her or anything like that , its just shes confusing me alot. i told her before if it hurts that i tickle her or pick her up that she should tell me and il stop doing it , she said no it only hurt a little but its alright , yet she writes that she hates when i do it to her boyfriend. O..o?

il still keep her as my friend anyway it goes. i also dont want to freak her off and make her run for the hills , because shes very into her boyfriend lately , but hes not coming back until july , and she asked me a couple of times if love can fade away ?. i told her if its true love it wont fade away. but if its fading away then it might just be normal love , an life experiance you go through and move on for the next guy.

anyways ive decided to cool it off a little , il still spend time with her etc etc , but i wont tickle her or pick her up or anything physical for some time , do a little push and pull to see how it goes.


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
nah those notes ,she gonna give them to him when he comes back in july , thats why she writes them. All he does is going around to different countries diving and meeting people , and always telling her to come meet him at that country , but she doesnt have enough money and he knows that and shes chinese so getting a visa takes ages.

about regular conversation , well she told him on the phone, i overheard, that instead of saying she went out with me for lunch and movie , that she went out to do research for her assignment.

like seriously i think we could be like perfect for each other. everybody thinks so . but shes so ****in stuck on that loser boyfriend of hers.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
lol. spin plates, stop giving her your attention and time. keep her as a friend on the backburner...give your time and attention to someone else.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
The boyfriend has all control over her, I know because I've been him. When a girl is thinking about cheating on her boyfriend, she will keep things secret to him
This is the way I see it too. Basically, if she is telling him, she doesn't consider you a threat/interest, or she is trying to make him jealous.

My guess would be the latter, actually, because I can't imagine any guy being cool with a live in roommate giving his girl a massage or touching her "soft skin".

Who knows man. One thing I can tell you, that I didn't see mentioned by anyone else-but this is your roommate, right? Consider your living arrangement, since it could get weird... and also, your spinning days are going to be severely hampered if she lives with you.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
huhm difficult situation you are in.
I think its not worth it. Lets say you get together what happens when her exBF comes back? What happens when you split up? Do you have to move out? Wont anybody move out but will things still be pretty awkward? etc.
So i would say next her.

Next thing is i read, that you are the perfect match blabla
You are putting her on a podest. I advice you to read Senor Fingerz/Mr Fingers DJ Bible threads. He had somewhere done the same mistake to a really hawt girl.
When you put a girl on the podest, you cant make her seduce you.
So in the end you are like an AFC trying to get into her panties. Except that you gave her a massage.
Do you really think just by giving her that massage she desperately wants to get into your bed? Or by forcing her to stay in your arms?
I dont think so.

Of course you could try something else though: The jealousy number
Ahh its like the key to a womans heart... another woman :)
Go out with as many chicks as you can and get them into your bed. Just make sure that you dont need her. Well you dont but she doesnt know that.

If shes not falling for that one, its good that you had some fun and some chicks. If shes falling for that one you better search for a new room somewhere else because the instant her boyfriend gets back things are going to be ugly. ( And i dont mean a fight between him and you. )

Oh and could you use than instead of then.
I know i have ten times the grammar mistakes you do but its still annoying to see, that someone from america is having a worse english than someone from germany.
Than like in i like him more than you
Then like in First i go shopping then i go banging!


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
the guy was willing to leave his gf at home with you for 6 months. that either says a lot about her or a lot about you

you keep comparing yourself to the boyfriend out of insecurity

you think it's cool to try and fvck up another dude's relationship because of a connection that's all in your head

you need your ass kicked