Anyone seen this movie , its a great movie that puts teh current war on iraq into perspective , and Americans should really see this and start doing sumthing about the greedy mess you have gotten ellected into your government.....
Even eisenhower (sp), a former USA president, predicted that the Military Industrial Complex would eventually gain enough power and control to push the world into the state wich it is in now...
The military industrial complex thrives off of killing people, and most of all war. The less war there is, the less need for a military industrial complex there is. So what happens when America is not at war? The military industrial complex simply makes up a false enemy, starts a war, and makes a profit from the weapons that kill thousands. If war were not so profitable, it would occur much less often, simply because Americans do not want Theyr American citizens dying without just cause.In the past 30 years or so there have been around 30 wars, most of them small wars , but a few of them really big wars......
And thats not all There has been shown some disturbing evidence wich questions the vice president involvement into the aproval of the war, the funding for the war and the spending of the war...
As he has former long term relationships and current friendships with the leaders of a huge military equipment/amunations provider.
And within those evidence are bank statements wich shows that the vice president has earned over 50 million dollars the past few years , is it a coincidence that the vice president and The company wich he has former relationships with would be becoming more wealthy at the same time when military funding is at its highest for America in all of America`s History......
and you know what is truly disturbing , YOU AMERICANS have been given these evidence aswell , they are out there in the news , on the internet , You have even heard a statement from the president saying that Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terrorisme and the 9 / 11 tragedy , when he already first implicated otherwise in 2001 when he declared war on iraq... YOUR GOVERNMENT has proven to be flawed again and again , you are letting yourselfs be used and abused as tools to further the selfish policy of a group of individuals who lie to you and disregards your well-being.
You wanna know what the true power of a government is .... ?
ITS THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY , not the presidetn not the congress members not the vicepresident , the true power is in the hands of its people..
YOU AMERICANS have the opertunity to grab that power , but instead you put your earplugs in and grab your ****s instead.... For Fu'cks Sake PLEEEASE do Something about your government before they destroy not just your country but the rest of the world aswell , We the other Nations of This blue Planet beg you the american people to take action against these atrocities wich your government is doing now and rather then trying to force change onto others try to come together in friendship and build a better future.... Cuz the way things are now there seems to be no future for us to live in....
Even eisenhower (sp), a former USA president, predicted that the Military Industrial Complex would eventually gain enough power and control to push the world into the state wich it is in now...
The military industrial complex thrives off of killing people, and most of all war. The less war there is, the less need for a military industrial complex there is. So what happens when America is not at war? The military industrial complex simply makes up a false enemy, starts a war, and makes a profit from the weapons that kill thousands. If war were not so profitable, it would occur much less often, simply because Americans do not want Theyr American citizens dying without just cause.In the past 30 years or so there have been around 30 wars, most of them small wars , but a few of them really big wars......
And thats not all There has been shown some disturbing evidence wich questions the vice president involvement into the aproval of the war, the funding for the war and the spending of the war...
As he has former long term relationships and current friendships with the leaders of a huge military equipment/amunations provider.
And within those evidence are bank statements wich shows that the vice president has earned over 50 million dollars the past few years , is it a coincidence that the vice president and The company wich he has former relationships with would be becoming more wealthy at the same time when military funding is at its highest for America in all of America`s History......
and you know what is truly disturbing , YOU AMERICANS have been given these evidence aswell , they are out there in the news , on the internet , You have even heard a statement from the president saying that Iraq had nothing to do with the war on terrorisme and the 9 / 11 tragedy , when he already first implicated otherwise in 2001 when he declared war on iraq... YOUR GOVERNMENT has proven to be flawed again and again , you are letting yourselfs be used and abused as tools to further the selfish policy of a group of individuals who lie to you and disregards your well-being.
You wanna know what the true power of a government is .... ?
ITS THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY , not the presidetn not the congress members not the vicepresident , the true power is in the hands of its people..
YOU AMERICANS have the opertunity to grab that power , but instead you put your earplugs in and grab your ****s instead.... For Fu'cks Sake PLEEEASE do Something about your government before they destroy not just your country but the rest of the world aswell , We the other Nations of This blue Planet beg you the american people to take action against these atrocities wich your government is doing now and rather then trying to force change onto others try to come together in friendship and build a better future.... Cuz the way things are now there seems to be no future for us to live in....