Why should we even bother?


Don Juan
May 26, 2010
Reaction score
Im not going to bore you with my rant but fu*k i am so over girls.
They can be all in to you and promise you all these things and then when it comes down to it all they do is disappoint... making dates and flaking at the last minute i cant even count the number of times this has happened to me...or meeting with them and not being up to their "Standards" because of some bu11sh1t reason....and if your lucky to hold one you'll either get dumped a few months in because of "issues in their life" or like we all know getting dumped for someone better.

I can never win...i am 24 and have been dating since i was 18 and the longest relationship ive ever had is 4 months an that was long distance and eventually she caved in. I cant seem to get past 1st dates or just find a decent girl in general whose not an idiot...I feel like i am destined to be single all my life. i dont know whats wrong with me and i also dont know why we put so much effort in to trying to get these douche bags when all they end up doing is hurting us. OVER IT!


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I feel the same way, except about life in general.

The reason being is because when I was younger I sucked with girls, so I made a huge effort to change. Like you, I found out what girls are really like. It's not that they are evil people, it's just that they're human beings like us. It's not this fairy tale deal like you see in the movies.

So after I got over all that crap, i.e. being obsessed with getting a girlfriend, getting laid, having women in my life in general, pretty much what you just said I moved on to bigger dreams.

I either wanted to be a comedian or work in Washington, DC.

That's it. Those were my two dream things to do. So I tried stand up 10 times and it's hard as hell. It's nerve wracking and getting booed or "bombing" is terrible.

Also, I went out to DC for an internship this past summer. I paid my own way and found a family that let me live with them for free. In exchange for room and board I worked around the house on my days off.

Long story short I found out that our government and the people who run it is basically a plutocracy. You've gotta be RICH to get your foot in the door out there. I had an offer to intern for a congressman this fall but it was unpaid. How the fvck am I supposed to do that? They couldn't even help me with my metro card.

So now I'm back home and I really don't care anymore. I've pursed all my avenues: girls, comedy, and DC and they've all been a reality check. I feel like Neil Armstrong when he got back from the Moon. Now I'm broke as sh!t and can't afford to get back out east for any interviews.


Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
tbh, the best, most easiest times I've had it getting and keeping a woman is When I'm a star-type of person in my life. I was starting pitching Varsity baseball in the eighth grade, and in full rotation by ninth. In Summer leagues I was with my teammates' sisters cause they'd watched my games from the stands and had been pumped up that I was going pro one day blah blah. I'd end up with these younger girls 2-3 grades lower on a small fishing boat at night with my bud and His flame and wondered how did we get to this destination? and it was all the obsessed sister, my bud, and his gf's idea, I guess. She'd want my varsity jacket off of me and on her, in the cool, while out on the boat, in a pond, in the dark. Of course, kissing ensues. I fvck her at her house full of prego dogs. Her older brother, doesn't like me (with his obsessed sister). I got with other sisters too.

Now, I get the same kind of attention just cause I'm in a "star" position in life, and I could probably get married if I like, but I'm still holding out for the skinniest girl with a decent face who worships me, and because of my pickiness, I'll probably never get married/have kids. Time's runnin onward, but not out, yet, as a male, for that.

Become a star in your profession or have a star-like "social" profession to begin with. It makes girls obsess and corner You for your number, and haves girls call guys you know to call You, because she's too scared to call you or let you know straight up, her interest. Guys are reluctant to relay her messages to you, unless they are humble or already decent to good friends with you (they'll do her bidding/work for her then).