Why she is the way she is.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
The female mind... is what stands between you and the female vagina.
You will never understand the female mind neither should you waist time trying to understand it. But you do need to understand how to deal with it in a way that simplifies your access to their vaginas.

1. The female brain is fully capable of all the same logical though patters as the male brain. BUt the difference in their chemical and hormonal composition is what causes the apparent difference in their modus.

2. Females see no value or emotional comfort in logical thought and or actions. Read that 5 times..lol Every time you do something that you think should result in a logically positive reaction you are fooling yourself and wasting your time and "money".

3. The female mind responds to stimulation of a superficial kind. inconsistency, vagueness, fluctuations, instability, randomness, ficticious, fantasy. She is turned on by the feeling she gets wen you tell her you will treat her like a princess but very turned off if you actually treat her like one.

4. A woman will love you until you love her back.

5. Many men call women crazy due to the things i have stated. but they are not crazy, just different. different for important reasons having to do with providing care for their offspring.


6. What is a lie? False information! What is false information? Information that is not rue, did not actually happen or was made up to avoid consequences or to obtain an advantage.
"Truth Vs lies" is a logical concept women do not value the distinction between truths and lies cause they dont see emotional value in it.
When a woman lies to you she does not think she has don anything wring cause she simple told you how she felt NOT WHAT IS REALLY THE CASE! But to her the way she feels becomes the reality of all situations.

7. When you marry her.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
I agree whole heartly with number 4 . Good post.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Tiguere said:
I agree whole heartly with number 4 . Good post.

4. A woman will love you until you love her back.

A womans' love is not logical, it is insane.

She is emotionally high and you are her drug but she is not addicted or dedicated. She is temporarily consumed in hopes of fertilization. By you. romantic "Love" is a female state, she cannot understand why a man would present himself in such a fashion and all because of her..!? She does not find it arousing.. She finds it to be a sign of weakness. Surely she cant chase a man who's heart chases her. An alpha male would not chase her so this man offering her his heart must be weak and lame and useless.. She must leave him at once.
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Senior Don Juan
May 18, 2009
Reaction score
I don't agree with number 4. There are some women who will love you till the very bitter end once they know you love them. I guess I would agree with some and disagree with others.
You can't categorise all women in to the above, we aren't all the same, just as guys aren't.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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Cinamon said:
I don't agree with number 4. There are some women who will love you till the very bitter end once they know you love them. I guess I would agree with some and disagree with others.
You can't categorise all women in to the above, we aren't all the same, just as guys aren't.
But a majority of you ARE....Get off this Site


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
DonGorgon said:
1. The female brain is fully capable of all the same logical though patters as the male brain. BUt the difference in their chemical and hormonal composition is what causes the apparent difference in their modus.

Some guys think woman aren't or can't be logical,but that's not true.

They use logic,just not when it comes to sexual attraction.

DonGorgon said:
2. Females see no value or emotional comfort in logical thought and or actions. Read that 5 times..lol Every time you do something that you think should result in a logically positive reaction you are fooling yourself and wasting your time and "money".
Boy this is true. This is true like you wouldn't believe.

I've gone out into the field and intentionally did and said things that made no sense...TO ME.

I decided to throw out everything I thought was good or would make a girl like me,and did things I thought would make a girl angry or get me slapped...and I was SHOCKED at the results I got.

It's true. Whenever I tried to do things that made sense to me,everything ALWAYS turned out bad.

DonGorgon said:
3. The female mind responds to stimulation of a superficial kind. inconsistency, vagueness, fluctuations, instability, randomness, ficticious, fantasy. She is turned on by the feeling she gets wen you tell her you will treat her like a princess but very turned off if you actually treat her like one.

DonGorgon said:
4. A woman will love you until you love her back.
Hmm. Now this one is interesting.

I think I need some time to digest this one and get a better understanding of what you mean.

I think "I get" what it is you're saying here,but I think it may be true based on "how" the guy expresses that love.

Dongorgon said:
5. Many men call women crazy due to the things i have stated. but they are not crazy, just different. different for important reasons having to do with providing care for their offspring.
Man,I've said this a thousand times...

Women AREN'T crazy. To them,what they do and more importantly WHY they do it makes perfect sense.

DonGorgon said:
6. When a woman lies to you she does not think she has don anything wring cause she simple told you how she felt NOT WHAT IS REALLY THE CASE! But to her the way she feels becomes the reality of all situations.
True,so true.

A woman will tell you how she feels aout a certain situation,but 10 minutes later,her feelings will have changed.

So when her feelings have changed,her "truth" will have changed as well.

I remember one time on my last job,I asked this girl out and she said yes. Then I told her I had to go,but I'll be back in a little while to get her number.

Well 2 hours later,I went back over to her station,and guess what she said?

She told me that she thinks that we were too "different".

And in my mind,I was like "Too different? How could I have changed so much in just 2 hours?".

But yeah,number 6 is bang on.

Good post Don.

+1 rep.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Cinamon said:
I don't agree with number 4. There are some women who will love you till the very bitter end once they know you love them. I guess I would agree with some and disagree with others.
You can't categorise all women in to the above, we aren't all the same, just as guys aren't.
This is an exception to most rules, nothing is 100%, infinity cannot be fathomed by a mortal being etc etc etc. That is why i never used the phrase, "all women..."

Gaining agreement is not my objective here either. I want to get people thinking abut the differences in gender psychology an dhow those differences affect our interactions and the failure rates of our romantic relationships.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Igetit! said:
Hmm. Now this one is interesting.

I think I need some time to digest this one and get a better understanding of what you mean.

I think "I get" what it is you're saying here,but I think it may be true based on "how" the guy expresses that love.

DonGorgon said:
4. A woman will love you until you love her back.

A womans' love is not logical, it is insane.

She is emotionally high and you are her drug but she is not addicted or dedicated. She is temporarily consumed in hopes of fertilization. By you. romantic "Love" is a female state, she cannot understand why a man would present himself in such a fashion and all because of her..!? She does not find it arousing.. She finds it to be a sign of weakness. Surely she cant chase a man who's heart chases her. An alpha male would not chase her so this man offering her his heart must be weak and lame and useless.. She must leave him at once.

What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
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Gold Coast. Aust.
DonGorgon said:

4. A woman will love you until you love her back.

Almost true-

" A woman will love you only if your love of her does not impose an obligation on her to love you back."

Loving a man, and being loved by him, is an extremely self indulgent condition for most women ... It is an irresistible opportunity to be engulfed by warmth, comforted by his protection and revitalised through validation.
No woman wants that arrangement to be encumbered by his expectation of reciprocity, or any obligation to respond in kind, unless her feelings drive her there. It has to be her idea.
A man's obligation is to worship her, her response is always optional.

Mutuality is never mutual it seems.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
jophil28 said:
Almost true-

" A woman will love you only if your love of her does not impose an obligation on her to love you back."

Loving a man, and being loved by him, is an extremely self indulgent condition for most women ... It is an irresistible opportunity to be engulfed by warmth, comforted by his protection and revitalised through validation.
No woman wants that arrangement to be encumbered by his expectation of reciprocity, or any obligation to respond in kind, unless her feelings drive her there. It has to be her idea.
A man's obligation is to worship her, her response is always optional.

Mutuality is never mutual it seems.

Natural Sammy

I agree. But i think men are keys that open up womens locks.

Nexus Polaris

Senior Don Juan
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
4. A woman will love you until you love her back.

A womans' love is not logical, it is insane.

She is emotionally high and you are her drug but she is not addicted or dedicated. She is temporarily consumed in hopes of fertilization. By you. romantic "Love" is a female state, she cannot understand why a man would present himself in such a fashion and all because of her..!? She does not find it arousing.. She finds it to be a sign of weakness. Surely she cant chase a man who's heart chases her. An alpha male would not chase her so this man offering her his heart must be weak and lame and useless.. She must leave him at once.
I think you're embellishing this a bit. Most women typically do want you to love them back. They just don't want you to love them so much that you don't maintain the ability to walk away at any moment. Essentially, masculine strength must always be paramount. Your sense of self must always trump your devotion to her.

If you can find the balance here between these two things that I'm talking about, you will break many hearts when you decide you are done with the relationship. I'm not saying this is a good thing as it has often left me feeling guilty, but her devotion to you will be undeniable.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Nexus Polaris said:
They just don't want you to love them so much that you don't maintain the ability to walk away at any moment. Essentially, masculine strength must always be paramount. Your sense of self must always trump your devotion to her.
To be honest Don,I REALLY had to think a lot about that "A woman will love you until you love her back" statement. I think this part of Nexuss' reply is pretty much close to the mark.

I don't think a woman will no longer love you if you start to love her back...unless you start to LOSE YOURSELF in expressong that love.

I think this is a misunderstanding.

I believe that most guys try to "love" a woman in ways that society says we should,(putting her on a pedistal,flowers,making her needs more important than your own,etc),and we do those things thinking we're showing our love,but they're misinterpeted by women inferior behavior.

And as we all know,inferior behavior is chick repellant.

So yeah...in that sense when we "love" a woman,she WILL lose attraction,which equals losing interest,which'll be her no longer loving us.

But truely loving a woman? Providing for her and protecting her...I don't think loving her that way will cause her to stop loving you.

If we're out in the street,some guy comes up to her threatening her and I grab her by the arm,pull her behind me and tell the guy whatever problem he has with her he can take it up with ME,I don't think expressing my love in that way would cause her to stop loving me.

I think there's just a misunderstanding concerning the word "love".


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Igetit! said:
To be honest Don,I REALLY had to think a lot about that "A woman will love you until you love her back" statement. I think this part of Nexuss' reply is pretty much close to the mark.

I don't think a woman will no longer love you if you start to love her back...unless you start to LOSE YOURSELF in expressong that love.

I think this is a misunderstanding.

I believe that most guys try to "love" a woman in ways that society says we should,(putting her on a pedistal,flowers,making her needs more important than your own,etc),and we do those things thinking we're showing our love,but they're misinterpeted by women inferior behavior.

And as we all know,inferior behavior is chick repellant.

So yeah...in that sense when we "love" a woman,she WILL lose attraction,which equals losing interest,which'll be her no longer loving us.

But truely loving a woman? Providing for her and protecting her...I don't think loving her that way will cause her to stop loving you.

If we're out in the street,some guy comes up to her threatening her and I grab her by the arm,pull her behind me and tell the guy whatever problem he has with her he can take it up with ME,I don't think expressing my love in that way would cause her to stop loving me.

I think there's just a misunderstanding concerning the word "love".

^^^^Logical "love" vs. illogical "love"