Awesome article.
I read up to "Two Qualities of Genuine Choice" ...didn't have much time the read the rest, but thanks for posting this, as I generally grasped the gist of it. (but bookmarked so I'll probably read more later).
Definitely not an "experienced DJ" by any means...and what a relevant comment that is.
The whole "DJ" thing was forced. All the inspiration I ever got from this board was forced...and to some degree, like this guy writes, will power can be good. For me, it got me through quite a few cold approaches...but then again, like this guy said, it wasn't permanently-inpsiring. Hence, it true, and I've had a 4-month drought.
Now, again, back on the board, I'm at it again. It's willpower, not permanent inspiration. Because...unfortunately, I haven't had that permanent-inspiring moment yet, or I don't think I have. Like you know, I'm the kid who once had - and probably if I stay out of practice could go back to having - social anxiety problems. So, our struggles with these problems definitely will keep going until we're permanently enlightened. Very true.
In a sense, what I'm saying is, when we experience an inspiring moment which is visually permanent, afterwards, we make better choices by nature, not by will. More over, we can make these choices permanently. Why? Because the inspiration which fuels these changes lasts for the rest of our lives.
So true.
And that's how I stopped drinking. It's just not me any more. It's not a matter of's just NOT ME. It was more a sequence of permanently inspiring events that changed that for me.
Or...the fact that I am so well with controlling my anger. Because I have seen from life-changing, inspiring experiences, how anger can ruin lives and relationships.
And the fact that I want and am constantly trying to start my own business. School feels sooo forced. Yet, no one has to inspire me to pick up Donald Trump's book and read it in half an hour. I am even studying business now, in school, yet the classes don't excite me the same way that 'business-oriented' books at Barnes&Noble excite me. I would go and spend hours and days at a time at B&N and teach myself everything there is to know and probably learn much better than I do at school. Sometimes I gain some willpower and decide to get 'A's in classes...but what's really the point...I've never been truly inspired by anything in school, ever.
I could write pages upon pages about my other experiences. But the point I wanted to add is, that unless you allow it to change you, it won't change you. You have to be completely open to change and allow things to take a toll on you.
I remember when I was always 'waiting for the perfect life-changing moment.' It was almost like I wanted something really bad to happen to turn my life around. Even after my lungs collapsed twice, and I nearly died and spent weeks in the hospital, I still didn't change my extremely unhealthy habits. But months later, when I was recovering, and becoming hooked on sleeping night I couldn't sleep, and my uncle wouldn't take me to the store to buy more of them. That night was pure hell, and so were the following nights of no sleep. Especially when you're that weak and you haven't slept a few hours in a week, a slight breeze can land you back in the hospital. But that experience, and him talking to really changed me. It changed me so much that I even despise taking cold medicine when I have a cold nowadays. Because all it does is get rid of the 'symptoms.' Why put chemicals in your body to just get rid of pain? Deal with pain, it only makes you stronger...and he told me about some stuff he'd been through before which made me feel better about my situation, which comparatively was a cakewalk.
Ever since then, I have only become healthier. And sure, you can hear the words, "whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger," and it could give you some temporary boost. But I get a really rush when I hear that become it really means something to me, and it's a part of me.
Again, thanks, great article, I'm going to be sharing it with quite a few people.