Why men cheat article on women website


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2005
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Why He May Be Cheating On You 271 Reads


There could be all sorts of reasons known only to your man, but there are also those reasons in which women may contribute to, such as: You Let Yourself Go, You Lost Yourself In Him, or You Have No Ambition along with many others. Sometimes women live for their men. They spend all their waking time taking care of them, and at the end of the day, they still haven't accomplished anything for themselves.

You are thinking all alone that this is what he wants in a woman, when all along, he wants the complete opposite. Women get caught up too often trying to be the woman that they think their men want. He wants you to be you. After all, the woman you were when you two met, is who he wants you to be. Never pretend to be something you’re not, because you’ll have to keep up this charade for the remainder of the relationship. That’s hard to keep up. You start to get relaxed and too comfortable in the relationship and that’s when the “real you” starts to gradually come out. Be yourself in the beginning and eliminate the future problems of him going out and maybe cheating on you because you’ve changed.

Women also essentially end up resenting their men, because they have put their goals and dreams aside. The women make their choices, but somewhere in between, they become unhappy with the choices they have made. They start acting depressed, miserable, and sad all the time, because they are not happy. This is when he starts to get tired of looking at you miserable everyday. He starts seeing a woman who makes him laugh again, who he starts to have fun with and where does this leave you? Still at home miserable thinking that he is feeling sorry for you. He is. He is feeling sorry that he has to tell you that it’s over.

So, in the initial beginning of the relationship, both parties need to be in agreement of what they want and expect from each other.

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Discuss! How do you feel it applies for women cheating on men?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Reasons to cheat.

1 Cheating can be fun when playing a dull game.

2 Rupert Murdoch syndrome. But who hasn't suffered from that?

3 Hubris, sense of entitlement.

4 Revenge.

5 Same as 1 but with element of forbidden fruit.

Did I miss any? Anyone ever read "The Power of Positve Thinking" Norman Vincent Peale. Pg 62 1990 Cedar Press edition. Woman gets told her husband is interested in another woman and wants a divorce. She says if he still wants one at the end of90 days he can have one. Anyway she just keeps being nice to him like nothing had happened. Says nothing negative. At the end of the 90 days he says " Don't be silly I couldn't possibly get along without you." I thought this story to be corny and stupid but minus the religious overtones there is an important message. A woman will never change any man's opinion of her for the better by arguing and harassing him.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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The problem with the 'logic' of this article is that it assumes all women are, or should be, these highly motivated, self-reliant, independent maverick women with lofty ambitions - that, but for flowery emotionalism and "being too much like women", their dreams are sublimated to make their man's life more fulfilling. Same 70's message, new decade. What they fail to understand is that for all of their re-imaginings of gender, egalitarian equality between the sexes is neither attainable nor desirable. The sexes were meant to be complimentary to each other, not adversarial. This means a healthy appreciation for the positive aspects, and a consideration for the negative aspects of both the masculine and feminine.

Like most "Today's Woman" articles, the presumed cause of a man's infidelity is based on a woman's innability to be more like a man or to embody more traditionally masculine characteristics, adopting his drive for provisioning. She is characterized as this poor house-bound genius, reminescent of Jane Eyre, whiling away her unappreciated potential, and this then is the source of her husband's displeasure and ultimately his infidelity. Give us break.

This isn't rocket science here, so put all of your Gender Studies textbooks away for a moment and try to grasp the simple truth - Men cheat because they're not getting what they need at home. 90% of a prostitute's clientele are married men. Men cheat because the sexual well has dried up at home and this contributes to sense of deprirvation that he seeks sexual fulfillment outside his committment. In the 5 years I've counseled men, I've yet to encounter the guy who told me he cheated on his wife/girlfriend because she was unambitious or he left his vivacious, loving, swimsuit model girlfriend for a female doctor or lawyer because they seemed more motivated. No, men cheat because the desire, frequency and sexual intensity has gone out of the relationship and we naturally seek this out, both in and out of marriage.

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
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Excellent post by Rollo Tomassi. I was going to write something in this post, but he has already said what there is to say. (Which is pretty self-evident really, but not everybody can explain it in a clear manner.)

I have found that many articles in women's magazines are unconnected to the reality people live in; it's just the author's wishes, or the mandatory assumptions you need to make to keep your job working for that magazine.

Came across an article recently on how a woman should have sex with a man in bed, and I got the impression that the author was a virgin. . . . Thank God for internet debate!