"If you are rich, no matter how you got it, you are given instant respect and praised as a golden calf."
Why is the quote above true? If you have $$$$$$, you can live like a slob and treat people like sh-t and still be praised by society. ie. celebrities and rich folks.
If you have to live off canned spam, go to the dollar theatre, and cut your own hair, yet are a good person, people look at you like you're worthless.
What's wrong with this picture??????????
Why is the quote above true? If you have $$$$$$, you can live like a slob and treat people like sh-t and still be praised by society. ie. celebrities and rich folks.
If you have to live off canned spam, go to the dollar theatre, and cut your own hair, yet are a good person, people look at you like you're worthless.
What's wrong with this picture??????????