Why is it so hard to date single moms


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
Can someone please tell me why is it so hard..I was dating this sexy blonde lady who is 31 and she had 5 kids..the relationship went to **** in a month..i mean at first she was madly in love with me..we slept together and then bam she flipped..her ex husband kept tryna get her back..no she says she is a emotional wreck..everyday her feeling changes..my question is why is it so hard

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
tebow1120 said:
Can someone please tell me why is it so hard..I was dating this sexy blonde lady who is 31 and she had 5 kids..
Next time look for one who has 10 cats.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
31 with 5 kids? How was the sex? I'm guessing penetration must have felt like dropping a penny into the Grand Canyon.

Oh yeah. And if you didn't think this was a bad idea, you probably should just off yourself. Right now.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
you're joking right? stop trying to get into mother f'in relationships. you guys are such in a hurry to give away your freedom.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
Eh, nevermind. He's a troll. Fortunately. Check out some of his other brilliant posts....

tebow1120 said:
So anyways guys I had been seeing this 9 month pregnant girl for 2 weeks and I know what you guys are thinking..but I saw past her being pregnant she seemed very nice..soo these 2 weeks we have been on the phone talking texting all day and she was very cool at first until she started being controlling..like she hated when I would go and hang with my brother and that botherd me at first but I ignored it because I wanted too give her a chance..well 3 weeks before her and I got together she had just gotten out of a 4 year relationship with her baby father..so anyways during the 2 weeks we were together she told me she loved me and i'm like how you love me in a week she said she just does so being the fool I am I believe her and the next day I tell her I love her back..soo anyways the next day she comes over too my house soo were kissing and everthing,she rubbing on my **** and she asking can she suck it..then we stop for a minute too talk and I ask her can we tell people were together and she flips out on me talking about I am rushing her and this relationship and she not ready for that and then she hits me with the lets just be friends line and then she goes home and messages me..the whole time I am thinking she has been rushing this whole relationship and when I kinda start rushing she gets scared-so here is what she wrote to me on facebook..let me know what you guys think-

i feel were u are coming from thats why im going to back down im in a situation that is hard for me i just got out of a relationship of four years and not only that im now having a baby by him and things are hard for me right now i have mixed emotions about my heart right now maybe i did rush it i shouldnt of told you i love you maybe i was leading you on but i do care for you...... but if u feel like you cant not bemy friend then this is were it ends because i have been thinking i really dont need to be in a relationship right now i need to just stay focus on my son and that is what im going to do for right now so goodbye......and sorry


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
The sex was wonderful guys..i mean she had real big fake breast..they were nice..im 23..but the things is she got pregnant at 16 with her oldest son who is 14 now..then she hooked up with another guy who she had the 4 with and she ended up marrying this guy who ended up beating her and cheating on her..she has been seperated from him for 6 months..so i decided to be capn save a hoe and I gave her a chance...worst mistake ever..she did her best to make me fall in love then she flipped on me and started pulling away..im just like damn


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Iceberg said:
Eh, nevermind. He's a troll. Fortunately. Check out some of his other brilliant posts....
He is the real deal. You are from New Jersey. Lots of him there. A bunch of ugly old tramps being worshipped by boys with mommy issues. America in a nutshell.


New Member
Dec 18, 2010
Reaction score
Dumb move dude real talk..i'm boinking a 37 yrs old right now and im 27 ..shes got 3 kids and two ex husbands ..thats alot of drama and baggage ..that i avoid but just going there to do my buisness and bounce..women at that age just looking for the attention and to feel like they still got it ..even though the one im with is actually really self conscious ..but reguardless i let her feel all that as long as i get my jimmy waxed ..give her a bit of attention it's cool ...no need to fall in love espcially with women who got that much baggage 5 kids ??? yikes your a sap if you stay in that situation any longer..as a matter of fact as your reading these posts you should be dialing the chicks number to call it off