white sox bill
Senior Don Juan
I swore off doing married women yrs. ago. But this past spring, I let my guard down and got involved w/ a married one who was quite a bit younger than me.
To make a long story short, after some marathon sex seesions(which she loved) her hubby caught on. She was a emotional wreck shortly after. Then she didn't speak to me for some time while her and her husband were reconsiling. She told him all!
I felt absolutly terrible for what I did. Morally it was wrong. I let down my DJ ethics. I wanted so bad to aplogize to both of them.
Then a few nights ago (keep in mind I had never met her husband) I was walking out of a grocery store and this guy walks up to me and says he's HER husband! He starts off about wanting to kick my ass because he's been in prison yada yada, and that he would but its too expensive yada yada. I'm much about 30 lbs heavier than him.
There's no doubt in a fair fight I woulda dusted him. So here I stand in a parking lot holding 2 bags of groceries and 2 gallons of milk, in shorts and in floppy sandels, and then I'm super stoned on top of that. He was in work boots, long jeans etc. I had all the intagables AGAINST me. But the biggest one was that I was in the wrong. The best I could have done was defend myself against this guy. I used to be rowdy in my younger days, and I gotta tell you in this situation I would got my clock creamed on PRINCIPLE alone. Being rather high, the last thing I wanted was to get into it. I knew my sandels would never hold any ground either.
I just stared him right in the eye and did what I wanted to do:Apolozige. Tell him that it wasn't right and that he has every rreason to be pissed, and that I've been cheated on before and it sucked. We stared eachother down about a foot away from eachother, I was getting ready to drop my groceries to defend myself. I never had to-we talked very curtly. I told him that I don't run after married women and that what was so wierd is that this is so out of charcter for her and I.
The bootom line is I never took my eyes off of him. It was all man-to-man. I wished him good luck and he left. But he could have easily kneed my balls because of what I was holding, my mental state, and the way I was dressed.
Guys, don't forget that I wouldn't recommend adultry, but remeber that the guy who is in the right ALWAYS has the upper hand. Years ago I dropped a guy who I gave up 40 lbs and 4 inches to becuase he was messing with my g/f and was a smart ass about it. If it had been a stupid bar fight or something he mighta won, but not under those circumstances.
Don't wanna be a home wrecker besides. Sorry so long!
PS-Wanna take bets as to when this mar5ried women calls again? Probably sooner since hubby pulled this
I swore off doing married women yrs. ago. But this past spring, I let my guard down and got involved w/ a married one who was quite a bit younger than me.
To make a long story short, after some marathon sex seesions(which she loved) her hubby caught on. She was a emotional wreck shortly after. Then she didn't speak to me for some time while her and her husband were reconsiling. She told him all!
I felt absolutly terrible for what I did. Morally it was wrong. I let down my DJ ethics. I wanted so bad to aplogize to both of them.
Then a few nights ago (keep in mind I had never met her husband) I was walking out of a grocery store and this guy walks up to me and says he's HER husband! He starts off about wanting to kick my ass because he's been in prison yada yada, and that he would but its too expensive yada yada. I'm much about 30 lbs heavier than him.
There's no doubt in a fair fight I woulda dusted him. So here I stand in a parking lot holding 2 bags of groceries and 2 gallons of milk, in shorts and in floppy sandels, and then I'm super stoned on top of that. He was in work boots, long jeans etc. I had all the intagables AGAINST me. But the biggest one was that I was in the wrong. The best I could have done was defend myself against this guy. I used to be rowdy in my younger days, and I gotta tell you in this situation I would got my clock creamed on PRINCIPLE alone. Being rather high, the last thing I wanted was to get into it. I knew my sandels would never hold any ground either.
I just stared him right in the eye and did what I wanted to do:Apolozige. Tell him that it wasn't right and that he has every rreason to be pissed, and that I've been cheated on before and it sucked. We stared eachother down about a foot away from eachother, I was getting ready to drop my groceries to defend myself. I never had to-we talked very curtly. I told him that I don't run after married women and that what was so wierd is that this is so out of charcter for her and I.
The bootom line is I never took my eyes off of him. It was all man-to-man. I wished him good luck and he left. But he could have easily kneed my balls because of what I was holding, my mental state, and the way I was dressed.
Guys, don't forget that I wouldn't recommend adultry, but remeber that the guy who is in the right ALWAYS has the upper hand. Years ago I dropped a guy who I gave up 40 lbs and 4 inches to becuase he was messing with my g/f and was a smart ass about it. If it had been a stupid bar fight or something he mighta won, but not under those circumstances.
Don't wanna be a home wrecker besides. Sorry so long!
PS-Wanna take bets as to when this mar5ried women calls again? Probably sooner since hubby pulled this