Why haven't you...?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2001
Reaction score
Exactly where I want to be.
I honestly dont hit up this part of the boards up as often as one should, so something like this may of been addressed, but I'll bring it out anyway.

We had this "Motivational Speaker" come in the other day (note I'm in High School, but the guy talks about life in general) and though usually these sort of speakers fill their presentations with bored, uncreative cliche`s, this guy made an amazing point. Here's what he said:

"Imagine you had an hour to live. Who would you call, what would you say, and why haven't you done it yet?"

Think about it - Lets say you were just hit with the news that you were going to die in an hour (or lets say an asteroid was going to destroy Earth and everything on it, whatever). You'd be hit with a few emotions rather quickly - 1) Fear about death, 2) Anger about the news, and 3) The feeling that you literally have nothing to lose. There would also be literally no reason to do whatever you wanted, even your most personal and intimate goals (though I hope you wouldnt use your last moments alive to rob a Wal-Mart or something). But the point is - Why haven't you yet? Why haven't you told that hot chick at the mall how you feel? Why have you spent the last two months pining over a co-worker, never saying a word? I'll tell you why - Probably because deep in your psyche you're confident, convinced, and okay with the probability that you're not going to die today, or tomarrow, or sometime in the near future, so there's still "plenty of time" to procrastinate.

That's not the kind of train of thought you want, unless you're perfectly fine with accepting that very distinguishible feeling of passing up a situation you shouldn't have (IMO the worst feeling in the world). And the fact that everyday might as well be a giftwrapped invitation, complete with ribbon and a greeting card, into a better life that you refuse to unwrap because you're afraid.

Dont be...

oOh Nasty

Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2002
Reaction score
good post. this is for all those procrastinators x)

oOh Nasty