Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
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Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...
Reply to: anon-66795671@craigslist.org
Date: Sun Apr 03 21:30:08 2005

In the wide world of dating, there are many options. Do you go for the flashy guy with the smooth smile, or the dude in the corner typing away on his laptop? The following are reasons why I think my fellow females should pay more attention to the quiet geeks and nerds, and less attention to the flashy boys.

1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE.

2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself.

3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends.

4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too.

5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?

6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options”. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend.

7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around. They say a virgin wrote the Kama Sutra... all that time thinking about sex, imagining sex, dreaming about sex, (they are male after all) coupled with a desire to make you happy? Use your imagination.

8.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?

9.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”

10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light.

11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream).

12.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap.

13.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce...

14.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps...

15.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually give a damn about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine ass!!!” Believe me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
ohhhhh GOD. who ever originally wrote this, couldn't seriously be thinking that chicks would folow this advice. A chick would read this, and probably agree with every point made, turn around and jump the next jock she runs into anyway.

piece of advice for the TRUE NERDS; DON'T be a nerd. BE a MAN who has hi thech hobies and interest. Two very diferent things.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ahahaha let's dissect this nonsense shall we?

"1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE. "

Translation: "The geek is your dependable, non-challenging guy to fill the void between smooth dudes with sly grins and spider hands." :rolleyes:

"2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself."

Translation: "You can use them for their knowledge and tell them what great friends they are. Who wouldn't be interested in such a great catch"....Well you, but tell them there are many other girls who will want to date them." :rolleyes:

"3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends. "

Translation: "You can show your friends what a wuss he is and how you have him wrapped around your finger for an ego boost" :rolleyes:

"4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too."

Translation: "Any time you are feeling down you know there are plenty of pitiful, available geeks to up your ego a few notches and feel better about yourself." :rolleyes:

"5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?"

Translation: "You can tell all your friends how superior you are. How you're able to see the intelligence in the geek and find him attractive for that. That 'looks don't matter'. All while f*cking some dude who hasn't finished high school and has a court date next month." :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

"6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options”. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend."

Translation: "You'll be worshipped like a goddess." :rolleyes:

"7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around. They say a virgin wrote the Kama Sutra... all that time thinking about sex, imagining sex, dreaming about sex, (they are male after all) coupled with a desire to make you happy? Use your imagination."

Translation: "Sex? They ain't getting none. Unless you have an ulterior motive." :rolleyes:

"8.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?"

Translation: "You don't have to know how to cook."

"9.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”"

Translation: "You can hold all the power in the relationship. He'll be lucky if he can even find another girl who will look at him. All this while I'm trying to prove how attractive they are."

"10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light."

Translation: "You can go f*ck other guys while he's at home working with his computer."

"11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream)."

Translation: "Again, you'll be treated like a goddess. Everyone knows what attention wh0res we can be." :rollseyes:

"12.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap."

Translation: "They trust you, so you can go out and sleep with other guys. If you ever lose the urge to go out and sleep with another guy, the geek will put up with you being a lazy, fat, slug on the couch."

"13.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce..."

Translation: "You can play along and pretend you have any idea of what he's talking about."

"14.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps..."

Translation: "You won't have to clean up."

"15.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually give a damn about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine ass!!!” Believe me."

Translation: "Again and again. We all want to be treated like goddesses."


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by true|hockey
hah fellahs, I think its a joke.
Some girls actually "believe" this stuff. I put that in quotation marks because they believe on a conscious level. This is what society tells them. That geeks have all these other qualities that make up for their lack of looks, or lack of suave. Subconsciously, they of course do not believe a word of that crap.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
i cant say i agree with this crap as it's from one perspective of a female.

But i cannot deny the fact how often i've seen asian girls holding hands with their geeky/dorky looking bfs in the street. but the ones on the street were more of a classy nerd.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by ScrewIt
i cant say i agree with this crap as it's from one perspective of a female.

But i cannot deny the fact how often i've seen asian girls holding hands with their geeky/dorky looking bfs in the street. but the ones on the street were more of a classy nerd.

haha true. One thing about this. I know a chinese girl who is dating this tall white guy who I think is a little dorky.

She has NEVER dated an asian guy. I asked her why. Forgot what she said, but basically she hates asian guys for some reason.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by fuzzx
This is unfortunately a serious post :p

and if you like that your gonna love this:

Yesterday, I worked a volunteer position at the local toronto comiccon... I could only stomach a few hours before walking out but I made a point to get the only hot girl's info before I left using a couple neg hits infront of some uber nerds to make a point.

Want to make an easy pickup, goto comic/anime conventions. There are always 1 or 2 hb5's and about 4 or 5
hb1's. And ALL of the girls are used to guys fawning and drooling over them and acting like complete AFCs. They are not expecting DJ's at these places. Contrary to current 'popular' belief, comicbook/D&D/videogame/anime hobbies usually DO NOT appeal to the opposite sex. So when they come across a guy who doesn't act like a jellyfish when he sees a chick in a miniskirt they are REALLY interested to know why. It took 2 lines of coversation to get the hb5's info.

Another great reason to go to these events is to see a STEREOTYPICAL AFC.
Totally clueless and insecure these males are essentially the bottom of the barrel, they embody everything the 'bible' labels AFC. A good majority of these guys are grossly overweight, wear spaghetti stained t-shirts, black (matrix) over coats and talk incessantly about Wolverine, Picard and Yugi Oh. With the odd interjection of their favorite star wars hero.

Now that stuff is all fine and good, I'm a starwars nut myself but there is a fine line between obsessive and interested. I think that obsessiveness tends to filter over into their social lives aswell and breeds AFC qualities.
I read the msn one. This line kills me:

"The more sensitive you are, the more she’ll get tangled up in your web o’ luv."



Master Don Juan
May 25, 2003
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Texas
The problem is that this article is making assumptions that arn't true for all nerds ... believe it or not there are tech savy men who feel satisfied with their lives and arn't desperate or deprived despite the fact that they may not be totally chick magnets.

I would mark this one off as another chick rhetoric that has too much stereotypical information woven in, which makes it unreliable and undependable. Just focus on being a man with hobbies and you should be fine.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
The real solution is to be a 'hot' nerd. Do the gym stuff using your intelligence to look and be the best .. like at everything else you do!

Dress decently, and try not to be too intimidating with your intelligence .. in other words .. not giving the entire audio version of what could be an entire book even for a simple subject.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by fuzzx

Now that stuff is all fine and good, I'm a starwars nut myself but there is a fine line between obsessive and interested. I think that obsessiveness tends to filter over into their social lives aswell and breeds AFC qualities.
I tend to notice that about real nerds. Altho im friends with one, we never really hang out. Today i was bored and he was going to his college's anime festival hosted by his anime club, since it was a rainy day i decided hell why not so i went for a few hrs. As typically expected there were no females there.

And true how their main social lives revolve around obsessive activities related to their craptops. in addition, they share this "odd" language of their own....that i could not even begin to comprehend.....in addition a very weird sense of humor that adds to their dorkiness. Yes most of them are obsessed with anime and keep poor maintenance in their appearance such as clothing.

I cannot begin to comprehend how some women fall for these guys. But it does appear that the women who have low self esteem are attracted to them. I think the reason for this is for an opportunity to "change" or convert them to their idea of a normal human being....or the norm as you might say.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Chrispy
7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around.
This is the only part that I was interested in. She admits that she's never gone with a geek before. Most women will talk about how nice this and that guy is, but have never dated them before.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

If this is not a joke.....

$10 says the woman who vomitted out all that crap has never given a geek a second look. And if by any chance she has, it was to boost her ego.

We all know that what a woman says and the truth are two completely different things.

Silquee Smoove

Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2003
Reaction score
Jax Bch, FL - 3rd Street Crew
Originally posted by ScrewIt
And true how their main social lives revolve around obsessive activities related to their craptops. in addition, they share this "odd" language of their own....that i could not even begin to comprehend.....in addition a very weird sense of humor that adds to their dorkiness. Yes most of them are obsessed with anime and keep poor maintenance in their appearance such as clothing.
Yeah, I've noticed this too, I was in a bookstore and there was this one guy who was talking to a girl and some of his other friends who were there and he would actually say after every bit of conversation they would have about doing something social:

"You mean like, in real life?"

Severe detachment from reality....:eek:


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
honestly i meet those criterias of being a geek who's always on his pc, fixing pcs, electronics, and etc doing what is mentioned above, but i do have the dj mentality 24/7 when it comes around. maybe i'm on of those who can have their cake and eat it too! lol

[]D [] []V[] []D

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Silquee Smoove
Yeah, I've noticed this too, I was in a bookstore and there was this one guy who was talking to a girl and some of his other friends who were there and he would actually say after every bit of conversation they would have about doing something social:

"You mean like, in real life?"

Severe detachment from reality....:eek:
Originally posted by ScrewIt

And true how their main social lives revolve around obsessive activities related to their craptops. in addition, they share this "odd" language of their own....that i could not even begin to comprehend.....in addition a very weird sense of humor that adds to their dorkiness. Yes most of them are obsessed with anime and keep poor maintenance in their appearance such as clothing.

I cannot begin to comprehend how some women fall for these guys. But it does appear that the women who have low self esteem are attracted to them. I think the reason for this is for an opportunity to "change" or convert them to their idea of a normal human being....or the norm as you might say.
So true....i personally DONT like to hang around nerds for a long time.

I make a jokes that my cool friends normally laugh at but when i say it to nerds they dun get it, and they turn the subject into "whether XBOX or PS2 is better!"

wow...and it really kills my social proof cuz theres no one else to talk to in class and i just have to sit there and do some work.

I totally agree with what you said...again,...they talk about homework and CPU games (by the way im in highschool) and there are more nerds than ever.

For example:

These guys talk about Counter-strike (a very popular shooting game), and they always say "Ohhhh stop hacking" "You got Pwned etc."

Welll for you nerds that cant identify yourself heres a wake-up call. If you basically say these things your a nerd:

-If you're in highschool and you play any cards games BUT normal playing cards. (eg. YuGiOh, Magic, Pokeman)

-If you are constantly looking at your marks posted up on the wall when you enter class

-When it's time to work, and someone asks you something you dont say anything.

-Girls avoid you when you appraoch

-You dress differently than guys who hang around girls (eg. you wear promotional shirts)

-You were hats that's from some computer company

-Sometimes when you have tons of pimples on your face (which is not taken care of)

-When girls ask you how to do homework you help with the best of your ability, but when i ask you, you tell me to "ask someone else!"

[haha im not a nerd by the way]

-Sometimes if you cant play basketball (eg. layup)

-And the most obvious one.....(the smartest guy in my grade says this)

Nerd: "Hey Paul whad you get in french?"

Me: "Oh um 85+...."

Nerd: "Oh really?!?!? Thats good"

Me: "What you get?"

Nerd: "OMG im dropping, i have 95"

Me: "~~~Get the fack out of my face~~~"

Well these are just some things that nerds at my school do, that piss me off cuz they are like aliens. There are other obvious ones but these are some obvious ones to cool ppl that nerds think is cool

Nov 6, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin. USA
Re: Re: Why Geeks and Nerds Are Worth It...

Originally posted by TillTheEndOfTime
Ahahaha let's dissect this nonsense shall we?

"1.) While geeks and nerds may be awkward, they’re well-meaning 9 out of 10 times. That smooth dude with the sly grin and the spider hands? Wonder what HIS intentions are... plus, I’ve never had a geek guy not call me when he said he would. Score major points THERE. "

Translation: "The geek is your dependable, non-challenging guy to fill the void between smooth dudes with sly grins and spider hands." :rolleyes:

"2.) They’re useful. In this tech-savvy world, it’s great to have a b/f who can make your laptop, desktop, and just about anything else that plugs into a wall behave itself."

Translation: "You can use them for their knowledge and tell them what great friends they are. Who wouldn't be interested in such a great catch"....Well you, but tell them there are many other girls who will want to date them." :rolleyes:

"3.) They’re more romantic than they’re given credit for. Ok true, their idea of romance might be to make up a spiffy web-page with all the reasons why they love you, with links to pics of you and sonnets and such... but hey. It lasts longer than flowers, plus you can show your friends. "

Translation: "You can show your friends what a wuss he is and how you have him wrapped around your finger for an ego boost" :rolleyes:

"4.) Due to their neglected status, there are plenty to choose from. You like ‘em tall and slender? There are plenty of geeks/nerds who are. You like ‘em smaller with more meat on their bones? Got that too."

Translation: "Any time you are feeling down you know there are plenty of pitiful, available geeks to up your ego a few notches and feel better about yourself." :rolleyes:

"5.) They’ve got brains. Come on now, how can intelligence be a bad thing?"

Translation: "You can tell all your friends how superior you are. How you're able to see the intelligence in the geek and find him attractive for that. That 'looks don't matter'. All while f*cking some dude who hasn't finished high school and has a court date next month." :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

"6.) Most are quite good at remembering dates. Like birthdates and such, especially if they know it’ll make you happy. Due again to their neglected status, they’re more attentive than guys who “have more options”. Plus, with all that down time without a steady girlfriend, they’ll likely have mental lists of all the things they’d love to do once they GOT a girlfriend."

Translation: "You'll be worshipped like a goddess." :rolleyes:

"7.) Sex. Yep. Sex. I’m not really familiar with this myself, but I’ve friends who’ve been intimate with geek guys and it’s raves all around. They say a virgin wrote the Kama Sutra... all that time thinking about sex, imagining sex, dreaming about sex, (they are male after all) coupled with a desire to make you happy? Use your imagination."

Translation: "Sex? They ain't getting none. Unless you have an ulterior motive." :rolleyes:

"8.) They’re relatively low-maintenance. Most can be fueled on pizza, Twinkies and Mt Dew. No complicated dinners needed here, so if you’re not the best cook, eh. Can you order a pizza?"

Translation: "You don't have to know how to cook."

"9.) Most frequent bars as often as slugs frequent salt mines. You won’t have to worry much about your geek guy getting his “groove” on with club hotties because, frankly, he’ll be too busy rooting around under his computer wondering where that spare cable went. You won’t have to worry about him flirting with other women because, 9 out of 10 times, he’ll zip right by them in a perfect b-line towards the nearest electronics store. I’ve seen this happen.
Me: “Eww. Victoria Secret’s Models... They’re so skinny. How is that feminine? You can see her ribs!”
Geek Guy: “ooooooo...”
Me: “Hey!” *notices he is staring lustfully towards the computer store*
Geek Guy: “What?”
Me: “Never mind...”"

Translation: "You can hold all the power in the relationship. He'll be lucky if he can even find another girl who will look at him. All this while I'm trying to prove how attractive they are."

"10.) Although he may not want to go to every outing with you, you can arrange swaps, as in, you’ll go to his Gamer Con dressed as an elf princess if he’ll take you to the ballet. Plus, if he doesn’t want to go someplace with you, you won’t have to worry much about what he’s up to. You’ll probably come home to find him asleep on his keyboard in a sea of Mt. Dew cans with code blinking from the screen. It’s ok. He’s used to this. Just toss a blanket over him and turn out the light."

Translation: "You can go f*ck other guys while he's at home working with his computer."

"11.) His friends aren’t jerks. I can’t stress this enough. You’ll more likely get “Omg! A GIRL!! Can I see?!” than “Hey hot stuff back that ass up here and let me get some grub on...” They’re awkward geeks too and will, 9 times out of 10, treat you with the utmost respect and, more than likely, a note of awe. A cute girl picked one of their clan to date? It could happen to them! Hope! Drag some of your single girlfriends over, open up a pack of Mt. Dew, crack open the DnD set and get working. Nothing impresses geek guys more than a girl who can hack-n-slash (well ok maybe if she can code... a geek can dream)."

Translation: "Again, you'll be treated like a goddess. Everyone knows what attention wh0res we can be." :rollseyes:

"12.) They’re rarely if ever possessive. They trust you, so you can be yourself around them. You like to walk around the house in a ratty t-shirt for comfort? He won’t care. He does too! They won’t get pissy if you don’t wear make-up or don’t want to bother primping your hair. If you gain a few pounds, they won’t try their best to make you feel like crap."

Translation: "They trust you, so you can go out and sleep with other guys. If you ever lose the urge to go out and sleep with another guy, the geek will put up with you being a lazy, fat, slug on the couch."

"13.) They’re usually very well educated. Physics majors and the like. See #5. You won’t have to listen to him blathering on about his car (ok maybe a little), he’ll have loads of other interesting things to talk about. Politics, world events, how much the chicken burgers down at the local place rock, so long as you douse them in hot sauce..."

Translation: "You can play along and pretend you have any idea of what he's talking about."

"14.) You’ll almost never have to hear, “Yaw dawg whazzap!!” plop out of their mouths. Unless it’s in jest. They spell properly, use correct punctuation, and are able to tell the difference between the toilet and the floor. They almost never get “wasted”, so you won’t have to worry about coming home to find him and his friends passed out on the floor amidst a pile of beer bottles. Mt. Dew cans, perhaps..."

Translation: "You won't have to clean up."

"15.) And the final reason why geeks and nerds make great boyfriends: They actually give a damn about you. Not how you look (though that’s a plus), not how skinny you are, not how much make-up you primp yourself up with, but they like you for you. That kind of thing lasts longer than “DaMN baby you got a fine ass!!!” Believe me."

Translation: "Again and again. We all want to be treated like goddesses."
Excellent interpretation!!