Why do women constantly b*tch and complain?...


Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
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OK, I have nothing against women, I just don't understand why women b*tch about everything in their lives. Examples: The women I work with seem to whine about not feeling good, their tired, sick, or they need money, etc. I just pretty much ignore them when they start this crap, but I just don't understand why most of these women are so negative in life in general sometimes.

I have no interest in the majority of these women sexually, so it's not like tests or anything like that. It just seems like this is a mostly female trait that I've noticed. Is it a woman's way of getting attention? Is it just that they have nothing else going on in their lives and this is a way of conversing with other women and people in general? Or is it something else? I'm just a little confused on the matter and wonder if anybody here can enlighten me a bit. It actually starts to get on your nerves all the time when your in a great mood and they only want to talk about negative sh*t. Any insight would be much appreciated.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
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I feel your pain bro. I work around allot of women and they all seem to biotch and complain about 'something'. It's all drama if you ask me. Drama gives them something to do and it brings them attention so they go around finding other drama queens.

Show them you have no interest in hearing their problems and they will leave you alone.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Boston, MA
Yeah, tell me about it. My mom does that all the time and most of her friends, it's unbearable. Problem is that some bring the frustration home. I do a little of active listening and then just find something to do. I don't like talking or thinking about negative stuff at home about work.


Don Juan
Feb 10, 2003
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Originally posted by Champ1
OK, I have nothing against women, I just don't understand why women b*tch about everything in their lives. Examples: The women I work with seem to whine about not feeling good, their tired, sick, or they need money, etc. I just pretty much ignore them when they start this crap, but I just don't understand why most of these women are so negative in life in general sometimes.
Complaining is an avenue for them to verbalize their emotions and feelings:

Originally posted by AlphaHot1
:::::::The first rule is that chicks do not complain for reasons... they simply complain. Remember: chicks love to FEEL. Good or bad, it surprisingly makes little difference. They are designed to FEEL, above all else. They are feeling MACHINES. All the world's a soap opera and they love the melodrama of ecstasy or tragedy.
Source: http://groups.google.ca/groups?q=feel+complain+group:alt.seduction.fast&hl=en&lr=&selm=20011103213236.27367.00002720%40mb-mq.aol.com&rnum=5

I would suggest that you also read this thread by Pook:




Don Juan
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
So, what's the best way to talk to these women when their in a negative mood; I'm tired, I don't feel good today, I've got bills that are behind, etc. Sometimes at work it gets slow and there's not much else to do but chat up one of these women when they make convo.
So, what's the best thing to do? Just listen and nod and then just try changing the subject to something more positive, or what? I mean, it's like if you don't at least acknowledge them they then seem to turn a 180 and end up thinking your some kind of arrogant a hole who only cares about himself, which might be true, but they don't have to know that. Because, a true Don Juan is a charmer of sorts. He makes women feel good and I guess when they FEEL that's a good thing.

I just want to know what some of you fellow DJs do in these types of situations with such negative chics. I see where they get the saying, "misery loves company."


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
Reaction score
I just ignore it. Just say "uh huh", "yeah", "ok cool" etc. and act like you're not really interested. They'll soon avoid you when wanting to complain and find someone who will feed their drama and attention needs.

In this process, however, they may become frustrated at YOU and you'll then become the centre of her next drama fit, and the next, and the next......


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
this is a good topic. Most women b-itch about everything.

That is what women do best. B-itch B-itch B-itch.

I usually try to tell them off for it in a gental way. For example, i'll walk by and say, "whine whine whine whine...you poor girls".
And then Kino one of them.

When you do this it makes you seem different. It reminds them that as a man you don't ***** and complain. And you find their behavoir amusing.

When a girl *****es it is because she needs her head screwed back on again. If you can't do that then you are usless to her. If you try to console her then you can consider yourself an emotional tampon.

The bottom line about women b-itching is this: Be a man and set her right.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Champ1
So, what's the best way to talk to these women when their in a negative mood; "

You make fun of them and then show that you are thankfull that you are not a woman. :)


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
It depends for me. If it is someone I really care about like family then I will listen to them and try and help.

If it is a girl trying to put me in friendsville then I wil just laughingly say that I really don't care or just make fun of her while she it talking. If she is trying to confide something serious to me then I will try to help (cause it is the right thing to do, you cant be about game and sex 24/7) but for the regular everyday BS ... I just dont care.

I am developing a real dislike for when women (some not all) feel too comfortable around me, it is like them not acknowleding I have a penis and treating you as one of the girls :mad: .