This is a topic I've always been curious about. Why is it that certain people seem to look much younger than their actual ages? In my case for instance, I'm 33 years old but most people tell me that if I didn't reveal my age to them they would have assumed I was between 25 and 27. I rarely ever drink alcohol. In fact, I could drink alcohol just once a year on a special occasion, if not once in a while socially. I drink more water, natural juices, green tea and eat fruits. There's a firm belief especially in most African countries that most people who do sports frequently (including working out) tend to look much younger than they actually are. They point to some of the continent's famous soccer stars including some international ones as well who are said to be very much older than their supposed official ages and yet look much younger than their real ages. Do you guys think sports and working out do honestly make people look younger?