Why Do PUA's Focus So Much on Nightclubs


Don Juan
May 24, 2007
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I have been reading article by a guy named Paul Jenka. His stuff is kind of old school--early 2000's, however, he has really opened my eyes that there are a lot of things that are overlooked by the pick up community.

After reading that, I don't see why there are so many PUA's that focus on nightclubs on a Saturday night, when there are so many better ways to game?

I think day game is the best. Think about it--a girl in a club is usually drunk. She is getting hit on by a bunch of drunk losers all night long, so she is putting up an act. Even with the mystery method you usually have to deal with really high flake rates.

Online game is ok. I have met a few hot women on those. But I still think day game is the best kept secret in pick up. Most guys wouldn't approach a women in the day time, so she isn't expecting a guy to come up to her and hit on her.

I think if you are going to do bars you want to do something more low key than a nightclub/bar.

I also think that girls will look at you in a better light if you approach in the day time and your flake rate will go down.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I agree to a point

However night game is a meat market, and there are tons of chicks in one area, this is why Mystery says he does nightgame

Daygame is something that I wanna do more espeically with summer and spring coming up. There tons of chicks walking around the lakes, going to art museums malls etc etc

My only thing about Daygame is it's not what I'm use too, but this summer it will be a fun challenge!!


Don Juan
Nov 30, 2008
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Day/evening game is great, and as you said, there is less flaking because it's easier to find a quiet comfort building location.

Nightclubs IMHO, are just for practicing approaching skills. After I got good at nightgame, approaching girls anywhere became easier.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
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A place where dreams become reality
It takes more confidence and game to do day game as compared to approaching a drunk woman in a night club.

For me, i'm 18 years old, but i don't go to nightclubs. Hence, day game is my only option right now. I'm getting comfortable with it.



Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
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mistake by the lake
nightgame alliviates alot of the "approach anxiety" for newbies, but also it is a guaranteed place to be able to get to as many aproaches as possible, and they may be a bit more acceptable of your advances

if you could walk into a grocery store KNOWING that majority of the women there are EXPECTING to be hit on, then the same could be said for other places, unfortunately thats not the case.

women go to grocery stores to buy groceries
women go to the art museum for the art
etc, etc,

..now obviously that doesnt mean that women are not prone to pickup in these other areas, but the expectations may not be the same

realize it or not..

nightgame can be just as difficult. there is certain "ettiquete" and rules to follow even in bars/clubs.

- dealing with friends
-knowing how to approach

its not like you can just walk up to any girl and bring her home, you still abide by the "rules"

daygame, nightgame, etc, ...there all GAMES, just different rules


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
You're focusing purely on the pickup aspect and not at all on the entertainment or fun aspect.

People go to night clubs because it's fun. Normal people like to have fun. Normal people don't have 'pickup' on their minds 24/7.

Another reason I'm not a huge fan of the PUA community; I feel like they make a career out of a profession that doesn't need to be a career to be successful.

I personally like clubs for the music and atmosphere. The women of course are great, but it's not the ONLY reason I go there and I assume it's not the only reason most men go.


Don Juan
May 24, 2007
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WC2 said:
You're focusing purely on the pickup aspect and not at all on the entertainment or fun aspect.

People go to night clubs because it's fun. Normal people like to have fun. Normal people don't have 'pickup' on their minds 24/7.

Another reason I'm not a huge fan of the PUA community; I feel like they make a career out of a profession that doesn't need to be a career to be successful.

I personally like clubs for the music and atmosphere. The women of course are great, but it's not the ONLY reason I go there and I assume it's not the only reason most men go.
I agree 100%. My attitude is that I go to clubs for enjoyment with friends and if a girl comes along the way then I approach her.

I think it is good to do multiple venues though.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
They focus on night clubs because of the choice in women. The mature, stable, and down to earth girls DO NOT go to clubs unless its their friends bday or special ocassion. Ask yourself if you have met doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc at these places. Clubs are filled with insecure girls, and the "game" focuses on these kind of women. Try running game on a great woman during the day time and not tipsy and see how far you get.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
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trd323 said:
They focus on night clubs because of the choice in women. The mature, stable, and down to earth girls DO NOT go to clubs unless its their friends bday or special ocassion. Ask yourself if you have met doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc at these places. Clubs are filled with insecure girls, and the "game" focuses on these kind of women. Try running game on a great woman during the day time and not tipsy and see how far you get.
That is the wrongest thing I have ever read about clubs. All people like to have fun and be among other people. In response to your question of "have I ever met doctors/lawyers/teachers/etc" at clubs, the answer is surprisingly YES. But it depends on where you are. At a certain club I frequent, its more likely that the hottie in the ****tail dress next to you is managing a 10billion dollar hedge fund or a partner at a law firm than a broke college girl. Actually, Its a pretty good guarantee when you see what kind of cars they drive away in at the end of the night.

I actually like this particular club because many of the females are incredibly intimidating to the average guy. Many of the hottest females never get approached at all in that place. Imagine a club full of super hot women who all make 80k plus and have masters degrees and doctorates. Needless to say, they aren't impressed by anything material, so you MUST have game or your done before you start. Last friday I met a corporate attourney who owns 3 houses--but you would never guess that by looking at her.

But, if you want sleazy poor girls-- there's another club right down the street that matches your description. I sometimes go there also (I just have to change clothes)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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Clubs I have been to le deux, LAX, sky bar, Avalon, spider club, Ivar. These are the top clubs in los angeles, and most of the times I have been there they are full of drunk attention hoes. Girls that have an IQ of a door nail, gold diggers, and drug addicts. Have I taken some of these girls home, of course, but they are more of a headache than anything else. I mention these clubs because these are the places that PU companies take "AFC" for the first time.

Yes, there are specific clubs that cater to the high end crowd, but why pay 30 bucks at the door, 15 bucks for watered down drinks, for a slim shot that you will find a diamond among a bunch of coal.

I am saying that you can have fun in other places, and find higher quality people at other establishments.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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trd323, the guys taking PUA workshops aren't going to nightclubs to find love. They want to get laid.

Ask yourself if you have met doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc at these places
Plenty, but a woman's profession has fvck all to do with her qualities. From personal experience, the most boring chick I've dated is a doctor, the most materialistic is a student lawyer (met at a club btw) and the craziest (in a bad bad way) is a teacher. Neither of them is "stable, mature & down to earth) although they love to describe themselves as such.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
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Jitterbug said:
trd323, the guys taking PUA workshops aren't going to nightclubs to find love. They want to get laid.


No question and more power to the guys that just want that. A great short cut, especially in a club is tell them you have blow and all is good. I guarantee you all your fantasies will come true. Threesomes, anal, foursomes, in public, whatever your heart desires. Or the other thing that PU community guys do is offer free alcohol at the VIP.

Pu community is just disgusting, it went from helping guys better themselves to manipulation and greed.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
trd323 said:

No question and more power to the guys that just want that. A great short cut, especially in a club is tell them you have blow and all is good. I guarantee you all your fantasies will come true. Threesomes, anal, foursomes, in public, whatever your heart desires. Or the other thing that PU community guys do is offer free alcohol at the VIP.

Pu community is just disgusting, it went from helping guys better themselves to manipulation and greed.
This is true. Girls, I've been to Sky Bar, but on business. They all think I have blow, so they get up close and personal.