Why do my guy freind's hate on me so much.


Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Yea so Im a freshmen in college and I have a group of guy freinds that I hang with , well there constantly rateing on me , which Im used to ,to a point . There always saying coments geared towerds me being weack, why? I dont know , maybe becouse im not a hot head and im normaly pretty chill , it just pisses me off that these guys are always talkig about geting with girl's and the only one who ever goes up and talks to chicks is me, so whats the deal , latly im getting really pist off at the bull s*** . Im tierd of them ackting like they are the sh** and that they could get so much better then me, so should I call them out on it? or should I just loose my cool and not be DJ ?



Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2003
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I agree with Top Don.

Also, be sure to enroll in ENG101 as soon as possible.


Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
You need some new friends.
These guys are lame and will only bring you down.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
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eh dont worry i got an friend like that.
tries to act alpha around everyone else.
when he's with me only he turns AFC on me.

he's all talk and exaggerates everything he says.
i know that's how he is.
sometimes he'll even try to put me down just cause im better looking than him.

stuff like this doesnt get to me cause i know thats how he is.
if i say anything slightly unfavorable to him, he'll get all pissed off like a girl.

he doesnt bring me down, cause i know how he really is like


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score

Alot of guys hate me because I'm tall and good looking.
They think that is what makes me so suave.
I try to reason with them, but they won't have it.

I've always looked the way I do.
But I wasn't always soo cool~

I was walking through a store talking with
a few women a while back, and the clerk
(who had been watching)walked by and
called me a "pretty a$$ f@gg0t whiteboy".

I laughed at him. But that move cost him his job.

Just don't let the haters get to you,
and start standing up for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
i think the problem is competition.
if you're physically better looking or richer or smarter than someone, or do something better than them, they will hate you for it and try to put you down.
yet they do nothing to improve themselves, they think they can make you feel bad and improve their self esteem by acting like ****s around you.

you will meet ppl like this throughout life, just ignore their attitude problem and let them act like the kid they are.

these guys have self esteem issues and they use their words to hurt you. if they cant hurt you, let them talk all they want.
if you're getting pissed about their **** talk, just walk away from them, they are not friends if they do this to you.

the guy i hang out with i dont even consider him a friend, he's more like a hangout buddy. i cant rely on him for ****.
he always says stuff like "eh you cant trust ___'s tastes" or other little words he says to try to hurt me i just ignore it or laugh with him cause he's being *****. he reuses the same phrases or words time and time again to put me down, and it's getting old fast.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Uh... I wouldn't ignore like what the other guys say. Ignoring just continues to breed ENVY... And envy messes up interpersonal relationships with anyone.

Take the Henry Kissinger route (if you are smart enough to know who he is) He is quiet and allowed Prez Nixon to take the spotlight.. but it was Kissinger who made all the real presidential decisions/advisement. He would never display his diplomatic superiority over others - he would be in the back and observe.. and only attack when needed. If you are going to show your "skills" with a woman, do so away from people and make sure your buddy(s) know what you're doing like "Yo bros, I'm gonna chill with this girl, do you mind?"


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ_Dork
Uh... I wouldn't ignore like what the other guys say. Ignoring just continues to breed ENVY... And envy messes up interpersonal relationships with anyone.

Take the Henry Kissinger route (if you are smart enough to know who he is) He is quiet and allowed Prez Nixon to take the spotlight.. but it was Kissinger who made all the real presidential decisions/advisement. He would never display his diplomatic superiority over others - he would be in the back and observe.. and only attack when needed. If you are going to show your "skills" with a woman, do so away from people and make sure your buddy(s) know what you're doing like "Yo bros, I'm gonna chill with this girl, do you mind?"
who's envy?? the guy doing the put down or the victim of hte put down? anyway i've hung out with this dude for 4 years and he hasnt gotten to my esteem one bit, untouched.

i have a good job ahead of me and a good life, whatever they think of me is not of my concern. if they're bitter about it, then it's their problem not mine.

that's right i agree wit hyou on that stay in the back dont be a loud mouth, you know you're better than them, you need not prove anything until it's necessary.
those dudes you hang out with cant prove anything cause they got nothing, thats why they need a loud mouth to make themselves seem "all that". let them act like a kid.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Man, I hate when people do this. Especially people you hang out with, who you consider your buddies. What I've learned is that when this occurs, you should immediately call them out on it either there or talk to them about it afterwards telling him he's really pissing you off. This usually works. However, if not, read below.

If he still does it, pretend to be laughing with him, then OUT OF NOWHERE, CHOKE HIM. I mean go from laughing to ALL OUT PSYCHO. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT PUNCH HIM or anything of that sort, but just hold his neck, and CHOKE HIM. I can almost guarantee you that NOBODY who saw that would ever shoot back at you again. Why you might ask? Because your UNPREDICTABLE. Trust me. I'm talking from experience.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
wtf? that's immediately putting you into the enemies zone.
i'd rather have one less enemy in life to deal with, no point in adding others.

speak from experience huh...well what were the results?


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2004
Reaction score
ScrewIt, I'm in the same boat:
the guy i hang out with i dont even consider him a friend, he's more like a hangout buddy. i cant rely on him for ****.
he always says stuff like "eh you cant trust ___'s tastes" or other little words he says to try to hurt me i just ignore it or laugh with him cause he's being *****. he reuses the same phrases or words time and time again to put me down, and it's getting old fast.
He's better than I could hope to be at everything. He's climbed higher mountains, slayed more dragons, banged more bicthes, and done more and better things than I could ever hope to.

Its all talk. Talk, talk, talk and everyone knows it. He's just a pathetic loser, insecure with himself.

He's currently unemployed and broke... mommy sends him money... AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

captn caveman

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score

I am the one talking to the babes,

I am the one a hottie calls the greek god,

Friend comes over,

Lokks at me from top to bottom, says,

"Greek god? She must be blind"


"The girls who thinks you are a greek god must be blind or never seen a greek god before"

I start smiling at him, in a fatherly way.. It all came so natural...

I am twenty six, oneninety tall, built, bodyfat close to twelve percent...

He is thirty, onesixtyfive, and a nice belly....

What can I say?

Just went home with one of the babes of the club, and he dropped us and another friend on his way, me still smiling....



Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by WastelandWarrior
ScrewIt, I'm in the same boat:

He's better than I could hope to be at everything. He's climbed higher mountains, slayed more dragons, banged more bicthes, and done more and better things than I could ever hope to.

Its all talk. Talk, talk, talk and everyone knows it. He's just a pathetic loser, insecure with himself.

He's currently unemployed and broke... mommy sends him money... AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

hahha it's the same for the dude i know

he's unemployed, usually broke too lol....actually his entire family is unemployed except his dad!

he's insecure and has low self-esteem just cause he's average looking.
my philosophy is being the strong silent type, in the end they will always succeed and need no words to prove something that never happened!!

as my psychology teacher always said:
"words cant hurt you, it has no power over you, it doesnt exist."
"action is the only thing that's real"


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
All my buddies used to talk garbage like this to me, then they actually see me in action and they all shut up. A few of them still talk a ton of crap, one of my friends ALWAYS **** blocks me everytime I'm talking to a girl and then he says I don't have the balls to approach a girl since he's never seen me talk to a girl before yet I hooked up with plenty of girls infront of him. Your friends are only jealous of you and try to cover there own problems by talking to you. They don't want anyone to see that they are truely the wussys.

I wouldn't recomend choking the guy though, unless you REALLY want to but your going to get punched in the face.