why do girls freak out?


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Why the **** do they do that? Why can't they be nice and say "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend", even if they don't? Don't they realize how tough it is for us to approach them and risk rejection?

Why can't they take it as a compliment (that a guy is interested in them enough to make the effort and risk a painful rejection) instead of....what? Why the hell DO they freak out? It's like they take it as an insult that another guy is interested in them. What the hell??


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
You must be coming off a little creepy and uncool. Keep trying and work on you approaches and game. At least she told you abruptly so you don't have to worry about her anymore.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
sometimes it is a matter of how they were taught to deal with certain situations. positive feminine and masculine role models are lacking in the everyday lives of even the most average people. without proper influence, how is anyone supposed to learn acceptable or assertive behavior?

ignorance is not always bliss huh?
Dec 18, 2007
Reaction score
Why don't you explain it better. State exactly what you remember of the situation that pushed you over the edge like this.

What was your opener?

What did you do before you walked over?

How was your energy?

How were you dressed?

Was she even giving you IOI's before you approached?

Was she actually busy when you approached?

Go into detail and maybe some of these guys can help you pin point a sticking point in ya game.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
I was actually asked out by 3 girls that i wasnt interested in and its a weird feeling that. Thats why i understand why some girls act like that. They might not be used to it or they just dont know how to act.
This is how i reacted

1st time was my senior year in HS when a girl in my Math class that i was sitting with asked me to the movies. It was horrible because half of the class heard it and i had no idea how to say no in a polite way. I thought about it for 5 seconds than laughed it off and said You just wanna date me since i have a car...nw way i am letting you use me...i turned it into a joke but later i found out that she had a crush on me for a while and i felt like crap.

2nd time was in computer class and this girl was very outgoing and didnt care. She kept telling me that she wanted to date me and didnt care who heard it or what i said.. i played that off too like she was joking and mentioned coupla times that i had a girl

3rd time was at work when i was talking to this girl normally when out of the blue she started singing some R&B song something like "Gimme your number , i should call you we will hang out" some crap like that. I smiled and started walking away she followed me and was like "What no response" i was like ummm what are you trying to be on American Idol ... She probobly thinks i am dumb as **** but i really hate rejecting because i feel like **** when i do.

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Because *HOT* girls get approached all the time . And they have developed this B!TCH SHIELD that protects them from this kind of things .
They also wanna feel the power of shutting a guy down in worst way .

But there are some openers that get their B!TCHSHIELD disarmed .

Work on approaching and youll be better . Also find some good openers . HI doesnt work always.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
Daddy The Pimp said:
Because *HOT* girls get approached all the time . And they have developed this B!TCH SHIELD that protects them from this kind of things .
They also wanna feel the power of shutting a guy down in worst way .

But there are some openers that get their B!TCHSHIELD disarmed .

Work on approaching and youll be better . Also find some good openers . HI doesnt work always.
exactly, they are always taught by the society taht they are on pedestals and we like little creatures approach them for a speck of their favour on us. thats why cold approach is so hard and a harder skill to acquire. go on working on this part, just keep in mind bolder and hotter teh girl, more readily she is going to open up or more chances of her freakin' out, the more shy and average the girl, harder to open her up but lesser teh freakin' outs and so. true, HI doesnt work at all times, unless she is a normal sane person. most of the modern hotties are used to walk a little too inches off the ground.