st_99 said:
I was reading rollo's blog and came across a post about this subject
but I still dont really get it. I mean, so you can draw or paint or play an insturment. Why does that make a vag wet? Is it because its a skill that directly arouses the senses (music: hearing, / art: visual)
so if i said, im an expert at computer science and can write code to create my own video game.. although a girl may understand thats an amazing talent, it doesn't not appeal to any of the senses. Or if I said, I manage 75 people at work and they directly report to me.. a girl may understand thats impressive but she cant taste, hear or see any of that.
thats my guess as to what may be happening..
One of the reasons I think is b/c they think, act, and look differently from the standard crowd.
In terms of novelty, It's the same concept when you see something novel on TV. Regardless of what it is if you see something you rarely see or never saw before, many times you'll start paying attention. That's the hook.
Girls seem to be much more prone to this type of behavior and you can confirm this when they look at fashion mags or when they go out to shop. If something "new" and stylish they will pay attention to it for a while even if they don't like it.
In terms of the way they think, many artists think outside of the box and are in a world of their own. They have their own "philosophy". Many are not bound to the rules of the system that most men live in and in fact...they are detached enough to a point where they feel they can give up or take a big hit monetarily for what they are passionate about. This is some sense, can be interpreted as a mega-alpha trait by some women.
I'm in no way downplaying your job/role and just using this an example because you conveniently provided a description about yourself, but in their lens, you can be seen as someone who is a slave of the corporate system and this would even apply to those making millions at investment banks. You describe your job as... "expert at computer science and can write code to create my own video game". That seems very technical to me and.....boring. Now I just pulled out a quotes of how an artist describes what he does:
1. "The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance."
2. Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit of which Nature herself is animated.
3. Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.
Emotional porn at its finest. Girls will eat this sh*t up. This is probably especially true for those who are disgusted working for the corporate world and want to break free of it, but can't b/c they need a means to feed themselves.
I think you are thinking too logically when you are trying to figure this out. It's not about WHAT the artist does, but the emotions that he provides. Ever sentence they say, everything they describe, the way they stare into empty just hits the women's senses and drives it up to levels that most guys cannot do.
I'm not an artist, but I have done philanthropic work in the past, made very very little money (despite coming out from top 10 undergrad and grad schools), all by my own choice in order to help people in third world countries. I had absolute convictions in what I did..and every person whether it was male/female saw that, told me that, and respected my decision. And girls? After my opener and talking to very beautiful, rich, girls, they just ATE that sh*t up. I swear I wouldn't have had a problem picking them up even if I said I was living off of my friends couch. This applies to a certain category of women, but trust me they are out there.
Also, I don't buy that you can't keep women in the long term if you're an artist. I just think that your life isn't total mess and you are keeping your sh*t together. If constant drug abuse, depression, alcoholism are there, no amount of emotional porn will keep the girl around forever.