1. Realise the areas where your parents ****ed up when raising you.
2. Realise they are assshats like all other people and like yourself and have done bad stuff same as everyone. See them the way a grown up sees another grown up. But keep your love for them.
3. Learn to say no to them.
4. Start to grow up. Set a goal and achieve it. If nothing happens in your life, then nothing good happens, then what happens must be bad doesnt it? Nothing is not bad. Nothing is nothing.
5. Understand that all people are ****ing animals and dont expect anything from anybody, let alone anything good. All the people are retarded asshats, including you, and no, youre not a good person, youre an animal, same as everyone, you operate on egoism and egoism alone. Accept it. How did you decide youre good? You were helping people who didnt need and ask for your help, then became all sad when they weren't grateful? This is pure narcissism, I was like this, and I fuked up so many people including myself. This is the primest asshollery known to man kind.
6. Profit?