I was dragged to Columbia (my old oneitis', now good friend's home country) a couple of months ago to visit her mother's side of her family, and for other...humm... rereational reasons
I thought my friend was hot, god damn. First of all, it's hot.. literarly. the women, and I'm sure it's like this most places in South america, it was my first (but not my last I promise you) time. I mean when you get in the city, it's like any other city... with a bunch of columbian hot ass women. And dirt cheap plants
AIDS is big in a lot of porer countries. I have been to a couple of countries in Africa. not kidding.... in some instances you are talking about 1 out of freakin 3 or 4 people. So bad that in one country they put a ban on SEX with all girls under a certain age, to kinda let the people with aids die off so it won't get transmited into the new generation. However, there are more serious viruses out there (i.e ones can't be stopped by keeping your **** in your pants).